HAMSTER is going to be disaster

#Hamster is going to have total circulation of 100 billion coins. Out which 60% will be for the telegram users i.e. 60 billion coins.

Now this is season 1, suppose 50 billion coins are given for season 1(mostly it will be 40-45 billion).

Based on YouTube views there are around 6 million active users who are doing all the tasks.

Suppose out of these 50 billion coins, 42 billion coins are given to 6 million users then on an they are going to have 7,000 coins each.

So, an average hard working user is going to have only 7,000 coins.

Now the market cap,

The market cap of #DOGS was 500 million. We can consider that the market cap of hamster is going to be 2 billion.

So, the price of each token is going to be 0.02 #USDT

So, an average hard working user is going to have

7000 * 0.02 = 140$

We have considered everything at the extreme cases. The real values are mostly going to be lesser than this.

I am expecting this value to be less than 100 $.