Every Single Trader have Their Own Unique Strategy

I believe that every single trader, have a unique strategy that works for their own self. I’ve seen many advice on how to trade by being a swing traders, super quick scalpers, and contrarian strategy, but in the end it’s you and your mental/psychology when you’re trading.

For me, method that suits my trading psychology is by being a contrarian. What does that means? Being a contrarian means (not limited to) watching, seeing, calculating probabilities by being the opposite of market’s movement.

The big plus of this method is the high probability of ROI, but the big cons is there’s big chance that you will be lose in “one way market trend”—super bullish/super bearish market.

One of my most success trade is by being a contrarian on longing XRP when XRP facing a flash crash, around Q4 2021, where i turn $100 into $2000++.

I highly suggest to discover your own style, master it and stick to it.

$XRP #Xrp🔥🔥 #ContrarianCrypto