Psychology Bias

As a regular trader—non professional, managing money for our own self learning how to trade through the internets, we’re usually facing some Psychological Bias.

This Bias can be in multiple forms, like having a big, irrational conviction on your fav crypto, up to bias that we think we have more skills than we actually have.

I’m interested in the second bias, it is formed unconsciously by seeing successful trader on the internet, and we’re a little narcistic to think that we’re on the same level as them, and can consistenly making profits by skills (not luck).

While the reality of regular personal traders is can be seen, roughly, like the picture below. We’ll face some loses and wins. The only way we can win and grow our portfolio is to making sure when we lose, we lose smaller than when we make a win.

Cheers, stay true. #FuturesVsSpot #TradingMadeEasy $BTC $1000SATS