This morning, the troubling news emerged that Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France. According to the arrest warrant, Telegram is accused of not doing enough to prevent illegal activities on its social media platform, and Durov is being held responsible. Telegram is closely linked to the TON Network & CryptoCoin.

Here are the three most significant changes in the data:

- The price dropped from $6.8 to $5.2, representing a decline of over 22%

- "TON Network remains strong and fully operational." This was tweeted by the official account and can be verified by on-chain data. The network (master- and workchains) are normally producing blocks.

- Open Interest increased from approximately $200 million to $360 million, an 80% increase.

In the coming days, it's crucial to monitor TON's on-chain data closely. To assist with this, I’ve developed an on-chain dashboard, which you can access via the link below 👇

Written by maartunn