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868 vues
19 Publications
Alanna - CMO at INTOverse
The Return of Data Value: Core Issues and Practical Paths in the Web3 EraIn this digital age, data has become an intangible wealth, and the ways in which we control and utilize data are undergoing profound changes. When we talk about big data, we often focus on its vast scale, high value, and wide-ranging applications. However, we rarely ask: where does this data come from? And where will it go? Under the traditional internet model, user data is monopolized by platforms, leaving users in an exploited position in data production. This unequal data production relationship not only violates users’ data rights but also hinders the full realization of data value. However, the emergence of Web3 technology offers the possibility to reshape data production relationships and build a new type of big data ecosystem. The principles advocated by Web3, such as decentralization and user-controlled data, align perfectly with INTO’s concept of “user data sovereignty.” INTO is building a new Web3 big data ecosystem where users have autonomous control over their data, and data value returns to users, all based on Web3 technology. Through systematic reshaping of data rights, circulation, application, distribution, and other processes, a completely new mechanism for the socialization of data operations is being constructed. This mechanism, centered around users, adheres to the principle of compatible incentives, guided by open collaboration, and aims for value sharing, painting a beautiful picture of a new Web3 big data ecosystem. Traditional Data Hegemony Encounters Decentralization Revolution In the earlier days of the internet, ‘big data’ typically meant that massive corporations had exclusive control over vast quantities of data. Taking advantage of their platform’s reach, these companies harvested and stockpiled extensive user data in various ways, essentially building vast data kingdoms. Much of this data was gathered without users fully realizing it, as they engaged in online activities. Although users benefited from the services these platforms provided, they were, in essence, supplying their personal data to them without clear intention or reward. The relationship between data production and control is significantly lopsided. On one side, users, who generate data, can’t manage their own information or reap any financial benefits from it. Their data ends up being a means for platform-driven profit and monopolistic power, with users essentially serving as unpaid data miners. On the flip side, the tight grip that these platforms have on data can lead to a slew of issues, including privacy invasions and the mishandling of data, which seriously compromise user rights. Even more concerning is that this monopolistic data model impedes the full realization of data value. Since data is controlled and locked by platforms, it is difficult for other entities to access and utilize this data, limiting its circulation and application. This not only results in inefficient data utilization and wastage but also stifles innovation and collaboration based on data. Data should be a public resource driving social progress, but under the shadow of monopolies, it becomes the private property of giants to exploit for profit. Faced with this unequal and irrational data production relationship, Web3 offers a completely new solution. The decentralization principles advocated by Web3 fundamentally undermine the foundation of centralized platform data monopolies. In the world of Web3, users can utilize decentralized infrastructure such as blockchain and IPFS to autonomously store, manage, and circulate data. In this model, users transition from passive data providers to data owners. They can autonomously decide how to store and use their data, as well as choose to share data for compensation, thereby benefiting from the value of the data. This means that users not only regain control over personal data but also become beneficiaries of data value. Meanwhile, decentralization also paves the way for data to flow freely and be used collaboratively. In the Web3 ecosystem, data isn’t hoarded by platforms but is accessible in an open and transparent environment. This shift facilitates the sharing and trading of data among various parties, leading to the creation of more inventive applications and services that leverage this data. As a result, the inherent value of data is unlocked and magnified across a broader spectrum. Web3 introduces an entirely new toolkit for reshaping the way we create and handle data. It empowers users with ownership over their data, heralding a groundbreaking shift away from the old ways of data dominance. This transformation is about safeguarding user rights and unlocking the true worth of data. It signifies the dawn of a new big data age — an age where data is genuinely owned by the collective. INTO recognizes this momentous shift and aims to be at the forefront, leading the charge in establishing the Web3 big data ecosystem. Web3 Big Data Ecosystem: Decentralization, Equity Restoration, Privacy Protection The Web3 Big Data Ecosystem is a data ecosystem built on Web3 technologies such as blockchain, decentralized storage, and privacy computing, distinguishing itself from traditional centralized big data systems with the following core characteristics: Firstly, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem is highly decentralized. It utilizes blockchain technology to construct a data network, achieving distributed storage and processing of data. In this network, no single node can control or manipulate the entire dataset, greatly enhancing the security and reliability of data. Decentralization also empowers users with direct control over their data. Users can control their data assets through private keys, enabling autonomous storage, management, and circulation of data. Secondly, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem restores data rights. In this ecosystem, users are no longer passive data contributors but the primary beneficiaries of data value. Through token incentives and smart contract technology, users can earn economic rewards through data sharing and transactions. This “earn money with data” model returns the channels and power of data monetization to users, reshaping the distribution pattern of the data economy and allowing ordinary users to truly share in the wealth of data. Thirdly, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem achieves unprecedented privacy protection. An intuitive approach to privacy protection is anonymization, where users’ names, phone numbers, IDs, etc., are processed anonymously, becoming a string of characters that cannot be reverse-calculated, while only meaningful data for analysis is retained. For example, zero-knowledge proof technology allows verification of data authenticity without disclosing data content; homomorphic encryption technology enables direct computation and processing of data in encrypted states. Through these technologies, even during data sharing and transactions, user privacy can be well protected. Data can circulate securely between different entities without worrying about privacy breaches. Finally, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem demonstrates unprecedented openness and inclusivity. Data barriers between different entities are broken down, allowing data to freely circulate and exchange on a larger scale. This will greatly promote the optimal allocation of data elements, stimulating more innovative applications and services based on data. At the same time, openness also implies the possibility of more value creation. Anyone can derive new business models and service scenarios based on shared data. This is the essence of the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem. INTO embarks on the journey of building a new Web3 big data ecosystem based on profound insights into this essence, innovating with technology and mechanisms, reshaping data production relationships, empowering every data entity, and ensuring that the value of data benefits all participants. Return of Data Value: INTO Leads the Way in Web3 Big Data Innovation INTO, a trailblazing project in the Web3 space, is forging a novel path in the creation of the Web3 big data ecosystem with a blend of technological advancements and innovative approaches. This strategy can be encapsulated by a “four-in-one” model: consisting of on-chain data, smart distribution, privacy protection, and value feedback. These four aspects are interwoven, supporting and enhancing each other to embody INTO’s comprehensive vision for establishing a robust Web3 big data ecosystem. Firstly, INTO utilizes blockchain technology to achieve “on-chain data,” providing decentralized infrastructure for the big data ecosystem. In the INTO ecosystem, each user’s data is encrypted and stored on the blockchain, forming a distributed database. The immutability and distributed recording of the blockchain ensure the security and reliability of data storage. Moreover, on-chain data also implies the confirmation of data ownership. Each piece of data is bound to the user’s digital identity, thus achieving native protection of data ownership. On-chain data lays a solid technological foundation for the Web3 big data ecosystem. Building on this foundation, INTO further enhances the efficiency of data circulation and utilization through the “smart distribution” mechanism. Smart distribution refers to the use of smart contracts and token incentives to achieve intelligent matching and automatic trading of data among different entities. Specifically, data demanders can express their data needs by deploying smart contracts and attaching corresponding token rewards. Data suppliers, on the other hand, can choose suitable contracts to provide data based on their own data resources and preferences. The entire process is executed automatically by smart contracts, ensuring the efficiency and fairness of data transactions. Meanwhile, token incentives also stimulate the enthusiasm of all parties to participate in data circulation, unlocking greater value in societal collaboration. Of course, the premise of data sharing and trading is privacy security. INTO fully leverages various privacy computing technologies to construct a solid “privacy protection” barrier. For example, INTO adopts technologies such as differential privacy and secure multi-party computation to achieve data fusion and analysis across organizations while protecting the original data from leakage. Even in the process of sharing data, users’ privacy remains intact. Lastly, INTO has implemented a thoughtfully crafted “value feedback” mechanism that redirects the value generated by data back to the users, ensuring a fair distribution of data dividends. Within the INTO ecosystem, users are not only granted full ownership of their personal data but also stand to gain financial benefits through various means such as data authorization and data staking in the future. This ecosystem empowers users with both complete control over their data and the opportunity to reap the real-world value it generates, actualizing the tangible value of data ownership and its associated benefits. INTO’s approach to big data represents a deep reassessment of traditional data production dynamics and a visionary investigation into the evolution of the digital economy. As INTO continues to grow and refine its offerings, it is expected to play a significant role in constructing a digital society that is equitable, open, and transparent, ultimately contributing to a more promising digital future for all. [>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) ABOUT INTOVERSE: INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #socialfi #web3crypto #Web3SocialMedia #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture

The Return of Data Value: Core Issues and Practical Paths in the Web3 Era

In this digital age, data has become an intangible wealth, and the ways in which we control and utilize data are undergoing profound changes. When we talk about big data, we often focus on its vast scale, high value, and wide-ranging applications. However, we rarely ask: where does this data come from? And where will it go? Under the traditional internet model, user data is monopolized by platforms, leaving users in an exploited position in data production. This unequal data production relationship not only violates users’ data rights but also hinders the full realization of data value.
However, the emergence of Web3 technology offers the possibility to reshape data production relationships and build a new type of big data ecosystem. The principles advocated by Web3, such as decentralization and user-controlled data, align perfectly with INTO’s concept of “user data sovereignty.” INTO is building a new Web3 big data ecosystem where users have autonomous control over their data, and data value returns to users, all based on Web3 technology. Through systematic reshaping of data rights, circulation, application, distribution, and other processes, a completely new mechanism for the socialization of data operations is being constructed. This mechanism, centered around users, adheres to the principle of compatible incentives, guided by open collaboration, and aims for value sharing, painting a beautiful picture of a new Web3 big data ecosystem.

Traditional Data Hegemony Encounters Decentralization Revolution
In the earlier days of the internet, ‘big data’ typically meant that massive corporations had exclusive control over vast quantities of data. Taking advantage of their platform’s reach, these companies harvested and stockpiled extensive user data in various ways, essentially building vast data kingdoms. Much of this data was gathered without users fully realizing it, as they engaged in online activities. Although users benefited from the services these platforms provided, they were, in essence, supplying their personal data to them without clear intention or reward.
The relationship between data production and control is significantly lopsided. On one side, users, who generate data, can’t manage their own information or reap any financial benefits from it. Their data ends up being a means for platform-driven profit and monopolistic power, with users essentially serving as unpaid data miners. On the flip side, the tight grip that these platforms have on data can lead to a slew of issues, including privacy invasions and the mishandling of data, which seriously compromise user rights.
Even more concerning is that this monopolistic data model impedes the full realization of data value. Since data is controlled and locked by platforms, it is difficult for other entities to access and utilize this data, limiting its circulation and application. This not only results in inefficient data utilization and wastage but also stifles innovation and collaboration based on data. Data should be a public resource driving social progress, but under the shadow of monopolies, it becomes the private property of giants to exploit for profit.
Faced with this unequal and irrational data production relationship, Web3 offers a completely new solution. The decentralization principles advocated by Web3 fundamentally undermine the foundation of centralized platform data monopolies. In the world of Web3, users can utilize decentralized infrastructure such as blockchain and IPFS to autonomously store, manage, and circulate data.
In this model, users transition from passive data providers to data owners. They can autonomously decide how to store and use their data, as well as choose to share data for compensation, thereby benefiting from the value of the data. This means that users not only regain control over personal data but also become beneficiaries of data value.
Meanwhile, decentralization also paves the way for data to flow freely and be used collaboratively. In the Web3 ecosystem, data isn’t hoarded by platforms but is accessible in an open and transparent environment. This shift facilitates the sharing and trading of data among various parties, leading to the creation of more inventive applications and services that leverage this data. As a result, the inherent value of data is unlocked and magnified across a broader spectrum.
Web3 introduces an entirely new toolkit for reshaping the way we create and handle data. It empowers users with ownership over their data, heralding a groundbreaking shift away from the old ways of data dominance. This transformation is about safeguarding user rights and unlocking the true worth of data. It signifies the dawn of a new big data age — an age where data is genuinely owned by the collective. INTO recognizes this momentous shift and aims to be at the forefront, leading the charge in establishing the Web3 big data ecosystem.

Web3 Big Data Ecosystem: Decentralization, Equity Restoration, Privacy Protection
The Web3 Big Data Ecosystem is a data ecosystem built on Web3 technologies such as blockchain, decentralized storage, and privacy computing, distinguishing itself from traditional centralized big data systems with the following core characteristics:
Firstly, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem is highly decentralized. It utilizes blockchain technology to construct a data network, achieving distributed storage and processing of data. In this network, no single node can control or manipulate the entire dataset, greatly enhancing the security and reliability of data. Decentralization also empowers users with direct control over their data. Users can control their data assets through private keys, enabling autonomous storage, management, and circulation of data.
Secondly, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem restores data rights. In this ecosystem, users are no longer passive data contributors but the primary beneficiaries of data value. Through token incentives and smart contract technology, users can earn economic rewards through data sharing and transactions. This “earn money with data” model returns the channels and power of data monetization to users, reshaping the distribution pattern of the data economy and allowing ordinary users to truly share in the wealth of data.
Thirdly, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem achieves unprecedented privacy protection. An intuitive approach to privacy protection is anonymization, where users’ names, phone numbers, IDs, etc., are processed anonymously, becoming a string of characters that cannot be reverse-calculated, while only meaningful data for analysis is retained. For example, zero-knowledge proof technology allows verification of data authenticity without disclosing data content; homomorphic encryption technology enables direct computation and processing of data in encrypted states. Through these technologies, even during data sharing and transactions, user privacy can be well protected. Data can circulate securely between different entities without worrying about privacy breaches.
Finally, the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem demonstrates unprecedented openness and inclusivity. Data barriers between different entities are broken down, allowing data to freely circulate and exchange on a larger scale. This will greatly promote the optimal allocation of data elements, stimulating more innovative applications and services based on data. At the same time, openness also implies the possibility of more value creation. Anyone can derive new business models and service scenarios based on shared data.
This is the essence of the Web3 Big Data Ecosystem. INTO embarks on the journey of building a new Web3 big data ecosystem based on profound insights into this essence, innovating with technology and mechanisms, reshaping data production relationships, empowering every data entity, and ensuring that the value of data benefits all participants.

Return of Data Value: INTO Leads the Way in Web3 Big Data Innovation
INTO, a trailblazing project in the Web3 space, is forging a novel path in the creation of the Web3 big data ecosystem with a blend of technological advancements and innovative approaches. This strategy can be encapsulated by a “four-in-one” model: consisting of on-chain data, smart distribution, privacy protection, and value feedback. These four aspects are interwoven, supporting and enhancing each other to embody INTO’s comprehensive vision for establishing a robust Web3 big data ecosystem.
Firstly, INTO utilizes blockchain technology to achieve “on-chain data,” providing decentralized infrastructure for the big data ecosystem. In the INTO ecosystem, each user’s data is encrypted and stored on the blockchain, forming a distributed database. The immutability and distributed recording of the blockchain ensure the security and reliability of data storage. Moreover, on-chain data also implies the confirmation of data ownership. Each piece of data is bound to the user’s digital identity, thus achieving native protection of data ownership.
On-chain data lays a solid technological foundation for the Web3 big data ecosystem. Building on this foundation, INTO further enhances the efficiency of data circulation and utilization through the “smart distribution” mechanism. Smart distribution refers to the use of smart contracts and token incentives to achieve intelligent matching and automatic trading of data among different entities.
Specifically, data demanders can express their data needs by deploying smart contracts and attaching corresponding token rewards. Data suppliers, on the other hand, can choose suitable contracts to provide data based on their own data resources and preferences. The entire process is executed automatically by smart contracts, ensuring the efficiency and fairness of data transactions. Meanwhile, token incentives also stimulate the enthusiasm of all parties to participate in data circulation, unlocking greater value in societal collaboration.
Of course, the premise of data sharing and trading is privacy security. INTO fully leverages various privacy computing technologies to construct a solid “privacy protection” barrier. For example, INTO adopts technologies such as differential privacy and secure multi-party computation to achieve data fusion and analysis across organizations while protecting the original data from leakage. Even in the process of sharing data, users’ privacy remains intact.
Lastly, INTO has implemented a thoughtfully crafted “value feedback” mechanism that redirects the value generated by data back to the users, ensuring a fair distribution of data dividends. Within the INTO ecosystem, users are not only granted full ownership of their personal data but also stand to gain financial benefits through various means such as data authorization and data staking in the future. This ecosystem empowers users with both complete control over their data and the opportunity to reap the real-world value it generates, actualizing the tangible value of data ownership and its associated benefits.
INTO’s approach to big data represents a deep reassessment of traditional data production dynamics and a visionary investigation into the evolution of the digital economy. As INTO continues to grow and refine its offerings, it is expected to play a significant role in constructing a digital society that is equitable, open, and transparent, ultimately contributing to a more promising digital future for all.

[>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined)

INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#socialfi #web3crypto #Web3SocialMedia #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture
Forging a Win-Win Ecosystem: INTO Facilitating the Value Transformation of The Web3 Gaming EcosystemThe convergence of blockchain technology’s transformative potential with the gaming industry’s limitless creativity is quietly heralding a disruptive shift in the realm of Web3 gaming. However, to unearth and realize the potential value of Web3 gaming, relying solely on a single technology or platform is far from sufficient. It calls for an open, symbiotic, and sustainable ecosystem, calling for fundamental shifts in values ​​and behavioral logic among participants. Social interaction, as the most successful business model in the Internet field, encompasses people’s daily social, shopping, work, business, gaming, finance, video, and live streaming activities, forming a diverse ecosystem. By creating the first batch of user traffic based on Web3 social interaction, developing gaming ecology to bring users new social and entertainment methods, further increasing user stickiness, and bringing more users and traffic to INTO, it continuously empowers the ecosystem. INTO not only provides the necessary technical and economic infrastructure for Web3 gaming but also opens up an innovative path for the integration and development of gaming ecology. During social interaction, it can realize the aggregation of social finance, social e-commerce, social gaming, social media, and other ecosystems, thereby achieving stronger user stickiness and activity. Opening the Door to Change: Unveiling the Innovative Path of Web3 Gaming When it comes to Web3 gaming, initially game developers and platforms typically reap the majority of profits, while players’ contributions often go unrewarded. This imbalance dampens players’ enthusiasm and hinders the healthy development of the gaming ecosystem.To tap into the true potential of Web3 gaming, we need to completely overhaul how value is distributed, making sure that everyone involved gets a fair share for their contributions. Secondly, the prevailing model for producing game content is predominantly a top-down, one-directional approach, which can suppress player creativity and diminish their sense of involvement.This leads to problems such as homogenization of game content and rigid gameplay, weakening the innovation vitality of the gaming ecosystem. To fully unleash the creative potential of Web3 gaming, the method of content production must be fundamentally reconstructed, allowing every player to become a co-creator of the gaming world. Finally, in traditional gaming ecosystems, game assets and value are difficult to freely flow across game and platform boundaries, severely constraining the prosperity of the gaming economy. To build a highly connected, dynamically circular Web3 gaming economic system, the path of value circulation must be fundamentally reconstructed, allowing game value to be efficiently allocated and appreciated on a larger scale. INTO’s first Web3 game Phantom Arena, where both wins and losses yield value returns, is set to start closed beta testing in early April. Each game requires holding Phantom Arena NFTs to participate, with only 10,000 NFTs initially issued, making them scarce resources with significant value appreciation potential. The earlier you own a Phantom Arena NFT, the earlier you have a social node and access to early game dividends. However, the initial batch of NFTs is limited in release, and acquiring Phantom Arena NFTs later on will only be possible by buying them on the NFT marketplace or by hatching Phantom Babies. The Phantom Baby hatching model aims to achieve shared ecological traffic, incentivize and mobilize active participation in all projects in the INTO social ecosystem, empowering their project tokens with value again, and attracting more ecological projects to join the INTO ecosystem and Match public chain, bringing in more user traffic into the INTO ecosystem market, once again forming a traffic aggregation effect, and further promoting the prosperity and development of the entire INTO Web3 social ecosystem system. Currently, the Star Project of the INTO platform has attracted communities of 30 projects globally. This Phantom Baby hatching plan will once again empower the community with value and attract more projects, guilds, and DAOs to join the INTO ecosystem. In summary, these problems are difficult to solve in the current network environment. To reconstruct the value system of Web3 gaming from the perspective of the ecosystem, a truly open, shared, and sustainable gaming new ecosystem must be built through systematic changes in technology, mechanisms, culture, and other aspects. This ecosystem will completely overturn the traditional value logic of games, enabling every participant to become the protagonist of the gaming world, providing fertile ground for every idea to be realized, and ensuring maximum circulation and appreciation of every value. This is the fundamental starting point and foothold for INTO to reconstruct the Web3 gaming ecosystem. INTO Reshaping the Gaming World: Exploring the New Landscape of Web3 Gaming The new ecosystem of Web3 gaming reconstructed by INTO is a value-centric, player-centric, creativity-oriented, and co-building-oriented ecosystem. In this system, the game is an open, dynamic, and continuously evolving value network. In this ecosystem, INTO’s Web3 game Phantom Arena is compatible with three public chains: Match, BSC, and ETH. The game features built-in NFT generation, an NFT marketplace, equipment exchange, NFT pools, and offers multiple players the opportunity to engage in real-time battles in chosen arenas to attain top rankings and win various rewards. Firstly, by introducing blockchain and tokenomics, INTO’s gaming ecosystem will feature a transparent, fair, and trustworthy value distribution mechanism. Under this mechanism, every participant’s contribution, whether playing games, creating content, or providing computational resources, will receive corresponding token rewards. These rewards not only reflect the immediate value of participants but also represent their long-term commitment and trust in the gaming ecosystem. Through this approach, INTO achieves fair distribution of game earnings among all participants, stimulating intrinsic motivation for participation and contribution. Secondly, by introducing DAO mechanisms, INTO hands over the decision-making power of the game to the player community. In this ecosystem, every token holder can equally participate in the governance process of the game, including proposing, discussing, and voting. These proposals may involve modifications to game rules, allocation of development resources, arbitration of disputes, and more. Through DAO, the development direction and major decisions of the game will be jointly determined by community members. The “community-driven” governance model guarantees that the game’s development is consistently aligned with the players’ interests and needs, thereby actualizing true player autonomy. Ultimately, this ecosystem facilitates the reconfiguration of game value exchange. INTO creates an open, interconnected value network that seamlessly integrates in-game value with external value circulation channels.Within the ecosystem, players can freely trade, lease, and stake their game assets (such as NFTs, tokens, etc.), facilitating value flow and appreciation. Outside the ecosystem, INTO also supports cross-chain value transfer and cross-platform identity authentication, allowing players’ assets and identities to migrate freely between different games and platforms. Through this approach, INTO greatly expands the space for game value circulation, enabling every piece of value to find the best path to realization. INTO drives the construction of a new ecosystem for Web3 gaming INTO’s drive towards the construction of a new ecosystem for Web3 gaming can be summarized as a “three-in-one” ecological restructuring strategy. These four dimensions are respectively the value reconstruction at the technical level, the incentive reconstruction at the economic level, and the governance reconstruction at the community level. They support each other, promote each other, and together build INTO’s Web3 gaming ecosystem. Firstly, at the technical level, by utilizing blockchain technology, INTO builds a secure, transparent, and trustworthy value infrastructure. Specifically, INTO utilizes the characteristics of blockchain such as distributed ledger and smart contracts to digitize and tokenize game assets. Each virtual item within the game, such as equipment, props, characters, etc., is mapped to a unique NFT. These NFTs represent the real ownership of players over game assets and can be freely traded, leased, pledged, etc., similar to real-world assets, achieving value reconstruction. Secondly, at the economic level, INTO designs a mutually beneficial token economic model to build a fair, efficient, and sustainable value distribution mechanism. In this system, INTO’s gaming ecosystem will use $TOX, and players can earn $TOX by contributing in the game, such as gameplay duration, achievement levels, content creation, resource sharing, etc. These $TOX tokens are not only immediate rewards for player contributions but also basic credentials for participating in game governance and sharing game earnings. In this model, every game action of players is a process of creating value and can receive corresponding economic returns, greatly stimulating players’ enthusiasm and creativity, providing a continuous source of intrinsic motivation for the prosperity of the gaming ecosystem. Lastly, at the community level, it is through shaping values and establishing behavioral paradigms to build an open, inclusive, and innovative gaming culture ecosystem. INTO advocates core Web3 values such as “decentralization,” “co-creation and sharing,” and “player sovereignty,” deeply embedding them into game design, community building, economic models, etc. Guided by these principles, INTO actively promotes the openness of game creation and gameplay, encourages player participation in the production and governance of game content, advocates for shared mechanisms for resources and earnings, promotes the fair distribution of game benefits among all participants, and consistently upholds the principle of player interests first, respecting and safeguarding players’ sovereignty rights over their game assets and data. It can be foreseen that as INTO’s ecological restructuring continues to deepen, a truly meaningful Web3 gaming new ecosystem, a new type of gaming economic form characterized by player-centeredness, creativity orientation, and co-building and sharing, will accelerate under INTO’s leadership. The rise of this new ecosystem will not only redefine the direction of the gaming industry, it will also offer a clear and impactful example of what the digital economy era will bring. [>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) ABOUT INTOVERSE: INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #socialfi #web3crypto #Web3SocialMedia #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture

Forging a Win-Win Ecosystem: INTO Facilitating the Value Transformation of The Web3 Gaming Ecosystem

The convergence of blockchain technology’s transformative potential with the gaming industry’s limitless creativity is quietly heralding a disruptive shift in the realm of Web3 gaming. However, to unearth and realize the potential value of Web3 gaming, relying solely on a single technology or platform is far from sufficient. It calls for an open, symbiotic, and sustainable ecosystem, calling for fundamental shifts in values ​​and behavioral logic among participants.
Social interaction, as the most successful business model in the Internet field, encompasses people’s daily social, shopping, work, business, gaming, finance, video, and live streaming activities, forming a diverse ecosystem. By creating the first batch of user traffic based on Web3 social interaction, developing gaming ecology to bring users new social and entertainment methods, further increasing user stickiness, and bringing more users and traffic to INTO, it continuously empowers the ecosystem. INTO not only provides the necessary technical and economic infrastructure for Web3 gaming but also opens up an innovative path for the integration and development of gaming ecology. During social interaction, it can realize the aggregation of social finance, social e-commerce, social gaming, social media, and other ecosystems, thereby achieving stronger user stickiness and activity.

Opening the Door to Change: Unveiling the Innovative Path of Web3 Gaming
When it comes to Web3 gaming, initially game developers and platforms typically reap the majority of profits, while players’ contributions often go unrewarded. This imbalance dampens players’ enthusiasm and hinders the healthy development of the gaming ecosystem.To tap into the true potential of Web3 gaming, we need to completely overhaul how value is distributed, making sure that everyone involved gets a fair share for their contributions.
Secondly, the prevailing model for producing game content is predominantly a top-down, one-directional approach, which can suppress player creativity and diminish their sense of involvement.This leads to problems such as homogenization of game content and rigid gameplay, weakening the innovation vitality of the gaming ecosystem. To fully unleash the creative potential of Web3 gaming, the method of content production must be fundamentally reconstructed, allowing every player to become a co-creator of the gaming world.
Finally, in traditional gaming ecosystems, game assets and value are difficult to freely flow across game and platform boundaries, severely constraining the prosperity of the gaming economy. To build a highly connected, dynamically circular Web3 gaming economic system, the path of value circulation must be fundamentally reconstructed, allowing game value to be efficiently allocated and appreciated on a larger scale. INTO’s first Web3 game Phantom Arena, where both wins and losses yield value returns, is set to start closed beta testing in early April. Each game requires holding Phantom Arena NFTs to participate, with only 10,000 NFTs initially issued, making them scarce resources with significant value appreciation potential.
The earlier you own a Phantom Arena NFT, the earlier you have a social node and access to early game dividends. However, the initial batch of NFTs is limited in release, and acquiring Phantom Arena NFTs later on will only be possible by buying them on the NFT marketplace or by hatching Phantom Babies.
The Phantom Baby hatching model aims to achieve shared ecological traffic, incentivize and mobilize active participation in all projects in the INTO social ecosystem, empowering their project tokens with value again, and attracting more ecological projects to join the INTO ecosystem and Match public chain, bringing in more user traffic into the INTO ecosystem market, once again forming a traffic aggregation effect, and further promoting the prosperity and development of the entire INTO Web3 social ecosystem system.
Currently, the Star Project of the INTO platform has attracted communities of 30 projects globally. This Phantom Baby hatching plan will once again empower the community with value and attract more projects, guilds, and DAOs to join the INTO ecosystem.
In summary, these problems are difficult to solve in the current network environment. To reconstruct the value system of Web3 gaming from the perspective of the ecosystem, a truly open, shared, and sustainable gaming new ecosystem must be built through systematic changes in technology, mechanisms, culture, and other aspects. This ecosystem will completely overturn the traditional value logic of games, enabling every participant to become the protagonist of the gaming world, providing fertile ground for every idea to be realized, and ensuring maximum circulation and appreciation of every value. This is the fundamental starting point and foothold for INTO to reconstruct the Web3 gaming ecosystem.

INTO Reshaping the Gaming World: Exploring the New Landscape of Web3 Gaming
The new ecosystem of Web3 gaming reconstructed by INTO is a value-centric, player-centric, creativity-oriented, and co-building-oriented ecosystem. In this system, the game is an open, dynamic, and continuously evolving value network. In this ecosystem, INTO’s Web3 game Phantom Arena is compatible with three public chains: Match, BSC, and ETH. The game features built-in NFT generation, an NFT marketplace, equipment exchange, NFT pools, and offers multiple players the opportunity to engage in real-time battles in chosen arenas to attain top rankings and win various rewards.
Firstly, by introducing blockchain and tokenomics, INTO’s gaming ecosystem will feature a transparent, fair, and trustworthy value distribution mechanism. Under this mechanism, every participant’s contribution, whether playing games, creating content, or providing computational resources, will receive corresponding token rewards. These rewards not only reflect the immediate value of participants but also represent their long-term commitment and trust in the gaming ecosystem. Through this approach, INTO achieves fair distribution of game earnings among all participants, stimulating intrinsic motivation for participation and contribution.
Secondly, by introducing DAO mechanisms, INTO hands over the decision-making power of the game to the player community. In this ecosystem, every token holder can equally participate in the governance process of the game, including proposing, discussing, and voting. These proposals may involve modifications to game rules, allocation of development resources, arbitration of disputes, and more. Through DAO, the development direction and major decisions of the game will be jointly determined by community members. The “community-driven” governance model guarantees that the game’s development is consistently aligned with the players’ interests and needs, thereby actualizing true player autonomy.
Ultimately, this ecosystem facilitates the reconfiguration of game value exchange. INTO creates an open, interconnected value network that seamlessly integrates in-game value with external value circulation channels.Within the ecosystem, players can freely trade, lease, and stake their game assets (such as NFTs, tokens, etc.), facilitating value flow and appreciation. Outside the ecosystem, INTO also supports cross-chain value transfer and cross-platform identity authentication, allowing players’ assets and identities to migrate freely between different games and platforms. Through this approach, INTO greatly expands the space for game value circulation, enabling every piece of value to find the best path to realization.
INTO drives the construction of a new ecosystem for Web3 gaming

INTO’s drive towards the construction of a new ecosystem for Web3 gaming can be summarized as a “three-in-one” ecological restructuring strategy. These four dimensions are respectively the value reconstruction at the technical level, the incentive reconstruction at the economic level, and the governance reconstruction at the community level. They support each other, promote each other, and together build INTO’s Web3 gaming ecosystem.
Firstly, at the technical level, by utilizing blockchain technology, INTO builds a secure, transparent, and trustworthy value infrastructure. Specifically, INTO utilizes the characteristics of blockchain such as distributed ledger and smart contracts to digitize and tokenize game assets. Each virtual item within the game, such as equipment, props, characters, etc., is mapped to a unique NFT. These NFTs represent the real ownership of players over game assets and can be freely traded, leased, pledged, etc., similar to real-world assets, achieving value reconstruction.
Secondly, at the economic level, INTO designs a mutually beneficial token economic model to build a fair, efficient, and sustainable value distribution mechanism. In this system, INTO’s gaming ecosystem will use $TOX, and players can earn $TOX by contributing in the game, such as gameplay duration, achievement levels, content creation, resource sharing, etc. These $TOX tokens are not only immediate rewards for player contributions but also basic credentials for participating in game governance and sharing game earnings. In this model, every game action of players is a process of creating value and can receive corresponding economic returns, greatly stimulating players’ enthusiasm and creativity, providing a continuous source of intrinsic motivation for the prosperity of the gaming ecosystem.
Lastly, at the community level, it is through shaping values and establishing behavioral paradigms to build an open, inclusive, and innovative gaming culture ecosystem. INTO advocates core Web3 values such as “decentralization,” “co-creation and sharing,” and “player sovereignty,” deeply embedding them into game design, community building, economic models, etc. Guided by these principles, INTO actively promotes the openness of game creation and gameplay, encourages player participation in the production and governance of game content, advocates for shared mechanisms for resources and earnings, promotes the fair distribution of game benefits among all participants, and consistently upholds the principle of player interests first, respecting and safeguarding players’ sovereignty rights over their game assets and data.
It can be foreseen that as INTO’s ecological restructuring continues to deepen, a truly meaningful Web3 gaming new ecosystem, a new type of gaming economic form characterized by player-centeredness, creativity orientation, and co-building and sharing, will accelerate under INTO’s leadership. The rise of this new ecosystem will not only redefine the direction of the gaming industry, it will also offer a clear and impactful example of what the digital economy era will bring.

[>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined)

INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#socialfi #web3crypto #Web3SocialMedia #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture
INTO’s Rapid Rise: Pioneering the Future of Decentralized Social Networking in 20242024 is destined to be a pivotal year for Web3 development. With concepts like decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePIN)and the metaverse continuing to gain traction, Web3 is attracting widespread attention and a surge of capital. Among the various tracks within Web3, social networking undoubtedly stands out as one of the most vibrant and innovative sectors.As an early participant in this track, INTO has been actively establishing its presence since early 2023, and within just a few months of its launch, it has distinguished itself within the industry with its unique appeal. INTO’s emergence brings new possibilities for social networking within the Web3 space, actively paving the way for a comprehensive decentralized social ecosystem. With a blue ocean market of 4.5 billion users, Web3 social leads the trend Since the dawn of the internet, social networking has consistently been a focal point of interest and value. From the bulletin board systems (BBS) and blogs that characterized the Web1 era to the rise of platforms like Weibo, WeChat, Facebook, and Twitter during the Web2 era, and onto today’s blockchain-based social platforms in the Web3 era, the evolution of social platforms is evident. Yet, through all these changes, their commercial value and influence have only continued to expand every day.. According to statistics, the global social media user base has exceeded 4.5 billion and is still growing at a rate of 10% per year. Social platforms not only connect people but also reshape people’s lifestyles and business models. It’s often said that whoever controls the social platform controls the future of the Internet. The emergence of Web3 is bringing unparalleled opportunities to the social field. Web3 emphasizes decentralization, data privacy protection, and user rights, factors which are fundamentally different from those associated with traditional centralized social platforms. In Web3 social networking, users can truly control their own data assets.This concept has resonated widely since its introduction. At the same time, Web3 social provides users with more diversified ways of creating and obtaining value. For example, users can tokenize their influence, realize the rights and transactions of digital assets; they can get token incentives by contributing content; and they can participate in DAO governance, truly becoming the owners of the platform. These possibilities are unimaginable in traditional Web2 social networking. Hence, Web3 social networking signifies an untapped blue ocean market, with a potential scope that is vast and difficult to quantify. An increasing number of leading projects and entrepreneurial teams are venturing into the Web3 social arena, signaling the onset of a quiet social revolution. Among the myriad of Web3 social initiatives, INTO stands out prominently. With a sharp sense of the evolving trends in Web3 social networking, INTO has adopted a distinctive product design strategy. Endorsed by Millions of Users, INTO’s Global Community Ecosystem Layout Since its official launch in June 2023, INTO has risen at an astonishing pace, becoming a well-deserved star project in the Web3 social realm. From its initial testing phase, to the launch of social mining, and further to the public beta and mainnet launch, INTO has amassed a user base of millions in just a few short months. According to official data, as of March 2024, INTO has nearly 10 million registered users, with close to 800,000 users completing SBT digital identity authentication, and a stable daily active user count in the hundreds of thousands. In the entire Web3 landscape, few projects have achieved such results in such a short period of time. The rapid growth of INTO is attributed to its remarkable achievements in global community building. Since the second half of 2023, INTO has embarked on a global community layout. Currently, INTO has coverage in nearly 100 countries or regions worldwide, and has established local communities and offline offices in some key cities, with city nodes spanning major regions globally. This “rooted in local, layout global” community strategy has enabled INTO to quickly establish a globally spanning social network. In addition to community building, INTO also places great emphasis on the expansion of its ecosystem applications. INTO understands the internet rule of “content is king, traffic is emperor”. In order to retain and activate users, and thus the platform has expanded into areas such as content and entertainment beyond social networking. Among them, blockchain gaming is a recent highlight in the INTO ecosystem, with the highly anticipated debut blockchain game “PhantomArena” receiving cooperation intentions from several leading gaming guilds including YGG. It is anticipated that this game will be deeply integrated with the INTO ecosystem, bringing users more diverse entertainment experiences and income opportunities. And this is just the beginning of the INTO blockchain gaming ecosystem. Looking ahead, INTO will collaborate with more high-quality gaming projects to jointly create the “blockchain gaming flagship” of the Web3 era. Meanwhile, INTO is actively embracing the NFT track. INTO sees NFTs as a bridge connecting digital content creators and consumers, and is planning to build a decentralized NFT issuance and trading platform. Creators can freely issue personal NFT works here and share revenue with fans. This will undoubtedly attract more content creators to join the INTO ecosystem, injecting a continuous stream of high-quality content into the platform. Undoubtedly, INTO remains committed to building its ecosystem. As the INTO ecosystem broadens, the bond between INTO and its users strengthens, enhancing the platform’s value. INTO is more than a mere social network; it’s a portal that bridges users to the digital realm. This pivotal role is the key reason why INTO is at the forefront of the Web3 social movement. Privacy security, rights protection, INTO interprets true decentralized social networking INTO’s swift ascent and leadership in the Web3 social space can be attributed to its distinctive product design and technological breakthroughs. Essentially, INTO has established its own unique “moat” rooted in its product philosophy and core strengths. Firstly, INTO is a truly decentralized social network. Unlike the concept of “users serve me” on traditional Web2 social platforms, INTO adheres to the principle of “platform serves users,” fully respecting and protecting user rights. In the INTO ecosystem, users can fully control their social data and digital assets, and the platform will not steal or misuse user privacy in any form. This decentralized product logic allows users to truly share and socialize on INTO with peace of mind, which is the key factor for INTO to quickly accumulate user reputation and trust. Secondly, INTO has achieved a breakthrough innovation of “on-chain social relationships” through a sophisticated SBT (Soul bound Token) system. On the INTO platform, each user has a unique SBT digital identity. This identity not only consists of an address or ID but also carries key information such as the user’s social relationships, interaction behaviors, and contribution values, on the INTO platform. The SBT identity enables seamless correspondence between users’ online and offline identities, quantifying and circulating social relationships and user value. This distinctive advantage is what separates INTO from competing social media offerings Moreover, INTO displays remarkable innovation in its technical framework. It integrates a variety of advanced technologies, including IPFS, zero-knowledge proofs, and homomorphic encryption, to balance high performance with robust user privacy protection. For instance, INTO leverages zero-knowledge proofs to facilitate “blind following relationships,” enabling users to demonstrate their social connections without revealing their follower lists. Simultaneously, homomorphic encryption technology allows the storage of user-sensitive data on the blockchain in an encrypted format, inaccessible even to the project team. Such technological innovations offer strong backing to the foundational principles of INTO’s products. Finally, INTO has a clear and grand vision for development. INTO’s ultimate goal is to establish a true “Web3 social space” owned by users and serving users. In this empire, every user is an equal node, participating in community governance and ecosystem construction together. Every digital footprint left by users on INTO will be transformed into a manifestation of personal value. This is a magnificent blueprint comparable to Web2 social giants and is the core competitiveness that sets INTO apart from other projects. Technology-driven with ecosystem growth, INTO is brimming with potential Looking at INTO’s development trajectory and ecosystem layout, it’s easy to see that INTO is not just a rapidly growing social platform, but also a Web3 ecosystem project with enormous development potential and investment opportunities. Firstly, INTO is backed by a highly capable and influential team. Most of INTO’s core members come from top Internet companies such as Tencent and Alibaba, accumulating rich experience in product, technology, and operations. Additionally, INTO has attracted a group of top talents from the blockchain industry, who possess deep understanding and forward-thinking about Web3. It is with the support of such a strong team that INTO has emerged as a rising star in the Web3 social track and continuously positioned itself ahead in ecosystem construction. It is foreseeable that as the INTO ecosystem continues to expand, this team will continue to lead INTO towards higher goals, leveraging the “leader effect”. Secondly, INTO has demonstrated extraordinary ability in integrating industry resources. Since the second half of 2023, INTO has frequently appeared at various industry summits and forums. From global Web3 ecosystem conferences to Asian blockchain leader summits, and to investment forums of top exchanges, INTO’s presence is everywhere. Through these industry events, INTO has rapidly accumulated a large number of cooperative resources and industry connections. For example, INTO has successively reached ecological cooperation with top projects such as MEXC, HTX, and Gate, jointly promoting the construction of Web3 social infrastructure. This development strategy of “joining forces” has earned INTO high reputation and influence in the industry, laying a solid resource foundation for its future development. Lastly, the track where INTO is positioned has vast growth potential. Web3 social is one of the most imaginative areas in the decentralized wave. With the awakening of internet users’ privacy protection awareness and the increasing demand for digital asset ownership, decentralized social networking will undoubtedly become the mainstream direction of future development. Innovative projects like INTO are the pioneers and leaders in this track. For investors, INTO represents an attractive opportunity that combines growth prospects with a safety margin. On one hand, INTO’s tokenomics are meticulously crafted, closely linking the token’s value to the platform’s expansion. As the platform ecosystem flourishes, the inherent value of the token is bound to increase. Particularly with the deflationary mechanism of $TOX and the ongoing diversification of its use cases, the token is poised for strong growth potential and solid foundational support. Looking back at INTO’s development journey at the 2024 time node, we have every reason to be full of imagination and expectations for its future. INTO is building an unprecedented decentralized social ecosystem, representing the most exciting innovative force and trend of change in the Web3 era. [>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) ABOUT INTOVERSE: INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #socialfi #web3crypto #Web3SocialMedia #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture

INTO’s Rapid Rise: Pioneering the Future of Decentralized Social Networking in 2024

2024 is destined to be a pivotal year for Web3 development. With concepts like decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePIN)and the metaverse continuing to gain traction, Web3 is attracting widespread attention and a surge of capital. Among the various tracks within Web3, social networking undoubtedly stands out as one of the most vibrant and innovative sectors.As an early participant in this track, INTO has been actively establishing its presence since early 2023, and within just a few months of its launch, it has distinguished itself within the industry with its unique appeal. INTO’s emergence brings new possibilities for social networking within the Web3 space, actively paving the way for a comprehensive decentralized social ecosystem.

With a blue ocean market of 4.5 billion users, Web3 social leads the trend
Since the dawn of the internet, social networking has consistently been a focal point of interest and value. From the bulletin board systems (BBS) and blogs that characterized the Web1 era to the rise of platforms like Weibo, WeChat, Facebook, and Twitter during the Web2 era, and onto today’s blockchain-based social platforms in the Web3 era, the evolution of social platforms is evident. Yet, through all these changes, their commercial value and influence have only continued to expand every day..
According to statistics, the global social media user base has exceeded 4.5 billion and is still growing at a rate of 10% per year. Social platforms not only connect people but also reshape people’s lifestyles and business models. It’s often said that whoever controls the social platform controls the future of the Internet.
The emergence of Web3 is bringing unparalleled opportunities to the social field. Web3 emphasizes decentralization, data privacy protection, and user rights, factors which are fundamentally different from those associated with traditional centralized social platforms. In Web3 social networking, users can truly control their own data assets.This concept has resonated widely since its introduction.
At the same time, Web3 social provides users with more diversified ways of creating and obtaining value. For example, users can tokenize their influence, realize the rights and transactions of digital assets; they can get token incentives by contributing content; and they can participate in DAO governance, truly becoming the owners of the platform. These possibilities are unimaginable in traditional Web2 social networking.
Hence, Web3 social networking signifies an untapped blue ocean market, with a potential scope that is vast and difficult to quantify. An increasing number of leading projects and entrepreneurial teams are venturing into the Web3 social arena, signaling the onset of a quiet social revolution. Among the myriad of Web3 social initiatives, INTO stands out prominently. With a sharp sense of the evolving trends in Web3 social networking, INTO has adopted a distinctive product design strategy.

Endorsed by Millions of Users, INTO’s Global Community Ecosystem Layout
Since its official launch in June 2023, INTO has risen at an astonishing pace, becoming a well-deserved star project in the Web3 social realm.
From its initial testing phase, to the launch of social mining, and further to the public beta and mainnet launch, INTO has amassed a user base of millions in just a few short months. According to official data, as of March 2024, INTO has nearly 10 million registered users, with close to 800,000 users completing SBT digital identity authentication, and a stable daily active user count in the hundreds of thousands. In the entire Web3 landscape, few projects have achieved such results in such a short period of time.
The rapid growth of INTO is attributed to its remarkable achievements in global community building. Since the second half of 2023, INTO has embarked on a global community layout. Currently, INTO has coverage in nearly 100 countries or regions worldwide, and has established local communities and offline offices in some key cities, with city nodes spanning major regions globally. This “rooted in local, layout global” community strategy has enabled INTO to quickly establish a globally spanning social network.
In addition to community building, INTO also places great emphasis on the expansion of its ecosystem applications. INTO understands the internet rule of “content is king, traffic is emperor”. In order to retain and activate users, and thus the platform has expanded into areas such as content and entertainment beyond social networking. Among them, blockchain gaming is a recent highlight in the INTO ecosystem, with the highly anticipated debut blockchain game “PhantomArena” receiving cooperation intentions from several leading gaming guilds including YGG. It is anticipated that this game will be deeply integrated with the INTO ecosystem, bringing users more diverse entertainment experiences and income opportunities. And this is just the beginning of the INTO blockchain gaming ecosystem. Looking ahead, INTO will collaborate with more high-quality gaming projects to jointly create the “blockchain gaming flagship” of the Web3 era.
Meanwhile, INTO is actively embracing the NFT track. INTO sees NFTs as a bridge connecting digital content creators and consumers, and is planning to build a decentralized NFT issuance and trading platform. Creators can freely issue personal NFT works here and share revenue with fans. This will undoubtedly attract more content creators to join the INTO ecosystem, injecting a continuous stream of high-quality content into the platform.
Undoubtedly, INTO remains committed to building its ecosystem. As the INTO ecosystem broadens, the bond between INTO and its users strengthens, enhancing the platform’s value. INTO is more than a mere social network; it’s a portal that bridges users to the digital realm. This pivotal role is the key reason why INTO is at the forefront of the Web3 social movement.

Privacy security, rights protection, INTO interprets true decentralized social networking
INTO’s swift ascent and leadership in the Web3 social space can be attributed to its distinctive product design and technological breakthroughs. Essentially, INTO has established its own unique “moat” rooted in its product philosophy and core strengths.
Firstly, INTO is a truly decentralized social network. Unlike the concept of “users serve me” on traditional Web2 social platforms, INTO adheres to the principle of “platform serves users,” fully respecting and protecting user rights. In the INTO ecosystem, users can fully control their social data and digital assets, and the platform will not steal or misuse user privacy in any form. This decentralized product logic allows users to truly share and socialize on INTO with peace of mind, which is the key factor for INTO to quickly accumulate user reputation and trust.
Secondly, INTO has achieved a breakthrough innovation of “on-chain social relationships” through a sophisticated SBT (Soul bound Token) system. On the INTO platform, each user has a unique SBT digital identity. This identity not only consists of an address or ID but also carries key information such as the user’s social relationships, interaction behaviors, and contribution values, on the INTO platform. The SBT identity enables seamless correspondence between users’ online and offline identities, quantifying and circulating social relationships and user value. This distinctive advantage is what separates INTO from competing social media offerings
Moreover, INTO displays remarkable innovation in its technical framework. It integrates a variety of advanced technologies, including IPFS, zero-knowledge proofs, and homomorphic encryption, to balance high performance with robust user privacy protection. For instance, INTO leverages zero-knowledge proofs to facilitate “blind following relationships,” enabling users to demonstrate their social connections without revealing their follower lists. Simultaneously, homomorphic encryption technology allows the storage of user-sensitive data on the blockchain in an encrypted format, inaccessible even to the project team. Such technological innovations offer strong backing to the foundational principles of INTO’s products.
Finally, INTO has a clear and grand vision for development. INTO’s ultimate goal is to establish a true “Web3 social space” owned by users and serving users. In this empire, every user is an equal node, participating in community governance and ecosystem construction together. Every digital footprint left by users on INTO will be transformed into a manifestation of personal value. This is a magnificent blueprint comparable to Web2 social giants and is the core competitiveness that sets INTO apart from other projects.
Technology-driven with ecosystem growth, INTO is brimming with potential
Looking at INTO’s development trajectory and ecosystem layout, it’s easy to see that INTO is not just a rapidly growing social platform, but also a Web3 ecosystem project with enormous development potential and investment opportunities.
Firstly, INTO is backed by a highly capable and influential team. Most of INTO’s core members come from top Internet companies such as Tencent and Alibaba, accumulating rich experience in product, technology, and operations. Additionally, INTO has attracted a group of top talents from the blockchain industry, who possess deep understanding and forward-thinking about Web3. It is with the support of such a strong team that INTO has emerged as a rising star in the Web3 social track and continuously positioned itself ahead in ecosystem construction. It is foreseeable that as the INTO ecosystem continues to expand, this team will continue to lead INTO towards higher goals, leveraging the “leader effect”.
Secondly, INTO has demonstrated extraordinary ability in integrating industry resources. Since the second half of 2023, INTO has frequently appeared at various industry summits and forums. From global Web3 ecosystem conferences to Asian blockchain leader summits, and to investment forums of top exchanges, INTO’s presence is everywhere. Through these industry events, INTO has rapidly accumulated a large number of cooperative resources and industry connections. For example, INTO has successively reached ecological cooperation with top projects such as MEXC, HTX, and Gate, jointly promoting the construction of Web3 social infrastructure. This development strategy of “joining forces” has earned INTO high reputation and influence in the industry, laying a solid resource foundation for its future development.
Lastly, the track where INTO is positioned has vast growth potential. Web3 social is one of the most imaginative areas in the decentralized wave. With the awakening of internet users’ privacy protection awareness and the increasing demand for digital asset ownership, decentralized social networking will undoubtedly become the mainstream direction of future development. Innovative projects like INTO are the pioneers and leaders in this track.
For investors, INTO represents an attractive opportunity that combines growth prospects with a safety margin. On one hand, INTO’s tokenomics are meticulously crafted, closely linking the token’s value to the platform’s expansion. As the platform ecosystem flourishes, the inherent value of the token is bound to increase. Particularly with the deflationary mechanism of $TOX and the ongoing diversification of its use cases, the token is poised for strong growth potential and solid foundational support.
Looking back at INTO’s development journey at the 2024 time node, we have every reason to be full of imagination and expectations for its future. INTO is building an unprecedented decentralized social ecosystem, representing the most exciting innovative force and trend of change in the Web3 era.

[>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined)

INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#socialfi #web3crypto #Web3SocialMedia #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture
Web3’s New Engine: INTO’s Innovative All-Encompassing EcosystemWhen the revolutionary power of blockchain technology meets the widespread connectivity of the Internet, a disruptive transformation of Web3 is quietly emerging. Wallets are becoming the critical access point for users in the Web3 realm, taking on significant roles and responsibilities.. However, traditional wallets with their single functionality, fragmented user experiences, and lack of innovation are struggling to meet the growing demands of users in the Web3 era. The current wallet model has become a bottleneck restricting the development of Web3. The future of Web3 calls for a new form of wallet, a paradigm that truly empowers users, connects ecosystems, and creates value. INTO’s “Wallet+” ecosystem embodies our innovative approach to meeting these emerging requirements. Cognitive Reconstruction: Beyond Payments, Embracing Infinity The perception of traditional wallets is often limited to payment functionality. However, INTO’s “Wallet+” strategy has initiated a fundamental reconceptualization of the essence of wallets. Here, wallets are no longer just payment tools but comprehensive mappings of users in the digital world, serving as crucial bridges connecting the virtual and the real. This innovative perception will bring about a fundamental transformation in user experience and open up endless possibilities for industry development. Firstly, there is digital identity, sovereignty in hand. Each address in the INTO wallet will correspond uniquely to a decentralized identity (DID). This identity is fully controlled by the user and can be securely transplanted and used across various Web3 applications. This means that whether you’re playing games, socializing, or shopping on any platform, you can use the same “INTO identity,” truly achieving “one identity, crossing Web3.” As of March 25th, the number of authenticated INTO users has exceeded 860,000. This autonomous and controllable identity management model not only greatly simplifies users’ login and authentication processes but also provides a solid foundation for privacy protection and trust building in the digital world. As Web3 develops, decentralized identities will inevitably become the basic units of the digital society. The INTO wallet, with DID as its cornerstone, is poised to play a key role in the identity revolution of the Web3 era and lead the industry in its development direction. Secondly, there is asset aggregation, all in one view. The INTO wallet will serve as the central control center for all your digital assets. Whether it’s coins, NFTs, or various on-chain assets, you can manage and operate them all in one place. You can easily view your asset distribution, conduct cross-chain transfers, and set up intelligent investment strategies. This asset aggregation feature not only brings great convenience to users but also opens up new possibilities for the circulation and application of digital assets. With the development of the digital economy, more and more value will exist in the form of tokens. Through asset aggregation, the INTO wallet provides users with a global perspective, helping them better control their digital wealth. Lastly, there is social empowerment, connecting without boundaries. The INTO wallet will be your guide to starting the Web3 social journey. Based on wallet addresses, you can establish connections with like-minded friends, share insights, and explore opportunities together. Based on NFT-based social graphs, you will discover more potential value connections. Here, your social network will no longer be limited to any single platform but will freely extend to the entire Web3 world. Currently, social networks are gradually moving to the blockchain, becoming publicly transparent, secure, and trustworthy data structures. The INTO wallet will become the link connecting on-chain social relationships, helping users discover value, manage reputation, and accumulate influence. Ecological Integration: Protocol Standards, Interconnection The true significance of “Wallet+” lies not only in innovating personal experiences but also in reshaping industry ecosystems. Through the “Wallet+” strategy, INTO aims to break through data silos, establish protocol standards, integrate application scenarios, and ultimately achieve interconnection and vitality in the Web3 world. This ecological-level integration will inject continuous new energy into industry development. It’s important to understand that the current Web3 ecosystem faces a serious problem of “data silos.” Users’ identities, assets, and social data across different applications are difficult to connect, leading to fragmented experiences and hindered value flow. This has become a major bottleneck restricting industry development. In the future, INTO will use “Wallet+” as a lever to create a user-centric data interoperability layer. By establishing unified data models and API standards, INTO will seamlessly connect wallets with various Web3 applications. Whether it’s identity data or behavioral data, they can flow securely and efficiently between different applications under user authorization. This will greatly enhance data utilization efficiency and create possibilities for cross-scenario collaboration. Furthermore, the prosperity of the ecosystem requires standard guidance. INTO will collaborate with industry partners to jointly formulate access standards and interoperability protocols for “Wallet+.” These standards will regulate the way wallets connect with various Web3 applications, define API interfaces for data exchange, and ensure the bottom line of security and privacy. This approach will drastically lower the barriers and costs of app development, hastening the deployment and evolution of innovative work, while also establishing a technical standard within the industry to prevent unnecessary duplication and resource waste.. The “Wallet+” standard led by INTO is expected to become the infrastructure of the Web3 era, providing fertile soil for ecosystem development. As more and more applications follow this standard, the “Wallet+” ecosystem will enter a virtuous cycle, unleashing more powerful network effects. Of course, the construction of the “Wallet+” ecosystem requires the active participation of all parties. INTO will uphold the concept of open cooperation and collaborate with more high-quality projects to build a prosperous ecosystem together. By joining the “Wallet+” ecosystem, projects can reach a broader user base, enjoy secure and reliable payment settlement, data management, and other infrastructure, thus focusing on creating core value. The integration of these application scenarios, in turn, will greatly enrich the functional connotation of “Wallet+” and enhance its playability and practicality. In open cooperation, INTO’s “Wallet+” will continue to evolve, becoming a hub for connecting users and applications and driving the innovation of Web3 business models. Value Creation: Digital Identity, On-chain Social From a higher perspective, INTO’s “Wallet+” ecosystem is not only an innovation in technical tools but also a strategic layout for the future. It aims precisely at two emerging value domains increasingly associated with the development of Web3: digital identity and on-chain social. INTO will strive to achieve significant breakthroughs in these two areas, creating more and deeper value for every user. Digital identity implies reshaping the cornerstone of trust. In the Web3 era, decentralized identities (DID) will become everyone’s “digital passport,” representing the user’s complete control over their identity and laying the foundation for rebuilding digital trust. INTO deeply integrates DID into the wallet system, allowing every user to autonomously manage their identity and selectively disclose information to the outside world. As the DID standard matures and becomes more widespread, INTO’s identity system will continue to evolve, contributing to the construction of decentralized trust infrastructure. Imagine digital identity as more than just a set of impersonal numbers and letters; it will become a dynamic, growing digital persona. It’ll capture every facet of a person’s digital existence, showcasing their skills, reputation, and social connections. INTO is set to delve into the potential of digital identity, with features like identity consolidation and privacy-focused computation, to give users’ digital personas depth, richness, and smarts, thereby seamlessly linking their virtual and real-world presence. On-chain social can activate network effects. In the Web3 era, social relationships will also be mapped onto the blockchain, becoming publicly transparent and verifiable data structures. The INTO wallet will become the link connecting on-chain social relationships, helping users discover value, manage reputation, and accumulate influence. Social Backed Tokens (SBT) based on wallet addresses will become unique identity markers on INTO, facilitating user memory and sharing. Moreover, on-chain social will reshape the way information is disseminated and interacted with. INTO will empower every user to find their coordinates in this new social network, and as on-chain data becomes richer, users’ social relationships will become more trustworthy and efficient. Meanwhile, INTO will explore mechanisms such as reputation systems and social mining, organically combining social behavior with economic incentives, so that every interaction can bring tangible benefits.INTO aims to tap into the vast potential of Web3, where social interactions don’t just share information but create value. Its aim is to be the driving force behind Web3’s network effects, with every new user and interaction adding to the platform’s value and capabilities. [>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) ABOUT INTOVERSE: INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #socialfi #web3crypto #Web3SocialMedia #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture

Web3’s New Engine: INTO’s Innovative All-Encompassing Ecosystem

When the revolutionary power of blockchain technology meets the widespread connectivity of the Internet, a disruptive transformation of Web3 is quietly emerging. Wallets are becoming the critical access point for users in the Web3 realm, taking on significant roles and responsibilities.. However, traditional wallets with their single functionality, fragmented user experiences, and lack of innovation are struggling to meet the growing demands of users in the Web3 era. The current wallet model has become a bottleneck restricting the development of Web3. The future of Web3 calls for a new form of wallet, a paradigm that truly empowers users, connects ecosystems, and creates value. INTO’s “Wallet+” ecosystem embodies our innovative approach to meeting these emerging requirements.

Cognitive Reconstruction: Beyond Payments, Embracing Infinity
The perception of traditional wallets is often limited to payment functionality. However, INTO’s “Wallet+” strategy has initiated a fundamental reconceptualization of the essence of wallets. Here, wallets are no longer just payment tools but comprehensive mappings of users in the digital world, serving as crucial bridges connecting the virtual and the real. This innovative perception will bring about a fundamental transformation in user experience and open up endless possibilities for industry development.
Firstly, there is digital identity, sovereignty in hand. Each address in the INTO wallet will correspond uniquely to a decentralized identity (DID). This identity is fully controlled by the user and can be securely transplanted and used across various Web3 applications. This means that whether you’re playing games, socializing, or shopping on any platform, you can use the same “INTO identity,” truly achieving “one identity, crossing Web3.” As of March 25th, the number of authenticated INTO users has exceeded 860,000. This autonomous and controllable identity management model not only greatly simplifies users’ login and authentication processes but also provides a solid foundation for privacy protection and trust building in the digital world. As Web3 develops, decentralized identities will inevitably become the basic units of the digital society. The INTO wallet, with DID as its cornerstone, is poised to play a key role in the identity revolution of the Web3 era and lead the industry in its development direction.
Secondly, there is asset aggregation, all in one view. The INTO wallet will serve as the central control center for all your digital assets. Whether it’s coins, NFTs, or various on-chain assets, you can manage and operate them all in one place. You can easily view your asset distribution, conduct cross-chain transfers, and set up intelligent investment strategies. This asset aggregation feature not only brings great convenience to users but also opens up new possibilities for the circulation and application of digital assets. With the development of the digital economy, more and more value will exist in the form of tokens. Through asset aggregation, the INTO wallet provides users with a global perspective, helping them better control their digital wealth.
Lastly, there is social empowerment, connecting without boundaries. The INTO wallet will be your guide to starting the Web3 social journey. Based on wallet addresses, you can establish connections with like-minded friends, share insights, and explore opportunities together. Based on NFT-based social graphs, you will discover more potential value connections. Here, your social network will no longer be limited to any single platform but will freely extend to the entire Web3 world. Currently, social networks are gradually moving to the blockchain, becoming publicly transparent, secure, and trustworthy data structures. The INTO wallet will become the link connecting on-chain social relationships, helping users discover value, manage reputation, and accumulate influence.

Ecological Integration: Protocol Standards, Interconnection
The true significance of “Wallet+” lies not only in innovating personal experiences but also in reshaping industry ecosystems. Through the “Wallet+” strategy, INTO aims to break through data silos, establish protocol standards, integrate application scenarios, and ultimately achieve interconnection and vitality in the Web3 world. This ecological-level integration will inject continuous new energy into industry development.
It’s important to understand that the current Web3 ecosystem faces a serious problem of “data silos.” Users’ identities, assets, and social data across different applications are difficult to connect, leading to fragmented experiences and hindered value flow. This has become a major bottleneck restricting industry development. In the future, INTO will use “Wallet+” as a lever to create a user-centric data interoperability layer. By establishing unified data models and API standards, INTO will seamlessly connect wallets with various Web3 applications. Whether it’s identity data or behavioral data, they can flow securely and efficiently between different applications under user authorization. This will greatly enhance data utilization efficiency and create possibilities for cross-scenario collaboration.
Furthermore, the prosperity of the ecosystem requires standard guidance. INTO will collaborate with industry partners to jointly formulate access standards and interoperability protocols for “Wallet+.” These standards will regulate the way wallets connect with various Web3 applications, define API interfaces for data exchange, and ensure the bottom line of security and privacy. This approach will drastically lower the barriers and costs of app development, hastening the deployment and evolution of innovative work, while also establishing a technical standard within the industry to prevent unnecessary duplication and resource waste.. The “Wallet+” standard led by INTO is expected to become the infrastructure of the Web3 era, providing fertile soil for ecosystem development. As more and more applications follow this standard, the “Wallet+” ecosystem will enter a virtuous cycle, unleashing more powerful network effects.
Of course, the construction of the “Wallet+” ecosystem requires the active participation of all parties. INTO will uphold the concept of open cooperation and collaborate with more high-quality projects to build a prosperous ecosystem together. By joining the “Wallet+” ecosystem, projects can reach a broader user base, enjoy secure and reliable payment settlement, data management, and other infrastructure, thus focusing on creating core value. The integration of these application scenarios, in turn, will greatly enrich the functional connotation of “Wallet+” and enhance its playability and practicality. In open cooperation, INTO’s “Wallet+” will continue to evolve, becoming a hub for connecting users and applications and driving the innovation of Web3 business models.

Value Creation: Digital Identity, On-chain Social
From a higher perspective, INTO’s “Wallet+” ecosystem is not only an innovation in technical tools but also a strategic layout for the future. It aims precisely at two emerging value domains increasingly associated with the development of Web3: digital identity and on-chain social. INTO will strive to achieve significant breakthroughs in these two areas, creating more and deeper value for every user.
Digital identity implies reshaping the cornerstone of trust. In the Web3 era, decentralized identities (DID) will become everyone’s “digital passport,” representing the user’s complete control over their identity and laying the foundation for rebuilding digital trust. INTO deeply integrates DID into the wallet system, allowing every user to autonomously manage their identity and selectively disclose information to the outside world. As the DID standard matures and becomes more widespread, INTO’s identity system will continue to evolve, contributing to the construction of decentralized trust infrastructure. Imagine digital identity as more than just a set of impersonal numbers and letters; it will become a dynamic, growing digital persona. It’ll capture every facet of a person’s digital existence, showcasing their skills, reputation, and social connections. INTO is set to delve into the potential of digital identity, with features like identity consolidation and privacy-focused computation, to give users’ digital personas depth, richness, and smarts, thereby seamlessly linking their virtual and real-world presence.
On-chain social can activate network effects. In the Web3 era, social relationships will also be mapped onto the blockchain, becoming publicly transparent and verifiable data structures. The INTO wallet will become the link connecting on-chain social relationships, helping users discover value, manage reputation, and accumulate influence. Social Backed Tokens (SBT) based on wallet addresses will become unique identity markers on INTO, facilitating user memory and sharing. Moreover, on-chain social will reshape the way information is disseminated and interacted with. INTO will empower every user to find their coordinates in this new social network, and as on-chain data becomes richer, users’ social relationships will become more trustworthy and efficient. Meanwhile, INTO will explore mechanisms such as reputation systems and social mining, organically combining social behavior with economic incentives, so that every interaction can bring tangible benefits.INTO aims to tap into the vast potential of Web3, where social interactions don’t just share information but create value. Its aim is to be the driving force behind Web3’s network effects, with every new user and interaction adding to the platform’s value and capabilities.

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INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#socialfi #web3crypto #Web3SocialMedia #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture
INTO: Pioneering the Innovative Path of Constructing Web3 Big Data EntityWith the continuous evolution of blockchain technology and the development of smart contracts, Web3 is emerging, and its extensive ecosystem will bring about more innovation in business models and investment opportunities. In this field brimming with potential, INTO stands as a trailblazing initiative, charting new territory in the construction of the Web3 big data framework. Leveraging innovative technology and mechanisms, INTO focuses on ‘data on-chain, intelligent distribution, privacy protection, and value feedback’ to redefine how data interacts within the blockchain ecosystem. Analysis of Web3 Technology Stack — System Architecture In Web2, the backend consists of data servers, which are presented to users through the frontend. In the technical architecture system of Web3, the backend is replaced by the blockchain network, composed of smart contracts, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and blocks. Layer2 mainly refers to the development of smart contracts. Smart contracts serve as carriers of program code and run on the EVM.. In contrast to Web2, where data is stored on centralized servers, service providers can decide whether to delete or retain data. In Web3, data is stored on decentralized blockchains, making it immutable, collectively maintained, and transparent in its rules. Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. AI is playing a crucial role in the development of Web3, contributing to a more decentralized, secure, and user-centric internet. By integrating AI capabilities into various domains of Web3, we can expect increasingly intelligent, efficient, and personalized digital experiences. AI and big data are closely intertwined. AI is built upon specialized hardware and software, used to develop and train machine learning algorithms. AI systems typically operate by ingesting large volumes of labeled data, including expert systems, natural language processing (NLP), speech recognition, and computer vision. They then analyze patterns and correlations within the data, using these insights to predict future states. How does AI in Web3 create the intelligent layer of Web3? Machine Learning (ML) is an indispensable part of AI. ML added to Web3 will extend to different layers of the Web3 stack. Three key Web3 layers can provide ML-driven insights. 1.Intelligent Blockchain Current blockchain platforms focus on developing critical distributed computing components to achieve decentralized processing of financial transactions. These key building blocks include consensus mechanisms, mempool structures, and oracles. Next-generation Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains will incorporate machine learning-driven functionalities, much like core components of traditional software infrastructure such as storage and networking become more intelligent. For example, blockchain systems can utilize machine learning predictions to enhance transaction processing and develop scalable consensus protocols. AI itself can enhance the security of blockchains, while AI applications can quickly mine data and predict behaviors, detect fraudulent activities, and prevent attacks. 2. Intelligent Protocols By integrating AI into smart contracts, they can be enhanced to handle more complex decision-making processes that require data analysis, pattern recognition, or prediction. For example, AI can analyze large amounts of data from various sources such as market trends, user behavior, or environmental factors to make informed decisions within smart contracts. These decisions can be based on predefined rules, learned patterns, or even real-time adjustments, enabling smart contracts to adapt to changing conditions and execute transactions more intelligently. Additionally, AI-driven smart contracts can automate complex workflows and processes involving multiple parties and conditions. 3.Web3 Applications Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of AI focused on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. In the context of Web3, NLP can significantly impact and improve the way users interact with decentralized applications, resulting in more intuitive user interfaces and bridging the gap between human language and digital services. NLP can influence Web3 by facilitating seamless communication between users and Web3 applications. By adopting NLP technologies, these applications can interpret and respond to user queries or commands in natural language, rather than relying on traditional, more cumbersome input methods. This can lead to more user-friendly and accessible interfaces, making Web3 applications more appealing to a wider audience. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence: INTO’s Web3 Big Data Vision As we’ve previously analyzed, AI can play a crucial role in the analysis and utilization of data within the Web3 ecosystem because it can handle and analyze the vast amount of data generated by decentralized platforms, applications, and services. INTO, as a social protocol within the Web3 space, employs an approach that combines the power of AI with decentralized technologies such as blockchain and distributed computing. Firstly, INTO utilizes blockchain technology to achieve data on-chain. In traditional internet environments, user data is often stored centrally on centralized servers, posing risks of tampering and misuse. However, INTO encrypts each user’s data and stores it on the blockchain, creating a distributed database. This decentralizes data storage, granting users more control over their data. Data on-chain lays a solid technical foundation for the Web3 big data ecosystem. Building upon this foundation, INTO further enhances the circulation efficiency and utilization value of data through intelligent distribution mechanisms. Intelligent distribution refers to the use of smart contracts and token incentives to achieve intelligent matching and automatic transactions of data among different entities. At the same time, token incentives also stimulate active participation in data circulation, unlocking greater value in social collaboration. However, the premise of data sharing and trading is privacy security. INTO fully utilizes various privacy computing technologies to construct a solid privacy protection barrier. For example, INTO employs techniques such as differential privacy and multi-party secure computation to achieve data fusion and analysis across organizations while protecting the original data from leakage. Even during the process of sharing data, user privacy remains uncompromised. By leveraging advanced AI technologies to discover valuable insights, detect patterns, and identify opportunities for optimization or innovation, INTO ultimately promotes the integration of Web3 and AI. Lastly, through a carefully designed value feedback mechanism, INTO tilts the value of data towards users, democratizing the distribution of data dividends. In the INTO ecosystem, users not only have complete ownership of their personal data but can also obtain economic returns through data authorization, data staking, and other means in the future. This value feedback mechanism not only incentivizes users to actively participate in data sharing and trading but also fosters the healthy development of the entire Web3 big data ecosystem. In summary, AI plays a crucial role in the development of Web3, contributing to a more decentralized, secure, and user-centric internet. By integrating AI into various domains of Web3, we can expect increasingly intelligent, efficient, and personalized digital experiences. INTO, with its unique technology and mechanisms, has paved an innovative path for building the Web3 big data ecosystem. Through the tight integration of data on-chain, intelligent distribution, privacy protection, and value feedback, INTO has constructed a secure, efficient, and value-oriented Web3 big data ecosystem, injecting new vitality and momentum into the development of the digital world. [>>> READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) About INTOverse INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #TOX #Web3Social

INTO: Pioneering the Innovative Path of Constructing Web3 Big Data Entity

With the continuous evolution of blockchain technology and the development of smart contracts, Web3 is emerging, and its extensive ecosystem will bring about more innovation in business models and investment opportunities. In this field brimming with potential, INTO stands as a trailblazing initiative, charting new territory in the construction of the Web3 big data framework. Leveraging innovative technology and mechanisms, INTO focuses on ‘data on-chain, intelligent distribution, privacy protection, and value feedback’ to redefine how data interacts within the blockchain ecosystem.

Analysis of Web3 Technology Stack — System Architecture
In Web2, the backend consists of data servers, which are presented to users through the frontend. In the technical architecture system of Web3, the backend is replaced by the blockchain network, composed of smart contracts, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and blocks. Layer2 mainly refers to the development of smart contracts. Smart contracts serve as carriers of program code and run on the EVM.. In contrast to Web2, where data is stored on centralized servers, service providers can decide whether to delete or retain data. In Web3, data is stored on decentralized blockchains, making it immutable, collectively maintained, and transparent in its rules.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. AI is playing a crucial role in the development of Web3, contributing to a more decentralized, secure, and user-centric internet. By integrating AI capabilities into various domains of Web3, we can expect increasingly intelligent, efficient, and personalized digital experiences.
AI and big data are closely intertwined. AI is built upon specialized hardware and software, used to develop and train machine learning algorithms. AI systems typically operate by ingesting large volumes of labeled data, including expert systems, natural language processing (NLP), speech recognition, and computer vision. They then analyze patterns and correlations within the data, using these insights to predict future states.

How does AI in Web3 create the intelligent layer of Web3?
Machine Learning (ML) is an indispensable part of AI. ML added to Web3 will extend to different layers of the Web3 stack. Three key Web3 layers can provide ML-driven insights.
1.Intelligent Blockchain
Current blockchain platforms focus on developing critical distributed computing components to achieve decentralized processing of financial transactions. These key building blocks include consensus mechanisms, mempool structures, and oracles. Next-generation Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains will incorporate machine learning-driven functionalities, much like core components of traditional software infrastructure such as storage and networking become more intelligent. For example, blockchain systems can utilize machine learning predictions to enhance transaction processing and develop scalable consensus protocols. AI itself can enhance the security of blockchains, while AI applications can quickly mine data and predict behaviors, detect fraudulent activities, and prevent attacks.
2. Intelligent Protocols
By integrating AI into smart contracts, they can be enhanced to handle more complex decision-making processes that require data analysis, pattern recognition, or prediction. For example, AI can analyze large amounts of data from various sources such as market trends, user behavior, or environmental factors to make informed decisions within smart contracts. These decisions can be based on predefined rules, learned patterns, or even real-time adjustments, enabling smart contracts to adapt to changing conditions and execute transactions more intelligently. Additionally, AI-driven smart contracts can automate complex workflows and processes involving multiple parties and conditions.
3.Web3 Applications
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of AI focused on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. In the context of Web3, NLP can significantly impact and improve the way users interact with decentralized applications, resulting in more intuitive user interfaces and bridging the gap between human language and digital services.
NLP can influence Web3 by facilitating seamless communication between users and Web3 applications. By adopting NLP technologies, these applications can interpret and respond to user queries or commands in natural language, rather than relying on traditional, more cumbersome input methods. This can lead to more user-friendly and accessible interfaces, making Web3 applications more appealing to a wider audience.
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence: INTO’s Web3 Big Data Vision
As we’ve previously analyzed, AI can play a crucial role in the analysis and utilization of data within the Web3 ecosystem because it can handle and analyze the vast amount of data generated by decentralized platforms, applications, and services. INTO, as a social protocol within the Web3 space, employs an approach that combines the power of AI with decentralized technologies such as blockchain and distributed computing.
Firstly, INTO utilizes blockchain technology to achieve data on-chain. In traditional internet environments, user data is often stored centrally on centralized servers, posing risks of tampering and misuse. However, INTO encrypts each user’s data and stores it on the blockchain, creating a distributed database. This decentralizes data storage, granting users more control over their data.

Data on-chain lays a solid technical foundation for the Web3 big data ecosystem. Building upon this foundation, INTO further enhances the circulation efficiency and utilization value of data through intelligent distribution mechanisms. Intelligent distribution refers to the use of smart contracts and token incentives to achieve intelligent matching and automatic transactions of data among different entities. At the same time, token incentives also stimulate active participation in data circulation, unlocking greater value in social collaboration.
However, the premise of data sharing and trading is privacy security. INTO fully utilizes various privacy computing technologies to construct a solid privacy protection barrier. For example, INTO employs techniques such as differential privacy and multi-party secure computation to achieve data fusion and analysis across organizations while protecting the original data from leakage. Even during the process of sharing data, user privacy remains uncompromised. By leveraging advanced AI technologies to discover valuable insights, detect patterns, and identify opportunities for optimization or innovation, INTO ultimately promotes the integration of Web3 and AI.
Lastly, through a carefully designed value feedback mechanism, INTO tilts the value of data towards users, democratizing the distribution of data dividends. In the INTO ecosystem, users not only have complete ownership of their personal data but can also obtain economic returns through data authorization, data staking, and other means in the future. This value feedback mechanism not only incentivizes users to actively participate in data sharing and trading but also fosters the healthy development of the entire Web3 big data ecosystem.
In summary, AI plays a crucial role in the development of Web3, contributing to a more decentralized, secure, and user-centric internet. By integrating AI into various domains of Web3, we can expect increasingly intelligent, efficient, and personalized digital experiences. INTO, with its unique technology and mechanisms, has paved an innovative path for building the Web3 big data ecosystem. Through the tight integration of data on-chain, intelligent distribution, privacy protection, and value feedback, INTO has constructed a secure, efficient, and value-oriented Web3 big data ecosystem, injecting new vitality and momentum into the development of the digital world.

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About INTOverse
INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #TOX #Web3Social
Multi-chain Unhindered: INTO’s Breakthrough Innovation with Multi-chain Parallel WalletIn the world of Web3, wallets are no longer just simple payment tools or storage media but magical gateways connecting users to myriad DApps. However, with the continuous development of blockchain technology, single-chain wallets have become increasingly inadequate to meet users’ needs in a multi-chain environment. The frequent switching between different wallets and manual cross-chain transfers greatly damages the user experience. Recognizing the challenge of managing assets across multiple blockchains, INTO has introduced a game-changing solution: the “multi-chain parallel wallet.” This innovative approach simplifies the user experience by consolidating account management and asset aggregation into a single wallet interface. Users can effortlessly interact with various blockchains and their applications, realizing the vision of “one wallet for all chains.” This development represents a significant leap forward for Web3 wallets, potentially transforming how users engage with blockchain technology. Single-Chain Cage vs. Multi-Chain Liberation The rapid expansion of various blockchain ecosystems, including Ethereum, BSC (Binance Smart Chain), Polygon, and others, has brought vitality to the Web3 landscape. Yet, despite this growth, users face considerable challenges when attempting to move freely within this multi-chain environment, primarily because of the constraints imposed by existing wallet technologies. Traditional wallets are often single-chain, meaning they only support asset storage and transactions on a specific blockchain. This implies that if users want to use applications on multiple chains, they must manage multiple wallets simultaneously, switching back and forth between different wallets. This not only fragments the user experience but also greatly increases the complexity of management. Users need to separately record the mnemonic phrases of different wallets, constantly monitor changes in assets on different chains, and manually transfer assets between chains. All of these factors pose high barriers and difficulties for users to participate in Web3. More importantly, single-chain wallets restrict the possibilities of Web3 applications. Many innovative use cases, such as cross-chain DEXes, cross-chain NFT markets, and multi-chain liquidity mining, require users to smoothly operate across different chains. Without a wallet tool that connects multiple chains, these scenarios are difficult to implement. Indeed, it can be said that single-chain wallets have become a bottleneck restricting the development of Web3. As a result, the industry has responded to the demands of a multi-chain environment with various initiatives, such as multi-currency wallets and those with integrated cross-chain bridge functions. Yet, these solutions primarily adapt the single-chain wallet concept, adding cross-chain capabilities at the application level. This method eases certain user difficulties but doesn’t address the core issues. Users still have to manage separate identities for each chain, transferring assets between chains involves extra processes, and the reliance on individual blockchain infrastructures is still significant. INTO’s multi-chain parallel wallet, on the other hand, takes a completely new perspective, attempting to address the limitations of single-chain wallets from the underlying architecture of the wallet. Its technical architecture is a new wallet paradigm called “Account Abstraction.” By implementing account abstraction at the wallet level, INTO aggregates user identities and assets across multiple chains, allowing a main account to command all sub-accounts on different chains. Users no longer need to manage multiple private keys or manually transfer assets between different chains; they can achieve “one identity, multiple forms; one signature, effective across multiple chains.” Enabling Multi-Chain Integration: INTO Leads the Web3 Wallet Revolution At the core of INTO’s multi-chain parallel wallet lies its unique “Account Abstraction” (AA) architecture. Simply put, AA decouples user identity from specific chains at the wallet level, forming an abstract, multi-chain unified account layer. This account no longer directly depends on a specific blockchain but becomes a higher-level identity abstraction, capable of flexibly establishing mapping relationships with multiple underlying blockchains. Specifically, INTO’s AA architecture consists of three key modules: Master Account: This is the user’s unified identity in the INTO wallet, controlled by a set of master private keys (similar to a mnemonic phrase). The master account does not exist directly on the chain but rather as a local, abstract account within the wallet. It plays the role of a “manager,” responsible for managing and dispatching multiple chain-based sub-accounts associated with it. Sub-account: These are the master account’s incarnations on specific chains, derived from the master account. Each sub-account has its own address and private key, enabling direct transactions on the corresponding chain. However, the control rights of these sub-accounts belong to the master account. In other words, users only need to manage their master account private keys to control all sub-accounts on various chains. Account Controller: This serves as the hub connecting the master account and sub-accounts. It is responsible for establishing mapping relationships between the master account and sub-accounts and dynamically dispatching and executing sub-account behaviors based on user instructions at the master account level. For example, when a user initiates a cross-chain transaction at the master account level, the account controller automatically calls the corresponding sub-account to execute the transaction on the chain. Through this AA architecture, INTO achieves seamless integration of user identity and assets in a multi-chain environment. Users in the INTO wallet only need to manage one master account to freely control and dispatch assets and behaviors on multiple chains. INTO’s Account Abstraction is fundamentally a new paradigm of cross-chain resource scheduling. By abstracting and aggregating wallet accounts, it establishes a unified intermediary layer between users and the multi-chain world, realizing seamless connection and integration of the Web3 experience. This integration occurs not only at the wallet level but also across various aspects of the Web3 ecosystem.INTO’s AA architecture certainly represents a paradigm shift in the Web3 wallet space. It’s designed to offer tens of millions of users a more open, seamless, and innovative experience in the Web3 realm, potentially revolutionizing how individuals interact with blockchain technologies and manage their digital assets. Seamless Management of Multi-Chain Assets: Reshaping Blockchain Interaction With the innovative Architecture, INTO is redefining the cross-chain experience for Web3 users from multiple dimensions. This redefinition encompasses identity management, asset scheduling, privacy protection, interaction design, and more. Firstly, INTO provides users with unprecedented “identity fluidity.” Through the abstraction and aggregation of Web3 identities, users can construct a unified digital identity in the INTO wallet and freely map it to multiple blockchain networks. This identity not only supports seamless migration across multiple chains but also allows the addition of new chain-based identities at any time. For users, this means they no longer have to “fragment” their digital identities across different chains but can maintain a complete and coherent Web3 image. Secondly, INTO enables users to manage cross-chain assets more flexibly and efficiently. Thanks to the account management mechanism under the AA architecture, users will be able to uniformly view and control tokens and NFT assets on multiple chains at the master account level. Transfers, exchanges, staking… all these cross-chain operations can be completed with a single click through a simple and intuitive user interface, without the need to manually “transfer” assets between chains. Thirdly, INTO provides enhanced privacy protection capabilities for users. Traditional multi-chain wallets often require users to separately backup and manage private keys on each chain, increasing the risk of private key leakage and making users’ on-chain activities more easily traceable and associated. Through the AA architecture, INTO achieves centralized management of user private keys and selective disclosure of identity information. Users can use the same set of master private keys to control multiple chain-based accounts without cumbersome operations between chains. At the same time, INTO integrates privacy-enhancing technologies such as zero-knowledge proofs and ring signatures, giving users more control over identity privacy. Finally, INTO is committed to creating a seamless cross-chain interaction experience for users. Traditional cross-chain operations often require users to switch back and forth between different wallets and pages, resulting in a complex and fragmented experience. INTO makes cross-chain operations as smooth as circulating within a single app through a unified account abstraction layer and intelligent interaction design. In summary, INTO’s cross-chain user experience design can be summarized in two key words: “aggregation” and “flow.” In the INTO wallet, users’ identities, assets, and services are aggregated and everything is moving towards unity and integration. On this basis of aggregation, identities, assets, and services can flow freely between multiple chains, be called upon and used anytime, anywhere, allowing users to truly “roam” in the world of Web3. With the continuous evolution of INTO products and the continuous enrichment of the ecosystem, it will usher in a new era of Web3 wallet – a era of seamless identity, flexible assets, secure privacy, and smooth operations across chains. Users will bid farewell to the embarrassment of the past “hardships” between chains and embrace an unprecedented smooth Web3 experience. And this “aggregation-flow” combined experience paradigm will undoubtedly lead the entire industry’s wallet design concept, injecting more possibilities for innovation into the Web3 industry. [>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) About INTOverse INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #INTOverse #TOX #IntoTheFuture #Web3Social

Multi-chain Unhindered: INTO’s Breakthrough Innovation with Multi-chain Parallel Wallet

In the world of Web3, wallets are no longer just simple payment tools or storage media but magical gateways connecting users to myriad DApps. However, with the continuous development of blockchain technology, single-chain wallets have become increasingly inadequate to meet users’ needs in a multi-chain environment. The frequent switching between different wallets and manual cross-chain transfers greatly damages the user experience.
Recognizing the challenge of managing assets across multiple blockchains, INTO has introduced a game-changing solution: the “multi-chain parallel wallet.” This innovative approach simplifies the user experience by consolidating account management and asset aggregation into a single wallet interface. Users can effortlessly interact with various blockchains and their applications, realizing the vision of “one wallet for all chains.” This development represents a significant leap forward for Web3 wallets, potentially transforming how users engage with blockchain technology.

Single-Chain Cage vs. Multi-Chain Liberation
The rapid expansion of various blockchain ecosystems, including Ethereum, BSC (Binance Smart Chain), Polygon, and others, has brought vitality to the Web3 landscape. Yet, despite this growth, users face considerable challenges when attempting to move freely within this multi-chain environment, primarily because of the constraints imposed by existing wallet technologies.
Traditional wallets are often single-chain, meaning they only support asset storage and transactions on a specific blockchain. This implies that if users want to use applications on multiple chains, they must manage multiple wallets simultaneously, switching back and forth between different wallets. This not only fragments the user experience but also greatly increases the complexity of management. Users need to separately record the mnemonic phrases of different wallets, constantly monitor changes in assets on different chains, and manually transfer assets between chains. All of these factors pose high barriers and difficulties for users to participate in Web3.
More importantly, single-chain wallets restrict the possibilities of Web3 applications. Many innovative use cases, such as cross-chain DEXes, cross-chain NFT markets, and multi-chain liquidity mining, require users to smoothly operate across different chains. Without a wallet tool that connects multiple chains, these scenarios are difficult to implement. Indeed, it can be said that single-chain wallets have become a bottleneck restricting the development of Web3.
As a result, the industry has responded to the demands of a multi-chain environment with various initiatives, such as multi-currency wallets and those with integrated cross-chain bridge functions. Yet, these solutions primarily adapt the single-chain wallet concept, adding cross-chain capabilities at the application level. This method eases certain user difficulties but doesn’t address the core issues. Users still have to manage separate identities for each chain, transferring assets between chains involves extra processes, and the reliance on individual blockchain infrastructures is still significant.
INTO’s multi-chain parallel wallet, on the other hand, takes a completely new perspective, attempting to address the limitations of single-chain wallets from the underlying architecture of the wallet. Its technical architecture is a new wallet paradigm called “Account Abstraction.” By implementing account abstraction at the wallet level, INTO aggregates user identities and assets across multiple chains, allowing a main account to command all sub-accounts on different chains. Users no longer need to manage multiple private keys or manually transfer assets between different chains; they can achieve “one identity, multiple forms; one signature, effective across multiple chains.”

Enabling Multi-Chain Integration: INTO Leads the Web3 Wallet Revolution
At the core of INTO’s multi-chain parallel wallet lies its unique “Account Abstraction” (AA) architecture. Simply put, AA decouples user identity from specific chains at the wallet level, forming an abstract, multi-chain unified account layer. This account no longer directly depends on a specific blockchain but becomes a higher-level identity abstraction, capable of flexibly establishing mapping relationships with multiple underlying blockchains.
Specifically, INTO’s AA architecture consists of three key modules:
Master Account: This is the user’s unified identity in the INTO wallet, controlled by a set of master private keys (similar to a mnemonic phrase). The master account does not exist directly on the chain but rather as a local, abstract account within the wallet. It plays the role of a “manager,” responsible for managing and dispatching multiple chain-based sub-accounts associated with it.
Sub-account: These are the master account’s incarnations on specific chains, derived from the master account. Each sub-account has its own address and private key, enabling direct transactions on the corresponding chain. However, the control rights of these sub-accounts belong to the master account. In other words, users only need to manage their master account private keys to control all sub-accounts on various chains.
Account Controller: This serves as the hub connecting the master account and sub-accounts. It is responsible for establishing mapping relationships between the master account and sub-accounts and dynamically dispatching and executing sub-account behaviors based on user instructions at the master account level. For example, when a user initiates a cross-chain transaction at the master account level, the account controller automatically calls the corresponding sub-account to execute the transaction on the chain.
Through this AA architecture, INTO achieves seamless integration of user identity and assets in a multi-chain environment. Users in the INTO wallet only need to manage one master account to freely control and dispatch assets and behaviors on multiple chains. INTO’s Account Abstraction is fundamentally a new paradigm of cross-chain resource scheduling. By abstracting and aggregating wallet accounts, it establishes a unified intermediary layer between users and the multi-chain world, realizing seamless connection and integration of the Web3 experience. This integration occurs not only at the wallet level but also across various aspects of the Web3 ecosystem.INTO’s AA architecture certainly represents a paradigm shift in the Web3 wallet space. It’s designed to offer tens of millions of users a more open, seamless, and innovative experience in the Web3 realm, potentially revolutionizing how individuals interact with blockchain technologies and manage their digital assets.

Seamless Management of Multi-Chain Assets: Reshaping Blockchain Interaction
With the innovative Architecture, INTO is redefining the cross-chain experience for Web3 users from multiple dimensions. This redefinition encompasses identity management, asset scheduling, privacy protection, interaction design, and more.
Firstly, INTO provides users with unprecedented “identity fluidity.” Through the abstraction and aggregation of Web3 identities, users can construct a unified digital identity in the INTO wallet and freely map it to multiple blockchain networks. This identity not only supports seamless migration across multiple chains but also allows the addition of new chain-based identities at any time. For users, this means they no longer have to “fragment” their digital identities across different chains but can maintain a complete and coherent Web3 image.
Secondly, INTO enables users to manage cross-chain assets more flexibly and efficiently. Thanks to the account management mechanism under the AA architecture, users will be able to uniformly view and control tokens and NFT assets on multiple chains at the master account level. Transfers, exchanges, staking… all these cross-chain operations can be completed with a single click through a simple and intuitive user interface, without the need to manually “transfer” assets between chains.
Thirdly, INTO provides enhanced privacy protection capabilities for users. Traditional multi-chain wallets often require users to separately backup and manage private keys on each chain, increasing the risk of private key leakage and making users’ on-chain activities more easily traceable and associated. Through the AA architecture, INTO achieves centralized management of user private keys and selective disclosure of identity information. Users can use the same set of master private keys to control multiple chain-based accounts without cumbersome operations between chains. At the same time, INTO integrates privacy-enhancing technologies such as zero-knowledge proofs and ring signatures, giving users more control over identity privacy.
Finally, INTO is committed to creating a seamless cross-chain interaction experience for users. Traditional cross-chain operations often require users to switch back and forth between different wallets and pages, resulting in a complex and fragmented experience. INTO makes cross-chain operations as smooth as circulating within a single app through a unified account abstraction layer and intelligent interaction design.
In summary, INTO’s cross-chain user experience design can be summarized in two key words: “aggregation” and “flow.” In the INTO wallet, users’ identities, assets, and services are aggregated and everything is moving towards unity and integration. On this basis of aggregation, identities, assets, and services can flow freely between multiple chains, be called upon and used anytime, anywhere, allowing users to truly “roam” in the world of Web3. With the continuous evolution of INTO products and the continuous enrichment of the ecosystem, it will usher in a new era of Web3 wallet – a era of seamless identity, flexible assets, secure privacy, and smooth operations across chains. Users will bid farewell to the embarrassment of the past “hardships” between chains and embrace an unprecedented smooth Web3 experience. And this “aggregation-flow” combined experience paradigm will undoubtedly lead the entire industry’s wallet design concept, injecting more possibilities for innovation into the Web3 industry.

[>>> READ ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined)

About INTOverse
INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#INTOverse #TOX #IntoTheFuture #Web3Social
GIVEAWAY ALERT: INTO's Weekly Extravaganza #Round1 💥 Buckle Up! The INTOverse Weekly Extravaganza Has Landed! Are you ready to blast off into a week of cosmic crypto giveaways? Jump in into Round 1 of the INTOverse Weekly Extravaganza where you can snag a share of our generous prize! 🎁 Reward: 200 $TOX & 20 USDT up for grabs by 5 lucky winners! Here's how to blast your way to success: 1️⃣ Follow @INTOverse_ 2️⃣ Like & RT this post3️⃣ Drop your INTO address & Tag 3 friends The countdown is on: ⏰ Duration: Jan 25th - Feb 1st 👆Pro Tip: Don't get left behind - secure your first INTO address by downloading the INTO app now: Don't miss out! Be a part of the excitement 🎉 #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #GIVEAWAY🎁 #TOX #socialfi

GIVEAWAY ALERT: INTO's Weekly Extravaganza #Round1 

💥 Buckle Up! The INTOverse Weekly Extravaganza Has Landed!

Are you ready to blast off into a week of cosmic crypto giveaways? Jump in into Round 1 of the INTOverse Weekly Extravaganza where you can snag a share of our generous prize!

🎁 Reward: 200 $TOX & 20 USDT up for grabs by 5 lucky winners!

Here's how to blast your way to success:
1️⃣ Follow @INTOverse_ 2️⃣ Like & RT this post3️⃣ Drop your INTO address & Tag 3 friends

The countdown is on: ⏰ Duration: Jan 25th - Feb 1st

👆Pro Tip: Don't get left behind - secure your first INTO address by downloading the INTO app now:
Don't miss out! Be a part of the excitement 🎉 #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #GIVEAWAY🎁 #TOX #socialfi
Analyzing INTO’s Rapid Growth: From 0 to 10 MillionIn the dynamic realm of Web3, growth is fundamental — it’s both the origin and the goal for everything from public chains to applications and communities. Success in this fast-evolving space hinges on the ability to continuously attract and retain users.Issues such as frequent transfers and signatures, fragmented account systems, and high operational costs are pain points carried over from the Web2 era, and they significantly obstruct widespread adoption of Web3 technologies. As an emerging Web3 social protocol, INTO is carving out a novel path for user growth through a series of technological and strategic innovations. Since its launch less than a year ago, INTO has achieved remarkable success, amassing tens of millions of users, close to a million SBT-certified users, and daily active users in the hundreds of thousands. These impressive metrics herald a new paradigm in user growth within the Web3 space. Departing from the paradigm of Web2, let’s reconsider the strategy for user growth Web3 represents a revolution in the reconstruction of value. In this revolution, users are no longer mere consumers but participants, contributors, and beneficiaries of the entire ecosystem. This means that for Web3 projects to achieve growth, they must answer a fundamental question: How do we incentivize users to actively participate and continuously contribute? Many projects, when answering this question, unwittingly fall into the misconception of Web2 thinking. They attempt to replicate the growth strategies and methods of Web2 while ignoring the fundamental differences in underlying logic between Web3 and Web2. In the Web2 era, user growth often followed a centralized, top-down logic. Platforms attracted users to quickly flock in through massive advertising and channel marketing, then encouraged user habit formation through various means of activation and retention. In this process, users were more passive recipients of services, while platforms controlled the majority of discourse and distribution rights. Behind this growth logic lies a typical centralized mindset — platforms are lofty rulers, and users are merely the ruled. But in the decentralized landscape of Web3, no single centralized platform can dominate, nor can any set of centralized rules bind all participants. Each user operates as a free and equal node, connecting through peer-to-peer interactions to form a loosely coupled network. In this environment, the traditional top-down approach to growth is not viable. It’s impossible to simply incentivize or penalize individual entities into willingly aligning themselves with your objectives, as each operates independently within the network. At its core, the growth strategy for Web3 must resonate with its foundational principles. In Web3, each node is equal and autonomous, with no single node holding dominion over others. The functioning of the entire system depends on the consensus and collaborative efforts of all nodes. This cooperation isn’t enforced but occurs naturally, emerging from each node’s trust in and identification with the system. Essentially, Web3 embodies a network coordinated by shared values, rather than being driven by controlled interests. This necessitates a fundamental shift away from the Web2 mindset and a reevaluation of the core principles of Web3 growth. To cultivate a sustainable, growth-oriented Web3 ecosystem, it is crucial to genuinely respect and understand the individuality of each user. By tapping into their intrinsic motivations to participate and by offering valuable services and experiences, we can foster an environment where organic growth thrives. Encouraging participation, INTO reconstructs the “behavior-contribution-growth” loop INTO’s success in Web3 user growth stems from its systematic reconstruction of the “behavior-contribution-growth” loop. This loop reveals the core logic of Web3 growth: only by encouraging users to continuously participate and contribute value can sustainable growth of the ecosystem be achieved. To build this loop, fundamental innovations must be made in the participation, contribution, and growth stages. On one hand, INTO constructs efficient guidance and conversion paths for user participation through the building of social relationship chains. Traditional Web3 projects require users to frequently switch between multiple pages and applications, leading to a fragmented participation process. However, INTO utilizes social graph algorithms to construct a social relationship chain covering the entire network for users. On the other hand, INTO mobilizes the intrinsic motivation of users to contribute continuously through innovative incentive mechanism designs. The most representative of these is INTO’s unique token economy model, including the Soulbound Token (SBT) and the ecosystem governance token TOX. SBT is a non-transferable, non-tradable token bound to the soul, used to record all user behaviors and contributions in the INTO ecosystem; TOX is a token in the INTO ecosystem used for economic activities such as payments and exchanges, giving users’ contributions tangible economic value. This incentive mechanism design of “contribution equals power, contribution equals benefits” injects continuous innovative vitality into INTO. Overall, INTO’s systematic innovations in social behavior, contribution, and growth establish a positive feedback loop. In this loop, social behavior initiates contributions, which then generate momentum, and this momentum drives larger-scale growth. This creates a self-reinforcing, self-evolving growth flywheel, where each stage mutually supports and enhances the others. INTO’s Ecological Growth: Encouraging Participation to Foster Contribution, Fostering Contribution to Drive Growth As mentioned earlier, INTO’s success in Web3 user growth stems from its systematic reconstruction of the “participation-contribution-growth” loop, which is based on an ecological perspective. By constructing a positive cycle of “participation-contribution-growth,” INTO achieves a growth paradigm where community members, users, and partners grow and develop together through mutual participation. Specifically, INTO’s “ecological growth” strategy is manifested in several aspects: Firstly, INTO builds a vast ecological domain for participation through community-based operations. INTO understands the crucial role of community in Web3 growth, thus placing high importance on cultivating a vibrant community atmosphere and shaping shared values. Through multi-dimensional interactions both online and offline, INTO internalizes the concept of participation as a shared belief within the community. Through an open and inclusive community culture, every member is encouraged to embody the principles of participation and contribution. It is within this fertile soil of community ecology that the “virtuous cycle of user growth” takes root and blossoms. Furthermore, INTO actively propels ecological growth by innovating incentive mechanisms that drive continuous contribution. INTO clearly understands that sustainable growth hinges on persistent contributions. To facilitate this, INTO has carefully devised a comprehensive and multidimensional incentive system for contributions. This system spans a wide spectrum of motivators, from tangible rewards to intangible acknowledgments, and from immediate gratifications to long-term benefits. Such a diversified approach effectively stimulates members’ enthusiasm for ongoing engagement and contribution. Lastly, INTO adeptly leverages ecological cooperation to amplify growth effects on a larger scale. INTO understands that the key to sustainable growth lies in building a symbiotic and win-win ecological cooperation network. Therefore, INTO fully considers the needs and possibilities of external cooperation in product design, mechanism innovation, and resource integration. Through various forms of cross-domain collaboration and open empowerment, INTO provides partners with sufficient ecological value and obtains crucial growth resources and incremental space from cooperation. It can be said that it is with an open and collaborative ecological mindset that INTO achieves the leap from a single community to multiple ecosystems, pushing the “behavior-contribution-growth” positive cycle into broader horizons. In summary, INTO’s “ecological growth” strategy adopts an ecological perspective where participation forms the foundation for contribution, contribution fuels growth, and growth fulfills the ecosystem’s purpose. This approach interlinks and reinforces various elements such as community operations, incentive mechanisms, cooperative expansion, and strategic design. This integrated growth path not only showcases INTO’s deep understanding of the core principles of Web3 growth but also serves as a valuable model for numerous Web3 projects navigating the challenging landscape of the industry’s “crypto winter.” As a growing number of projects start to explore growth through an ecological lens and actively implement the “behavior-contribution-growth” model, Web3 is poised to enter a new era characterized by universal participation and collective growth. In this transformative period, INTO is set to make a significant impact with its trailblazing approach to “ecological growth,” setting a precedent for others in the space and contributing to a more inclusive and expansive Web3 ecosystem. [>>> READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) About INTOverse INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #TOX #Web3Social

Analyzing INTO’s Rapid Growth: From 0 to 10 Million

In the dynamic realm of Web3, growth is fundamental — it’s both the origin and the goal for everything from public chains to applications and communities. Success in this fast-evolving space hinges on the ability to continuously attract and retain users.Issues such as frequent transfers and signatures, fragmented account systems, and high operational costs are pain points carried over from the Web2 era, and they significantly obstruct widespread adoption of Web3 technologies.
As an emerging Web3 social protocol, INTO is carving out a novel path for user growth through a series of technological and strategic innovations. Since its launch less than a year ago, INTO has achieved remarkable success, amassing tens of millions of users, close to a million SBT-certified users, and daily active users in the hundreds of thousands. These impressive metrics herald a new paradigm in user growth within the Web3 space.

Departing from the paradigm of Web2, let’s reconsider the strategy for user growth
Web3 represents a revolution in the reconstruction of value. In this revolution, users are no longer mere consumers but participants, contributors, and beneficiaries of the entire ecosystem. This means that for Web3 projects to achieve growth, they must answer a fundamental question: How do we incentivize users to actively participate and continuously contribute?
Many projects, when answering this question, unwittingly fall into the misconception of Web2 thinking. They attempt to replicate the growth strategies and methods of Web2 while ignoring the fundamental differences in underlying logic between Web3 and Web2. In the Web2 era, user growth often followed a centralized, top-down logic. Platforms attracted users to quickly flock in through massive advertising and channel marketing, then encouraged user habit formation through various means of activation and retention. In this process, users were more passive recipients of services, while platforms controlled the majority of discourse and distribution rights. Behind this growth logic lies a typical centralized mindset — platforms are lofty rulers, and users are merely the ruled.
But in the decentralized landscape of Web3, no single centralized platform can dominate, nor can any set of centralized rules bind all participants. Each user operates as a free and equal node, connecting through peer-to-peer interactions to form a loosely coupled network. In this environment, the traditional top-down approach to growth is not viable. It’s impossible to simply incentivize or penalize individual entities into willingly aligning themselves with your objectives, as each operates independently within the network.
At its core, the growth strategy for Web3 must resonate with its foundational principles. In Web3, each node is equal and autonomous, with no single node holding dominion over others. The functioning of the entire system depends on the consensus and collaborative efforts of all nodes. This cooperation isn’t enforced but occurs naturally, emerging from each node’s trust in and identification with the system. Essentially, Web3 embodies a network coordinated by shared values, rather than being driven by controlled interests.

This necessitates a fundamental shift away from the Web2 mindset and a reevaluation of the core principles of Web3 growth. To cultivate a sustainable, growth-oriented Web3 ecosystem, it is crucial to genuinely respect and understand the individuality of each user. By tapping into their intrinsic motivations to participate and by offering valuable services and experiences, we can foster an environment where organic growth thrives.
Encouraging participation, INTO reconstructs the “behavior-contribution-growth” loop
INTO’s success in Web3 user growth stems from its systematic reconstruction of the “behavior-contribution-growth” loop. This loop reveals the core logic of Web3 growth: only by encouraging users to continuously participate and contribute value can sustainable growth of the ecosystem be achieved. To build this loop, fundamental innovations must be made in the participation, contribution, and growth stages.
On one hand, INTO constructs efficient guidance and conversion paths for user participation through the building of social relationship chains. Traditional Web3 projects require users to frequently switch between multiple pages and applications, leading to a fragmented participation process. However, INTO utilizes social graph algorithms to construct a social relationship chain covering the entire network for users.
On the other hand, INTO mobilizes the intrinsic motivation of users to contribute continuously through innovative incentive mechanism designs. The most representative of these is INTO’s unique token economy model, including the Soulbound Token (SBT) and the ecosystem governance token TOX. SBT is a non-transferable, non-tradable token bound to the soul, used to record all user behaviors and contributions in the INTO ecosystem; TOX is a token in the INTO ecosystem used for economic activities such as payments and exchanges, giving users’ contributions tangible economic value. This incentive mechanism design of “contribution equals power, contribution equals benefits” injects continuous innovative vitality into INTO.
Overall, INTO’s systematic innovations in social behavior, contribution, and growth establish a positive feedback loop. In this loop, social behavior initiates contributions, which then generate momentum, and this momentum drives larger-scale growth. This creates a self-reinforcing, self-evolving growth flywheel, where each stage mutually supports and enhances the others.
INTO’s Ecological Growth: Encouraging Participation to Foster Contribution, Fostering Contribution to Drive Growth
As mentioned earlier, INTO’s success in Web3 user growth stems from its systematic reconstruction of the “participation-contribution-growth” loop, which is based on an ecological perspective. By constructing a positive cycle of “participation-contribution-growth,” INTO achieves a growth paradigm where community members, users, and partners grow and develop together through mutual participation.
Specifically, INTO’s “ecological growth” strategy is manifested in several aspects: Firstly, INTO builds a vast ecological domain for participation through community-based operations. INTO understands the crucial role of community in Web3 growth, thus placing high importance on cultivating a vibrant community atmosphere and shaping shared values. Through multi-dimensional interactions both online and offline, INTO internalizes the concept of participation as a shared belief within the community. Through an open and inclusive community culture, every member is encouraged to embody the principles of participation and contribution. It is within this fertile soil of community ecology that the “virtuous cycle of user growth” takes root and blossoms.

Furthermore, INTO actively propels ecological growth by innovating incentive mechanisms that drive continuous contribution. INTO clearly understands that sustainable growth hinges on persistent contributions. To facilitate this, INTO has carefully devised a comprehensive and multidimensional incentive system for contributions. This system spans a wide spectrum of motivators, from tangible rewards to intangible acknowledgments, and from immediate gratifications to long-term benefits. Such a diversified approach effectively stimulates members’ enthusiasm for ongoing engagement and contribution.
Lastly, INTO adeptly leverages ecological cooperation to amplify growth effects on a larger scale. INTO understands that the key to sustainable growth lies in building a symbiotic and win-win ecological cooperation network. Therefore, INTO fully considers the needs and possibilities of external cooperation in product design, mechanism innovation, and resource integration. Through various forms of cross-domain collaboration and open empowerment, INTO provides partners with sufficient ecological value and obtains crucial growth resources and incremental space from cooperation. It can be said that it is with an open and collaborative ecological mindset that INTO achieves the leap from a single community to multiple ecosystems, pushing the “behavior-contribution-growth” positive cycle into broader horizons.
In summary, INTO’s “ecological growth” strategy adopts an ecological perspective where participation forms the foundation for contribution, contribution fuels growth, and growth fulfills the ecosystem’s purpose. This approach interlinks and reinforces various elements such as community operations, incentive mechanisms, cooperative expansion, and strategic design. This integrated growth path not only showcases INTO’s deep understanding of the core principles of Web3 growth but also serves as a valuable model for numerous Web3 projects navigating the challenging landscape of the industry’s “crypto winter.”
As a growing number of projects start to explore growth through an ecological lens and actively implement the “behavior-contribution-growth” model, Web3 is poised to enter a new era characterized by universal participation and collective growth. In this transformative period, INTO is set to make a significant impact with its trailblazing approach to “ecological growth,” setting a precedent for others in the space and contributing to a more inclusive and expansive Web3 ecosystem.

[>>> READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined)

About INTOverse
INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #TOX #Web3Social
Value Creation and Distribution: Understanding the Essence of Web3 Community BuildingA revolution in Web3, characterized by value reconstruction, elevated experiences, and ecological reshuffling, is taking place. In this revolution, the “community” serves as the link between users and projects, playing an increasingly important role. An active community not only signifies more user participation and retention but also implies stronger innovation momentum and broader ecological imagination. However, in the rapidly changing Web3 landscape, building and managing a truly healthy, active, and sustainable community is not easy. Many projects, while recognizing the importance of communities, often fall into dilemmas such as “empty talk governance,” rampant “freeloaders”” and “difficult cold starts” in practice. INTO, as a pioneer in the Web3 arena, is reconstructing the paradigm of user participation and pioneering a new era of community operation through a series of innovative community building concepts and practices. From “Empty Talk Governance” to “Substantive Empowerment” In the world of Web3, the term “community” has been given a whole new meaning. It is no longer just a collection of users but also an organizational form of common beliefs, collective creation, and value sharing. Here, users are no longer passive “clients” who accept rules but active “participants,” “contributors,” and “beneficiaries.” This shift in roles reflects the essential characteristics of Web3 — decentralization and value return. However, many community development efforts in reality deviate from this original intention. Some projects boast about “community autonomy” in white papers and promotions but fail to involve users in actual governance and decision-making. Governance often remains superficial, with real power still centralized. This not only contradicts the spirit of Web3 but also dampens user enthusiasm. Other projects attempt to drive community activity through token incentives, but if the incentive mechanism is poorly designed, it often leads to a large number of “freeloaders,” causing chaos in the community ecosystem. These “freeloaders” do not genuinely care about the project’s development, and their participation is often short-term and speculative. Once the incentives stop, the community quickly cools down. This “fast food-style” community building is not sustainable. Many projects struggle with the “cold start” problem, finding it difficult to attract enough users to create an active atmosphere of content creation and interaction in the early stages. Many fail at this juncture, struggling to form a meaningful community scale and influence. At the root of these problems lies the fact that many projects’ understanding of community building is still superficial, without truly grasping its internal logic. They often view the community as a marketing tool or a traffic pool, without realizing that the essence of the community is a mechanism for value creation and distribution. In the context of Web3, the significance of community building lies not only in attracting users but also in empowering and incentivizing users, allowing each participant to find their position and value in the community and become the main force for ecological development. Based on this understanding, INTO has embarked on a new journey of community building. . INTO’s “Trinity” Community Building Paradigm Analysis INTO’s community building is not achieved overnight but rather a process of continuous exploration, iteration, and evolution. This process can be summarized as a “trinity” paradigm innovation: governance empowerment, incentive restructuring, and cultural shaping work together to build a vibrant community ecosystem. Firstly, INTO is exploring new community governance concepts — “users as governors” — attempting to more widely distribute governance rights to each user in the future, allowing the development direction of the community to be jointly determined by all participants. INTO is researching and designing preliminary governance frameworks, including establishing more transparent decision-making processes and increasing the role of community voting. Additionally, INTO plans to introduce initial community participation mechanisms in the future, gradually giving community members more say and decision-making power over specific project development and management policies through small-scale pilot projects and consultation platforms. At the same time, INTO has designed a set of refined community contribution incentive mechanisms. Under this mechanism, every contribution from users to the community, whether it’s content creation, community building, or ecosystem activities, can receive corresponding token rewards. This “participation is mining” incentive model not only motivates user participation but also ensures that everyone’s efforts receive fair rewards. Moreover, INTO emphasizes shaping community culture. A strong cultural identity fosters long-term belonging and loyalty. INTO reinforces the community’s values and vision through online and offline activities, enhancing cohesion among members. INTO also supports community members’ growth and career development by providing resources, building communication platforms, and conducting training programs. INTO’s “trinity” community building paradigm offers a vivid example and inspiration. Through systematic reshaping of governance, incentives, and culture, it builds a community ecosystem that is truly user-centered, incentive-compatible, and should not exist in isolation but should be an integral part of the broader Web3 ecosystem. The community’s growth should not only support INTO’s own objectives but also contribute to the flourishing of the entire Web3 ecosystem. Key Measures for INTO’s Ecological Operation of the Community In the construction of INTO’s community, we can easily see a consistent theme throughout, which is the concept of “ecosystem-based operation.” This approach involves evolving from simple community management to collaborative development across the entire ecosystem. INTO recognizes that a truly healthy and sustainable Based on this understanding, INTO has implemented a series of key ecological measures in community management: Encouraging Active Participation: Firstly, INTO actively promotes the participation of community members in the co-construction of the Web3 ecosystem. INTO encourages and supports community members to venture out of the community and deeply engage in exploring the world of Web3 for themselves. By providing resource support, establishing cooperation platforms, and more, INTO helps community members better integrate into the Web3 ecosystem and showcase their talents and creativity on a bigger stage. Many INTO community members have grown into key forces in the Web3 world, becoming important bridges connecting INTO with the external ecosystem. Attracting External Resources:INTO places high importance on attracting and integrating external ecosystem resources to enhance community development. This includes collaborating with other Web3 projects, communities, and institutions to bring in new talents, technologies, and funding. Such initiatives inject fresh vitality and innovative momentum into the community. INTO also actively contributes to the broader Web3 ecosystem by participating in industry standard settings and open-sourcing key technological achievements, underlining its commitment to progress in the Web3 domain. Fostering Web3 Education and Outreach: Furthermore, INTO also emphasizes the important role of the community in Web3 education and dissemination. INTO deeply understands that the future of Web3 ultimately depends on users’ awareness and acceptance. As pioneers and practitioners of the Web3 arena, INTO has a responsibility and obligation to disseminate the concepts and knowledge of Web3 to more people, helping them better understand and participate in this transformative process. To achieve this, INTO community members actively create and share popular science content related to Web3, organize online and offline educational activities, becoming disseminators of Web3 knowledge and culture. At the same time, INTO fosters a good learning atmosphere within the community, encouraging mutual inspiration and progress. This educational initiative not only strengthens the community’s identity and cohesion but also nurtures future participants and builders in the Web3 space. Supporting and Driving Innovation: INTO is dedicated to identifying and backing high-quality projects within the community to spur ecosystem innovation. Recognizing the immense potential for innovation and entrepreneurship within its base, INTO actively seeks and supports standout projects. For instance, the strategic cooperation between the Chain Game Ghost and GALA Games during the Tide Connect event at Rich Nation Island was facilitated by INTO’s technological advancements and node launches on the GALA chain, showcasing a commitment to innovation and rewarding node owners. INTO’s practice of ecosystem-based operation provides us with a new perspective to assess the value and significance of the community. From this perspective, the community is no longer just an accessory to a project but an indispensable organic component of the Web3 ecosystem; the focus of community development is no longer limited to the growth of individual communities but extends to the collaborative evolution of the entire ecosystem. This approach to ecological operations not only breathes new life into the INTO community but also delivers essential resources and drives momentum across the entire Web3 landscape. It heralds a new direction for Web3 community development — from community to ecosystem, from isolated islands to networks, from individual efforts to collaborative evolution. This may be the inevitable path for Web3 communities to mature and prosper. [>>> READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) About INTOverse INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #TOX #Web3Social

Value Creation and Distribution: Understanding the Essence of Web3 Community Building

A revolution in Web3, characterized by value reconstruction, elevated experiences, and ecological reshuffling, is taking place. In this revolution, the “community” serves as the link between users and projects, playing an increasingly important role. An active community not only signifies more user participation and retention but also implies stronger innovation momentum and broader ecological imagination.
However, in the rapidly changing Web3 landscape, building and managing a truly healthy, active, and sustainable community is not easy. Many projects, while recognizing the importance of communities, often fall into dilemmas such as “empty talk governance,” rampant “freeloaders”” and “difficult cold starts” in practice. INTO, as a pioneer in the Web3 arena, is reconstructing the paradigm of user participation and pioneering a new era of community operation through a series of innovative community building concepts and practices.

From “Empty Talk Governance” to “Substantive Empowerment”
In the world of Web3, the term “community” has been given a whole new meaning. It is no longer just a collection of users but also an organizational form of common beliefs, collective creation, and value sharing. Here, users are no longer passive “clients” who accept rules but active “participants,” “contributors,” and “beneficiaries.” This shift in roles reflects the essential characteristics of Web3 — decentralization and value return.
However, many community development efforts in reality deviate from this original intention. Some projects boast about “community autonomy” in white papers and promotions but fail to involve users in actual governance and decision-making. Governance often remains superficial, with real power still centralized. This not only contradicts the spirit of Web3 but also dampens user enthusiasm.
Other projects attempt to drive community activity through token incentives, but if the incentive mechanism is poorly designed, it often leads to a large number of “freeloaders,” causing chaos in the community ecosystem. These “freeloaders” do not genuinely care about the project’s development, and their participation is often short-term and speculative. Once the incentives stop, the community quickly cools down. This “fast food-style” community building is not sustainable.
Many projects struggle with the “cold start” problem, finding it difficult to attract enough users to create an active atmosphere of content creation and interaction in the early stages. Many fail at this juncture, struggling to form a meaningful community scale and influence.
At the root of these problems lies the fact that many projects’ understanding of community building is still superficial, without truly grasping its internal logic. They often view the community as a marketing tool or a traffic pool, without realizing that the essence of the community is a mechanism for value creation and distribution. In the context of Web3, the significance of community building lies not only in attracting users but also in empowering and incentivizing users, allowing each participant to find their position and value in the community and become the main force for ecological development. Based on this understanding, INTO has embarked on a new journey of community building. .

INTO’s “Trinity” Community Building Paradigm Analysis
INTO’s community building is not achieved overnight but rather a process of continuous exploration, iteration, and evolution. This process can be summarized as a “trinity” paradigm innovation: governance empowerment, incentive restructuring, and cultural shaping work together to build a vibrant community ecosystem.
Firstly, INTO is exploring new community governance concepts — “users as governors” — attempting to more widely distribute governance rights to each user in the future, allowing the development direction of the community to be jointly determined by all participants. INTO is researching and designing preliminary governance frameworks, including establishing more transparent decision-making processes and increasing the role of community voting. Additionally, INTO plans to introduce initial community participation mechanisms in the future, gradually giving community members more say and decision-making power over specific project development and management policies through small-scale pilot projects and consultation platforms.
At the same time, INTO has designed a set of refined community contribution incentive mechanisms. Under this mechanism, every contribution from users to the community, whether it’s content creation, community building, or ecosystem activities, can receive corresponding token rewards. This “participation is mining” incentive model not only motivates user participation but also ensures that everyone’s efforts receive fair rewards.
Moreover, INTO emphasizes shaping community culture. A strong cultural identity fosters long-term belonging and loyalty. INTO reinforces the community’s values and vision through online and offline activities, enhancing cohesion among members. INTO also supports community members’ growth and career development by providing resources, building communication platforms, and conducting training programs.

INTO’s “trinity” community building paradigm offers a vivid example and inspiration. Through systematic reshaping of governance, incentives, and culture, it builds a community ecosystem that is truly user-centered, incentive-compatible, and should not exist in isolation but should be an integral part of the broader Web3 ecosystem. The community’s growth should not only support INTO’s own objectives but also contribute to the flourishing of the entire Web3 ecosystem.
Key Measures for INTO’s Ecological Operation of the Community
In the construction of INTO’s community, we can easily see a consistent theme throughout, which is the concept of “ecosystem-based operation.” This approach involves evolving from simple community management to collaborative development across the entire ecosystem. INTO recognizes that a truly healthy and sustainable
Based on this understanding, INTO has implemented a series of key ecological measures in community management:
Encouraging Active Participation: Firstly, INTO actively promotes the participation of community members in the co-construction of the Web3 ecosystem. INTO encourages and supports community members to venture out of the community and deeply engage in exploring the world of Web3 for themselves. By providing resource support, establishing cooperation platforms, and more, INTO helps community members better integrate into the Web3 ecosystem and showcase their talents and creativity on a bigger stage. Many INTO community members have grown into key forces in the Web3 world, becoming important bridges connecting INTO with the external ecosystem.
Attracting External Resources:INTO places high importance on attracting and integrating external ecosystem resources to enhance community development. This includes collaborating with other Web3 projects, communities, and institutions to bring in new talents, technologies, and funding. Such initiatives inject fresh vitality and innovative momentum into the community. INTO also actively contributes to the broader Web3 ecosystem by participating in industry standard settings and open-sourcing key technological achievements, underlining its commitment to progress in the Web3 domain.
Fostering Web3 Education and Outreach: Furthermore, INTO also emphasizes the important role of the community in Web3 education and dissemination. INTO deeply understands that the future of Web3 ultimately depends on users’ awareness and acceptance. As pioneers and practitioners of the Web3 arena, INTO has a responsibility and obligation to disseminate the concepts and knowledge of Web3 to more people, helping them better understand and participate in this transformative process. To achieve this, INTO community members actively create and share popular science content related to Web3, organize online and offline educational activities, becoming disseminators of Web3 knowledge and culture. At the same time, INTO fosters a good learning atmosphere within the community, encouraging mutual inspiration and progress. This educational initiative not only strengthens the community’s identity and cohesion but also nurtures future participants and builders in the Web3 space.
Supporting and Driving Innovation: INTO is dedicated to identifying and backing high-quality projects within the community to spur ecosystem innovation. Recognizing the immense potential for innovation and entrepreneurship within its base, INTO actively seeks and supports standout projects. For instance, the strategic cooperation between the Chain Game Ghost and GALA Games during the Tide Connect event at Rich Nation Island was facilitated by INTO’s technological advancements and node launches on the GALA chain, showcasing a commitment to innovation and rewarding node owners.

INTO’s practice of ecosystem-based operation provides us with a new perspective to assess the value and significance of the community. From this perspective, the community is no longer just an accessory to a project but an indispensable organic component of the Web3 ecosystem; the focus of community development is no longer limited to the growth of individual communities but extends to the collaborative evolution of the entire ecosystem. This approach to ecological operations not only breathes new life into the INTO community but also delivers essential resources and drives momentum across the entire Web3 landscape. It heralds a new direction for Web3 community development — from community to ecosystem, from isolated islands to networks, from individual efforts to collaborative evolution. This may be the inevitable path for Web3 communities to mature and prosper.

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About INTOverse
INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #TOX #Web3Social
$TOX Burn Mechanism and Potential ValueI. Basic Information About $TOX $TOX is the native token of the INTOverse ecosystem, with a total supply of 10 billion tokens. It plays a crucial role in scenarios such as social mining and node mining. In order to maintain the long-term value of $TOX, INTO will officially launch a unique and comprehensive burning mechanism on May 3, 2024. II. $TOX Allocation Plan 1.Social Mining: 1 billion tokens (10%), released linearly over 3 years 2.Node Mining: 6 billion tokens (60%), released linearly over 3 years 3.Ecosystem Fund: 1.5 billion tokens (15%), all burned 4.Exchange Fund: 300 million tokens (3%), used to support DEX and CEX liquidity 5.Promotion Fund: 200 million tokens (2%), incentive for new users 6.Early Bird Round: 100 million tokens (1%), already completed 7.Team: 800 million tokens (8%), all burned 8.Advisors: 100 million tokens (1%), all burned III. $TOX Burning Mechanism 1.Total Burn: Shares from the ecosystem fund, team, and advisors, totaling 2.4 billion tokens, are all to be burned 2.Social Earnings Burn: INTO will burn an amount of $TOX corresponding to the daily output of $TOX. 3.Social Node Burn: The maximum burn limit for each account (including new and old accounts) purchasing social node $TOX is 100,000 tokens, including reinvestment. When a user purchases nodes, the platform simultaneously burns the corresponding amount of $TOX until the account’s accumulated burn reaches the 100,000 token limit. 4.Ecosystem Circulation Burn: In the Web3 game Phatom Arena, $TOX serves as both a ticket and gas fee, leading to substantial consumption. On-chain “iQiyi,” using $TOX for monthly subscriptions to watch movies and TV shows, with 20% used for destruction. In the Star Plan 2.0, only $TOX on the BSC chain is supported, and the project team and community will buy a large amount of $TOX on exchanges. It is estimated that within 2024, $TOX will be successfully implemented to hundreds of ecosystems across web3. 5. Further $TOX Burn: The introduction of features such as avatars, NFT malls, live broadcast rooms, and on-chain malls in the INTOverse ecosystem will bring about demand for $TOX, leading to further consumption and reduction in supply. IV. $TOX’s Deflationary Effect and Value Potential Through the multi-layered burn mechanism described above, $TOX will ultimately be reduced from 10 billion tokens to 21 million tokens, significantly increasing its scarcity. As of now, 675,626,793.9 tokens have been burned, with burn data being recorded on-chain in real time and accessible through the INTO APP at any time. INTO firmly believes that the intrinsic value of a token is the fundamental factor determining its price. With the continuous advancement of the burn mechanism, $TOX’s scarcity will continue to increase, ensuring strong protection for the token’s long-term value. In 2023, $TOX successfully landed on several major global exchanges; in 2024, INTO will continue to support $TOX’s listing on more exchanges, aiming to list on the world’s largest digital asset exchange Binance and continuously enhance $TOX’s global influence. As a native token with significant deflationary properties, $TOX is expected to become a new favorite in the digital asset field in the near future, attracting more attention from users and investors. [>>> READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) About INTOverse INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #TOX #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #Web3Social

$TOX Burn Mechanism and Potential Value

I. Basic Information About $TOX
$TOX is the native token of the INTOverse ecosystem, with a total supply of 10 billion tokens. It plays a crucial role in scenarios such as social mining and node mining. In order to maintain the long-term value of $TOX, INTO will officially launch a unique and comprehensive burning mechanism on May 3, 2024.
II. $TOX Allocation Plan
1.Social Mining: 1 billion tokens (10%), released linearly over 3 years
2.Node Mining: 6 billion tokens (60%), released linearly over 3 years
3.Ecosystem Fund: 1.5 billion tokens (15%), all burned
4.Exchange Fund: 300 million tokens (3%), used to support DEX and CEX liquidity
5.Promotion Fund: 200 million tokens (2%), incentive for new users
6.Early Bird Round: 100 million tokens (1%), already completed
7.Team: 800 million tokens (8%), all burned
8.Advisors: 100 million tokens (1%), all burned
III. $TOX Burning Mechanism
1.Total Burn: Shares from the ecosystem fund, team, and advisors, totaling 2.4 billion tokens, are all to be burned
2.Social Earnings Burn: INTO will burn an amount of $TOX corresponding to the daily output of $TOX.
3.Social Node Burn:
The maximum burn limit for each account (including new and old accounts) purchasing social node $TOX is 100,000 tokens, including reinvestment.
When a user purchases nodes, the platform simultaneously burns the corresponding amount of $TOX until the account’s accumulated burn reaches the 100,000 token limit.
4.Ecosystem Circulation Burn:
In the Web3 game Phatom Arena, $TOX serves as both a ticket and gas fee, leading to substantial consumption.
On-chain “iQiyi,” using $TOX for monthly subscriptions to watch movies and TV shows, with 20% used for destruction.
In the Star Plan 2.0, only $TOX on the BSC chain is supported, and the project team and community will buy a large amount of $TOX on exchanges.
It is estimated that within 2024, $TOX will be successfully implemented to hundreds of ecosystems across web3.
5. Further $TOX Burn:
The introduction of features such as avatars, NFT malls, live broadcast rooms, and on-chain malls in the INTOverse ecosystem will bring about demand for $TOX, leading to further consumption and reduction in supply.
IV. $TOX’s Deflationary Effect and Value Potential
Through the multi-layered burn mechanism described above, $TOX will ultimately be reduced from 10 billion tokens to 21 million tokens, significantly increasing its scarcity. As of now, 675,626,793.9 tokens have been burned, with burn data being recorded on-chain in real time and accessible through the INTO APP at any time.
INTO firmly believes that the intrinsic value of a token is the fundamental factor determining its price. With the continuous advancement of the burn mechanism, $TOX’s scarcity will continue to increase, ensuring strong protection for the token’s long-term value.
In 2023, $TOX successfully landed on several major global exchanges; in 2024, INTO will continue to support $TOX’s listing on more exchanges, aiming to list on the world’s largest digital asset exchange Binance and continuously enhance $TOX’s global influence.
As a native token with significant deflationary properties, $TOX is expected to become a new favorite in the digital asset field in the near future, attracting more attention from users and investors.

[>>> READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined)

About INTOverse
INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#TOX #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #Web3Social
INTO: The Fusion of Social Capital and Web3 EconomyWith the rise of Web3, social capital and social relationships have become increasingly important. Users’ demands for decentralization, data privacy, and new business models continue to grow. INTO, as a globally renowned Web3 social application, has successfully met these demands. Since its launch, INTO has become a leader in the Web3 industry, achieving remarkable results in just about 10 months. It boasts over 12 million registered users globally, with over 900,000 completed SBT digital identity users and a daily active trading volume ranging from 600,000 to 1.3 million transactions, making it the social platform with the highest user base and activity among current Web3 social competitors. INTO’s data capitalization model has continuously brought new opportunities to users, developers, and projects. The Core Features of Web3: Decentralization and Data Privacy In the evolution of the Internet, we have witnessed three important stages: Web1, Web2, and now Web3. Each stage has brought unique characteristics and changes, and Web3 represents the latest milestone in Internet evolution, combining open protocols, community governance, and decentralized networks. In Web3, open protocols are at the core of Internet infrastructure. Unlike in the past, Web3 protocols are transparent, open, and decentralized, providing users and developers with greater participation and control. This means that functions such as data transmission, identity verification, and transactions are no longer controlled by a single entity but are achieved through consensus mechanisms and smart contracts. At the same time, Web3 advocates for a community-driven operational model, making users participants in the network rather than just consumers. Through decentralization, power is distributed to a wider range of participants, reducing the control of a single entity over the network. This model encourages user participation in decision-making, collaborative content creation, and sharing the benefits of the network. In Web3, individual data ownership and privacy protection become more important. Blockchain technology and encryption methods enable data to be securely stored and transmitted, while also making it easier for users to control their own data and decide whether to share it with third parties. This transfer of data ownership gives individuals greater autonomy and privacy protection. INTO upholds the core principles of Web3 by adopting a decentralized architecture, where user data is no longer centrally stored on servers but distributed across the network. This means users have better control over their data, free from manipulation and surveillance by centralized platforms. INTO has established a transparent incentive mechanism where users are rewarded for participating in social activities or providing valuable content. This incentivization model makes users feel that their social actions have tangible value, leading to increased engagement and interaction. Moreover, the allocation process of these rewards is transparent, allowing each user to understand how rewards are generated and distributed, thereby enhancing trust in the platform. Additionally, INTO provides strict data privacy protection mechanisms, ensuring that users’ personal information is not misused or leaked. This decentralized and data privacy-focused design provides users with a safer, more autonomous social environment. Data Capitalization: Empowering the Entire Web3 Industry In the era of Web3, data is considered a valuable asset as it drives the development of various applications and services. The INTO platform aims to capitalize on user data using blockchain technology and principles of cryptoeconomics, and extend this concept to the entire Web3 industry. A significant aspect of Web3 is decentralized finance (DeFi), which liberates financial services from traditional centralized institutions. Through smart contracts and blockchain technology, DeFi platforms offer trustless financial services, including lending, trading, stablecoins, and more. This decentralized financial system makes financial services more inclusive and open. Web3 also heralds the rise of decentralized applications (DApps). These applications run on blockchains, execute code through smart contracts, and perform various functions, from social networks to games to financial services. The emergence of DApps makes application development more open and innovative, allowing users to directly participate in the development and operation of applications. Data capitalization is the process of converting data into tradable assets or value. In the Web3 environment, user-generated data is a valuable resource that developers, businesses, and individuals can leverage. Through data capitalization, users can benefit from their data while having more control and transparency. INTO, as a Web3 social platform, is committed to maximizing user data ownership and value, thereby creating more opportunities and value for the entire Web3 industry. It enables everyone to participate in platform ecosystem construction and shared development opportunities. Through a series of ecosystem development projects such as newcomer tasks, social nodes, star experts, city nodes, star plan, and global nodes, INTO makes it easy for users to earn $TOX token incentives and participate in the construction of the platform’s ecosystem. To date, INTO has already made significant breakthroughs in Web3 data capitalization. Its decentralized nature, data privacy, transparent incentive mechanisms, decentralized governance, openness, and interoperability are not only innovations in business models but also redefine internet values, showcasing a fairer, more transparent, and sustainable future for social networks. How INTO integrates social capital with the Web3 economy Interaction and collaboration are at the core of Web3’s ethos, and they are also the starting point for INTO’s design of social features. INTO encourages openness and interoperability, allowing users to connect their social capital with other Web3 applications and services. This connectivity creates a broader Web3 ecosystem, fostering economic prosperity and innovation. Leveraging the network effects of Web3 technology, INTO expands the roles of individuals and organizations in its ecosystem, creating engaging social experiences for users. Through initiatives like the Star Plan, Pioneer Plan, and subsequent city nodes, INTO ensures that every community user plays a crucial role in driving adoption, participation, and governance. This community involvement provides measurable benchmarks for the healthy expansion of the INTO ecosystem. Encrypted data storage and privacy protection: The INTO platform utilizes blockchain technology to ensure the secure storage and privacy protection of user data. Data is encrypted and stored in a distributed network, with users having encryption keys to control access permissions to their data.Incentive mechanisms and reward systems: INTO establishes incentive mechanisms and reward systems to encourage active participation in the data capitalization process. Users can earn platform tokens or other rewards by sharing data, participating in data transactions, providing data verification, and more.Data governance and transparency: The INTO platform adopts a decentralized data governance mechanism, allowing users to participate in decision-making regarding the platform’s development direction and data usage rules. This transparency and democracy help build trust and drive the continuous healthy development of the platform’s ecosystem. Additionally, the INTO platform empowers users with ownership and control over their data, enabling them to fully realize the value of their data and receive corresponding rewards. By providing trusted data sources to developers and businesses, the INTO platform fosters more innovation and development. Developers can use user data to build smarter, more personalized applications and services, enriching the entire Web3 ecosystem. The data capitalization model of the INTO platform provides more rights to data owners, helping reduce data monopolies and misuse, and promoting the establishment of a fairer and more sustainable digital economic system. In conclusion, INTO’s success lies not only in providing decentralization, data privacy, and new business models but also in its transparent incentive mechanisms, user data ownership, decentralized governance, and openness and interoperability, making users more willing to establish and maintain social relationships on the platform. This decentralized model breaks the monopoly of traditional social platforms, providing users with more revenue opportunities. Overall, the transformation of social capital into economic value drives the development of the Web3 economy. As a representative platform, INTO plays a pivotal role in fostering the growth and innovation of the Web3 ecosystem. Its commitment to openness, security, and active community engagement enables us to reimagine the fundamentals of the Internet and pursue a more equitable and sustainable digital future. [>>> READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) About INTOverse INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #TOX #Web3Social

INTO: The Fusion of Social Capital and Web3 Economy

With the rise of Web3, social capital and social relationships have become increasingly important. Users’ demands for decentralization, data privacy, and new business models continue to grow. INTO, as a globally renowned Web3 social application, has successfully met these demands. Since its launch, INTO has become a leader in the Web3 industry, achieving remarkable results in just about 10 months. It boasts over 12 million registered users globally, with over 900,000 completed SBT digital identity users and a daily active trading volume ranging from 600,000 to 1.3 million transactions, making it the social platform with the highest user base and activity among current Web3 social competitors. INTO’s data capitalization model has continuously brought new opportunities to users, developers, and projects.

The Core Features of Web3: Decentralization and Data Privacy
In the evolution of the Internet, we have witnessed three important stages: Web1, Web2, and now Web3. Each stage has brought unique characteristics and changes, and Web3 represents the latest milestone in Internet evolution, combining open protocols, community governance, and decentralized networks.
In Web3, open protocols are at the core of Internet infrastructure. Unlike in the past, Web3 protocols are transparent, open, and decentralized, providing users and developers with greater participation and control. This means that functions such as data transmission, identity verification, and transactions are no longer controlled by a single entity but are achieved through consensus mechanisms and smart contracts. At the same time, Web3 advocates for a community-driven operational model, making users participants in the network rather than just consumers. Through decentralization, power is distributed to a wider range of participants, reducing the control of a single entity over the network. This model encourages user participation in decision-making, collaborative content creation, and sharing the benefits of the network.
In Web3, individual data ownership and privacy protection become more important. Blockchain technology and encryption methods enable data to be securely stored and transmitted, while also making it easier for users to control their own data and decide whether to share it with third parties. This transfer of data ownership gives individuals greater autonomy and privacy protection.

INTO upholds the core principles of Web3 by adopting a decentralized architecture, where user data is no longer centrally stored on servers but distributed across the network. This means users have better control over their data, free from manipulation and surveillance by centralized platforms. INTO has established a transparent incentive mechanism where users are rewarded for participating in social activities or providing valuable content. This incentivization model makes users feel that their social actions have tangible value, leading to increased engagement and interaction. Moreover, the allocation process of these rewards is transparent, allowing each user to understand how rewards are generated and distributed, thereby enhancing trust in the platform. Additionally, INTO provides strict data privacy protection mechanisms, ensuring that users’ personal information is not misused or leaked. This decentralized and data privacy-focused design provides users with a safer, more autonomous social environment.

Data Capitalization: Empowering the Entire Web3 Industry
In the era of Web3, data is considered a valuable asset as it drives the development of various applications and services. The INTO platform aims to capitalize on user data using blockchain technology and principles of cryptoeconomics, and extend this concept to the entire Web3 industry. A significant aspect of Web3 is decentralized finance (DeFi), which liberates financial services from traditional centralized institutions. Through smart contracts and blockchain technology, DeFi platforms offer trustless financial services, including lending, trading, stablecoins, and more. This decentralized financial system makes financial services more inclusive and open.
Web3 also heralds the rise of decentralized applications (DApps). These applications run on blockchains, execute code through smart contracts, and perform various functions, from social networks to games to financial services. The emergence of DApps makes application development more open and innovative, allowing users to directly participate in the development and operation of applications.
Data capitalization is the process of converting data into tradable assets or value. In the Web3 environment, user-generated data is a valuable resource that developers, businesses, and individuals can leverage. Through data capitalization, users can benefit from their data while having more control and transparency. INTO, as a Web3 social platform, is committed to maximizing user data ownership and value, thereby creating more opportunities and value for the entire Web3 industry. It enables everyone to participate in platform ecosystem construction and shared development opportunities.
Through a series of ecosystem development projects such as newcomer tasks, social nodes, star experts, city nodes, star plan, and global nodes, INTO makes it easy for users to earn $TOX token incentives and participate in the construction of the platform’s ecosystem.
To date, INTO has already made significant breakthroughs in Web3 data capitalization. Its decentralized nature, data privacy, transparent incentive mechanisms, decentralized governance, openness, and interoperability are not only innovations in business models but also redefine internet values, showcasing a fairer, more transparent, and sustainable future for social networks.
How INTO integrates social capital with the Web3 economy
Interaction and collaboration are at the core of Web3’s ethos, and they are also the starting point for INTO’s design of social features. INTO encourages openness and interoperability, allowing users to connect their social capital with other Web3 applications and services. This connectivity creates a broader Web3 ecosystem, fostering economic prosperity and innovation.
Leveraging the network effects of Web3 technology, INTO expands the roles of individuals and organizations in its ecosystem, creating engaging social experiences for users. Through initiatives like the Star Plan, Pioneer Plan, and subsequent city nodes, INTO ensures that every community user plays a crucial role in driving adoption, participation, and governance. This community involvement provides measurable benchmarks for the healthy expansion of the INTO ecosystem.
Encrypted data storage and privacy protection: The INTO platform utilizes blockchain technology to ensure the secure storage and privacy protection of user data. Data is encrypted and stored in a distributed network, with users having encryption keys to control access permissions to their data.Incentive mechanisms and reward systems: INTO establishes incentive mechanisms and reward systems to encourage active participation in the data capitalization process. Users can earn platform tokens or other rewards by sharing data, participating in data transactions, providing data verification, and more.Data governance and transparency: The INTO platform adopts a decentralized data governance mechanism, allowing users to participate in decision-making regarding the platform’s development direction and data usage rules. This transparency and democracy help build trust and drive the continuous healthy development of the platform’s ecosystem.
Additionally, the INTO platform empowers users with ownership and control over their data, enabling them to fully realize the value of their data and receive corresponding rewards. By providing trusted data sources to developers and businesses, the INTO platform fosters more innovation and development. Developers can use user data to build smarter, more personalized applications and services, enriching the entire Web3 ecosystem.
The data capitalization model of the INTO platform provides more rights to data owners, helping reduce data monopolies and misuse, and promoting the establishment of a fairer and more sustainable digital economic system.
In conclusion, INTO’s success lies not only in providing decentralization, data privacy, and new business models but also in its transparent incentive mechanisms, user data ownership, decentralized governance, and openness and interoperability, making users more willing to establish and maintain social relationships on the platform. This decentralized model breaks the monopoly of traditional social platforms, providing users with more revenue opportunities. Overall, the transformation of social capital into economic value drives the development of the Web3 economy. As a representative platform, INTO plays a pivotal role in fostering the growth and innovation of the Web3 ecosystem. Its commitment to openness, security, and active community engagement enables us to reimagine the fundamentals of the Internet and pursue a more equitable and sustainable digital future.

[>>> READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined)

About INTOverse
INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #TOX #Web3Social
$TOX: Fueling the Evolution of INTO’s EcosystemWhen discussing Web3, the focus often revolves around concepts like “decentralization,” “autonomy,” and “consensus.” Yet, a crucial question frequently remains unaddressed in these conversations: What is the driving force behind the continuous evolution of the Web3 ecosystem? The answer might be found in the underlying lines of code and the role of tokens. Tokens are pivotal in dismantling the barriers of centralization, thereby unlocking the immense potential of collective intelligence. In this transformative “Token Revolution,” INTO’s native token, $TOX, stands out with its unique design philosophy and innovative practices, marking it as a particularly notable player in the space. Governance, Collaboration, and Consensus: The Foundations of INTO’s Web3 Ecosystem In the dynamic world of Web3, every meaningful contribution has the potential to be tokenized. Whether it’s content creation, resource sharing, community governance, or application development, ecosystem participants can receive equitable incentives and rewards through tokens. This innovative “participation is mining” model not only provides intrinsic motivation but also fuels the continuous growth of the Web3 ecosystem. As a result, an increasing number of users and creators are drawn to actively engage and contribute, fostering a thriving, collaborative environment. To understand the importance of $TOX, it’s essential to understand that tokens in the Web3 ecosystem transcend their role as mere payment tools or investment assets. They have become the “hard currency” driving the continuous evolution of the Web3 ecosystem, carrying a series of crucial functions such as organizational coordination, incentive alignment, and value incentives. Furthermore, tokens have become the link connecting various corners of the ecosystem. Through the circulation and exchange of tokens, previously isolated individuals and applications can achieve seamless value exchange, forming an ecological cycle of mutual benefit. This cycle not only significantly enhances the efficiency of resource allocation but also enables larger-scale collaborative innovation. More importantly, tokens distribute governance rights across every participant in the ecosystem. Different from the Web2 centralized management model, token holders can influence significant decisions through proposals and voting mechanisms in the Web3 ecosystem. This system of “Token democracy” ensures that the ecosystem’s development aligns with the interests of the majority, thereby unlocking a level of collective intelligence that was previously unattainable. This democratization of decision-making marks a significant shift towards a more inclusive and participatory digital landscape. Tokens have emerged as the “hard currency” of the Web3 ecosystem, serving multiple vital roles. They are not only the primary objective for countless participants but also act as the crucial medium of trust that interlinks various nodes within the ecosystem’s economy. Tokens provide the foundational framework for harnessing collective intelligence, and they are indispensable in supporting the ongoing evolution and dynamism of the ecosystem. Without tokens as this pivotal medium, the Web3 ecosystem would find it challenging to realize its full potential for self-organization and self-evolution. Understanding the irreplaceable role of tokens in the Web3 ecosystem, INTO has dedicated significant resources to the design and development of its native token, TOX. Through meticulously crafted economic models and governance mechanisms, INTO ensures that TOX is pivotal at every critical phase of the ecosystem’s evolution. TOX acts as an anchor for consensus building and a catalyst for innovation. It serves not only as a beacon that rewards contributions but also as a cornerstone that upholds the ecosystem’s core values. This strategic focus on TOX underscores its importance in facilitating growth and maintaining the integrity of the INTO ecosystem. TOX: The Multifunctional Heartbeat of the INTO Ecosystem Within the INTO ecosystem, TOX transcends the role of a mere circulating token. It is engineered to fulfill multiple critical functions including governance, incentivization, collaboration, and value appreciation. This unique, multifaceted nature allows TOX to seamlessly integrate into every aspect of the INTO ecosystem. It acts as the vital “heart” that pumps energy and facilitates a virtuous cycle of growth and innovation. By embodying these diverse roles, TOX ensures robust ecosystem health and drives forward its dynamic evolution. Governance is the fundamental attribute of TOX. As the native governance token of the INTO ecosystem, TOX distributes the ecosystem governance power to every holder. Whether it’s upgrading the technical architecture, adjusting the economic model, or allocating resources for major projects, TOX holders can influence these decisions through proposals and voting. This “Token Democracy” governance model ensures that the INTO ecosystem always moves forward along the community’s intentions, avoiding arbitrary deviations in development direction. Incentivization is the core function of TOX. The INTO ecosystem integrates TOX acquisition tightly with ecosystem contributions through a sophisticated Token economic model. Whether it’s content creation, resource sharing, application development, or community building, participants receive TOX rewards for their efforts. This “participation equals mining” incentive mechanism not only motivates numerous participants but also ensures that everyone’s contributions receive fair rewards. As the ecosystem continues to develop, TOX will grow along with participants, binding more intrinsic value. Collaboration is also an important mission of TOX. Through the circulation and exchange of TOX, previously fragmented individuals and applications are seamlessly connected, forming an efficient collaborative ecosystem. For example, developers can use acquired TOX to purchase computing resources, reducing development costs; users can use TOX to purchase various digital services and goods, enjoying a richer application environment. Through the economic cycle built by TOX, value interchange is achieved in every corner of the INTO ecosystem, and the scale and depth of collaboration continue to expand. Value appreciation is a fundamental aspect of TOX’s role within the INTO ecosystem. To foster sustainable growth in the token’s value, INTO has implemented a unique token burning mechanism. This approach encompasses various facets including total burning, social earning burning, and ecosystem circulation burning, effectively reducing the circulating supply of TOX to enhance its market scarcity. According to projections, the supply of TOX will be strategically reduced from an initial 10 billion tokens to just 21 million. This significant reduction not only underscores INTO’s confidence in the ecosystem’s growth but also signals a long-term commitment to the market. INTO believes that actively integrating TOX into the ecosystem’s cycle early on is more beneficial than allowing it to accumulate idly. This strategy ensures that TOX creates value for a broader range of participants from the outset. As the INTO ecosystem continues to grow and diversify its application scenarios, the demand for TOX is expected to rise correspondingly. This increasing demand, coupled with the controlled supply, is anticipated to provide robust support for TOX’s long-term appreciation, maintaining a healthy equilibrium between supply and demand dynamics. This strategic management of TOX not only enhances its intrinsic value but also strengthens the overall vitality and sustainability of the INTO ecosystem. TOX’s stellar performance in governance, incentives, collaboration, and value appreciation clearly demonstrates its pivotal role in the fate of the INTO ecosystem. This native token is far more than just a promise on paper; it’s a concrete action plan integral to the ecosystem’s operations and growth. By democratizing decision-making, rewarding participation, facilitating seamless exchanges, and strategically enhancing its value, TOX not only drives but also embodies the ecological value of the INTO ecosystem. Through TOX, we see INTO: A Microcosm of Web3 Ecological Evolution Reflecting on TOX’s journey, it’s clear that its destiny is deeply intertwined with the progress of the INTO ecosystem. INTO’s ongoing efforts to cultivate TOX’s value vividly illustrate the path toward ecological evolution typical of Web3 projects. On the governance front, INTO tightly links community consensus to ecological development through the TOX voting mechanism. Each TOX holder is empowered to participate in the ecosystem’s governance, where individual proposals coalesce into collective wisdom. This philosophy of “everyone participates, co-builds, and co-governs” fosters a dynamic environment for self-evolution and self-repair, infusing the ecosystem with vibrant vitality. This practice of “token democracy” exemplifies decentralized governance in Web3, setting a standard for others in the space. At the incentive level, INTO employs a “participation equals mining” economic model, ensuring that every contributor to the ecosystem receives fair rewards for their efforts. By linking user or developer actions with TOX acquisition, a virtuous cycle is formed: higher participation leads to more TOX, which in turn fuels greater enthusiasm for participation. This positive feedback injects continuous internal drive into INTO. Behind this mechanism lies the simple principle in Web3 of value returning to producers. At the collaboration level, TOX has transformed into a vital bridge linking all parties within the INTO ecosystem. Developers, users, nodes, and communities — originally disparate groups — are now united into a shared destiny through TOX. The circulation of TOX facilitates the exchange of value among participants; its appreciation ensures that everyone benefits from the ecosystem’s growth. This collaborative and symbiotic environment is what generates INTO’s potent network effect. This intricate web of economic relationships forms the micro-foundation of Web3’s collaborative nature, showcasing the power and potential of interconnected digital ecosystems. At the value-added level, INTO has built a unique burning mechanism for TOX, which includes both total burning based on community consensus and dynamic burning based on ecological applications. On the one hand, burning reduces the circulating supply of TOX and objectively increases its scarcity; on the other hand, burning is also INTO’s firm optimism for the long-term value of TOX, reflecting its determination to align the interests of currency holders. This symbiotic and co-prosperous relationship between TOX and INTO runs through the core essence of the Web3 economic model design. Looking at INTO through the lens of TOX, we see not only a token’s evolution but also the growth principles of a Web3 ecosystem. Here, governance operates democratically, contributions equate to rights, collaboration ensures mutual benefits, and value appreciation builds on consensus. This not only reflects INTO’s deep commitment to Web3 values but also showcases the fundamental dynamics of ecological evolution in the Web3 realm. [>>> READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) About INTOverse INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #TOX #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #Web3Social

$TOX: Fueling the Evolution of INTO’s Ecosystem

When discussing Web3, the focus often revolves around concepts like “decentralization,” “autonomy,” and “consensus.” Yet, a crucial question frequently remains unaddressed in these conversations: What is the driving force behind the continuous evolution of the Web3 ecosystem? The answer might be found in the underlying lines of code and the role of tokens. Tokens are pivotal in dismantling the barriers of centralization, thereby unlocking the immense potential of collective intelligence. In this transformative “Token Revolution,” INTO’s native token, $TOX, stands out with its unique design philosophy and innovative practices, marking it as a particularly notable player in the space.

Governance, Collaboration, and Consensus: The Foundations of INTO’s Web3 Ecosystem
In the dynamic world of Web3, every meaningful contribution has the potential to be tokenized. Whether it’s content creation, resource sharing, community governance, or application development, ecosystem participants can receive equitable incentives and rewards through tokens. This innovative “participation is mining” model not only provides intrinsic motivation but also fuels the continuous growth of the Web3 ecosystem. As a result, an increasing number of users and creators are drawn to actively engage and contribute, fostering a thriving, collaborative environment.
To understand the importance of $TOX, it’s essential to understand that tokens in the Web3 ecosystem transcend their role as mere payment tools or investment assets. They have become the “hard currency” driving the continuous evolution of the Web3 ecosystem, carrying a series of crucial functions such as organizational coordination, incentive alignment, and value incentives.
Furthermore, tokens have become the link connecting various corners of the ecosystem. Through the circulation and exchange of tokens, previously isolated individuals and applications can achieve seamless value exchange, forming an ecological cycle of mutual benefit. This cycle not only significantly enhances the efficiency of resource allocation but also enables larger-scale collaborative innovation.
More importantly, tokens distribute governance rights across every participant in the ecosystem. Different from the Web2 centralized management model, token holders can influence significant decisions through proposals and voting mechanisms in the Web3 ecosystem. This system of “Token democracy” ensures that the ecosystem’s development aligns with the interests of the majority, thereby unlocking a level of collective intelligence that was previously unattainable. This democratization of decision-making marks a significant shift towards a more inclusive and participatory digital landscape.
Tokens have emerged as the “hard currency” of the Web3 ecosystem, serving multiple vital roles. They are not only the primary objective for countless participants but also act as the crucial medium of trust that interlinks various nodes within the ecosystem’s economy. Tokens provide the foundational framework for harnessing collective intelligence, and they are indispensable in supporting the ongoing evolution and dynamism of the ecosystem. Without tokens as this pivotal medium, the Web3 ecosystem would find it challenging to realize its full potential for self-organization and self-evolution.
Understanding the irreplaceable role of tokens in the Web3 ecosystem, INTO has dedicated significant resources to the design and development of its native token, TOX. Through meticulously crafted economic models and governance mechanisms, INTO ensures that TOX is pivotal at every critical phase of the ecosystem’s evolution. TOX acts as an anchor for consensus building and a catalyst for innovation. It serves not only as a beacon that rewards contributions but also as a cornerstone that upholds the ecosystem’s core values. This strategic focus on TOX underscores its importance in facilitating growth and maintaining the integrity of the INTO ecosystem.

TOX: The Multifunctional Heartbeat of the INTO Ecosystem
Within the INTO ecosystem, TOX transcends the role of a mere circulating token. It is engineered to fulfill multiple critical functions including governance, incentivization, collaboration, and value appreciation. This unique, multifaceted nature allows TOX to seamlessly integrate into every aspect of the INTO ecosystem. It acts as the vital “heart” that pumps energy and facilitates a virtuous cycle of growth and innovation. By embodying these diverse roles, TOX ensures robust ecosystem health and drives forward its dynamic evolution.
Governance is the fundamental attribute of TOX. As the native governance token of the INTO ecosystem, TOX distributes the ecosystem governance power to every holder. Whether it’s upgrading the technical architecture, adjusting the economic model, or allocating resources for major projects, TOX holders can influence these decisions through proposals and voting. This “Token Democracy” governance model ensures that the INTO ecosystem always moves forward along the community’s intentions, avoiding arbitrary deviations in development direction.
Incentivization is the core function of TOX. The INTO ecosystem integrates TOX acquisition tightly with ecosystem contributions through a sophisticated Token economic model. Whether it’s content creation, resource sharing, application development, or community building, participants receive TOX rewards for their efforts. This “participation equals mining” incentive mechanism not only motivates numerous participants but also ensures that everyone’s contributions receive fair rewards. As the ecosystem continues to develop, TOX will grow along with participants, binding more intrinsic value.
Collaboration is also an important mission of TOX. Through the circulation and exchange of TOX, previously fragmented individuals and applications are seamlessly connected, forming an efficient collaborative ecosystem. For example, developers can use acquired TOX to purchase computing resources, reducing development costs; users can use TOX to purchase various digital services and goods, enjoying a richer application environment. Through the economic cycle built by TOX, value interchange is achieved in every corner of the INTO ecosystem, and the scale and depth of collaboration continue to expand.
Value appreciation is a fundamental aspect of TOX’s role within the INTO ecosystem. To foster sustainable growth in the token’s value, INTO has implemented a unique token burning mechanism. This approach encompasses various facets including total burning, social earning burning, and ecosystem circulation burning, effectively reducing the circulating supply of TOX to enhance its market scarcity.
According to projections, the supply of TOX will be strategically reduced from an initial 10 billion tokens to just 21 million. This significant reduction not only underscores INTO’s confidence in the ecosystem’s growth but also signals a long-term commitment to the market. INTO believes that actively integrating TOX into the ecosystem’s cycle early on is more beneficial than allowing it to accumulate idly. This strategy ensures that TOX creates value for a broader range of participants from the outset.
As the INTO ecosystem continues to grow and diversify its application scenarios, the demand for TOX is expected to rise correspondingly. This increasing demand, coupled with the controlled supply, is anticipated to provide robust support for TOX’s long-term appreciation, maintaining a healthy equilibrium between supply and demand dynamics. This strategic management of TOX not only enhances its intrinsic value but also strengthens the overall vitality and sustainability of the INTO ecosystem.
TOX’s stellar performance in governance, incentives, collaboration, and value appreciation clearly demonstrates its pivotal role in the fate of the INTO ecosystem. This native token is far more than just a promise on paper; it’s a concrete action plan integral to the ecosystem’s operations and growth. By democratizing decision-making, rewarding participation, facilitating seamless exchanges, and strategically enhancing its value, TOX not only drives but also embodies the ecological value of the INTO ecosystem.

Through TOX, we see INTO: A Microcosm of Web3 Ecological Evolution
Reflecting on TOX’s journey, it’s clear that its destiny is deeply intertwined with the progress of the INTO ecosystem. INTO’s ongoing efforts to cultivate TOX’s value vividly illustrate the path toward ecological evolution typical of Web3 projects.
On the governance front, INTO tightly links community consensus to ecological development through the TOX voting mechanism. Each TOX holder is empowered to participate in the ecosystem’s governance, where individual proposals coalesce into collective wisdom. This philosophy of “everyone participates, co-builds, and co-governs” fosters a dynamic environment for self-evolution and self-repair, infusing the ecosystem with vibrant vitality. This practice of “token democracy” exemplifies decentralized governance in Web3, setting a standard for others in the space.
At the incentive level, INTO employs a “participation equals mining” economic model, ensuring that every contributor to the ecosystem receives fair rewards for their efforts. By linking user or developer actions with TOX acquisition, a virtuous cycle is formed: higher participation leads to more TOX, which in turn fuels greater enthusiasm for participation. This positive feedback injects continuous internal drive into INTO. Behind this mechanism lies the simple principle in Web3 of value returning to producers.
At the collaboration level, TOX has transformed into a vital bridge linking all parties within the INTO ecosystem. Developers, users, nodes, and communities — originally disparate groups — are now united into a shared destiny through TOX. The circulation of TOX facilitates the exchange of value among participants; its appreciation ensures that everyone benefits from the ecosystem’s growth. This collaborative and symbiotic environment is what generates INTO’s potent network effect. This intricate web of economic relationships forms the micro-foundation of Web3’s collaborative nature, showcasing the power and potential of interconnected digital ecosystems.
At the value-added level, INTO has built a unique burning mechanism for TOX, which includes both total burning based on community consensus and dynamic burning based on ecological applications. On the one hand, burning reduces the circulating supply of TOX and objectively increases its scarcity; on the other hand, burning is also INTO’s firm optimism for the long-term value of TOX, reflecting its determination to align the interests of currency holders. This symbiotic and co-prosperous relationship between TOX and INTO runs through the core essence of the Web3 economic model design.
Looking at INTO through the lens of TOX, we see not only a token’s evolution but also the growth principles of a Web3 ecosystem. Here, governance operates democratically, contributions equate to rights, collaboration ensures mutual benefits, and value appreciation builds on consensus. This not only reflects INTO’s deep commitment to Web3 values but also showcases the fundamental dynamics of ecological evolution in the Web3 realm.

[>>> READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined)

About INTOverse
INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#TOX #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #Web3Social
INTO DAO: Initiating a New Era of Decentralized Financial GovernanceRecently, the social protocol INTO made a major announcement, introducing the unprecedented TOX burning mechanism. This initative will reduce the supply of the ecosystem token TOX from 10 billion tokens to 21 million tokens, marking the official launch of INTO DAO governance. As a pioneering force in the blockchain industry, INTO is driving crypto innovation with its steadfast commitments and innovative governance approaches, evolving into a project brimming with hope, boundless potential, and cohesive consensus. Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): The Rise of a New Governance Model Governance is the act of managing collective decision-making and can optimize funds and operations. With the rapid growth of the DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) communities, the question of how to govern decentralized protocols is becoming increasingly important. However, traditional governance models often require significant coordination costs because network participants need to vote on every decision. In new decentralized networks, these coordination costs can be significantly reduced. Smart contracts enable participants to govern in a collaborative manner. These new networks are known as DAOs, or Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. In DAOs, people come together with aligned incentives and common interests, without leaders or single points of failure, and are almost entirely run by code. Many new protocols are using DAO structures, with most activities currently based on open financial systems, but there is also a growing number of cultural networks adopting DAO models for purchasing and trading artworks and other collectibles. In DAOs, participants decide on the direction of the protocol and important decisions through voting. These votes can cover various issues, including modifying protocol parameters, adding new features, and allocating funds. The voting weight of each participant can be determined based on their contribution to the protocol, ensuring fairness in power distribution. Essentially, DAOs can be viewed as a unique blend of investment banks, corporations, and social clubs. They tightly bind participants through cryptographic commitments, fostering mutual growth and shared interests within the community. This structure not only provides individuals with greater participation and control but also offers a more flexible and efficient governance model for the long-term sustainable development of projects. Overall, DAO as a new governance model is on the rise. It provides participants with greater power and control while promoting collaboration and development within the community. With advancements in technology and continuous improvements to the DAO model, it is poised to become the mainstream governance model of the future, driving the development of more open, transparent, and inclusive financial and cultural networks. Openness, Transparency, and Consensus: Building the Foundation of INTO DAO Governance The emergence of Web3 is due to the inability of centralized institutions to ensure security, fairness, and transparency in managing financial and social infrastructure. Web3 is built on a trust-minimized distributed network based on blockchain and oracle technologies, utilizing cryptography, consensus protocols, and mechanism design to manage digital infrastructure. It eliminates the need to trust human third parties and instead relies on technology for security. The core advantage of blockchain technology lies in its decentralized, trustworthy, and encrypted ledger characteristics. This enables businesses and institutions to seamlessly transition their operations to secure, self-recorded applications. Compared to traditional centralized systems, blockchain provides higher security and transparency, thereby enhancing trust and reliability for enterprises. By adopting smart contracts and distributed applications (DApps), businesses can achieve more efficient workflows and conduct cross-border transactions globally without relying on third parties. In this new network paradigm, every piece of information and byte can represent value and can be confirmed, measured, and traded on the blockchain, enabling asset tracking, control, and transactions. Unlike in the early days of the internet, Web3 aims to grant true ownership of digital assets, allowing them to be confirmed, quantified, and traded. The next generation of blockchain systems aims to achieve enterprise-level applications that not only handle large-scale transactions but also meet enterprise needs for data privacy and security. In addition to DeFi and NFTs, the trust-minimized digital infrastructure has also implemented a new type of blockchain social model called DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization. In DAOs, independent entities can collectively govern open-source infrastructure and manage assets democratically. Specifically, this involves writing all processes into smart contract code and executing them on the blockchain. The fundamental purpose of DAOs is to expand the concept of trust minimization and achieve collective decision-making in society. INTO DAO is a vibrant and innovative DAO aimed at driving the development of the blockchain ecosystem and ushering in a new era of decentralized financial governance. The organization welcomes a diverse range of participants, including community members, independent contributors, ecosystem liquidity providers, DAO partners, and token holders. Firstly, community members play a crucial role in INTO DAO. They can actively engage through forums and social media, share innovative ideas, and facilitate community development and interaction. This open environment encourages the emergence and sharing of creativity, making the entire ecosystem more vibrant and diverse. Secondly, independent contributors are the drivers and developers of INTO DAO. They can contribute by pushing for DAO protocol formulation, promoting project development, and collaborating with other projects. This spirit of collaboration will further drive the development of INTO DAO, making it an integral part of the blockchain ecosystem. Ecosystem liquidity providers are one of the pillars of the INTO DAO ecosystem. By voluntarily providing liquidity, they collectively promote the construction of a more robust ecosystem. This form of participation not only helps ensure the stability and sustainability of the project but also provides a solid foundation for ecosystem development. In addition, DAO partners can explore opportunities for collaboration with INTO DAO protocols, jointly creating greater value. This collaborative model will bring more opportunities and possibilities to different projects, driving the development and growth of the entire ecosystem. Lastly, token holders have significant rights in the governance of INTO DAO. They can participate in determining the development path of INTO DAO and the allocation of financial assets, ensuring that the organization’s development direction remains in line with the community consensus. Overall, INTO DAO showcases its leading position and future prospects in the field of decentralized financial governance through its unique background, principles, and vision, as well as its open governance mechanism and ecosystem liquidity commitment mechanism. By attracting various participants, INTO DAO will continue to inject vitality into the development and innovation of the blockchain ecosystem, ushering in a new era. The Epic Burning of TOX: Building Value in the INTO Ecosystem TOX is the core token of the INTO social ecosystem platform, and the epic token burning initative will lay a solid foundation for the project’s long-term development. As the INTO ecosystem grows, every new social node user and Star Program user will lead to a certain amount of TOX burning, with a maximum of 100,000 TOX per user. This mechanism will make TOX more scarce, thereby driving its value continuously upward. The complete burning process of TOX is managed by the INTO team and affiliated institutions. Combined with the reduction of the total supply to 21 million TOX, this demonstrates the INTO team’s strong commitment to a deflationary mechanism and their confidence in the project’s long-term development. This measure will make TOX an even scarcer asset, further driving its value up. By 2024, TOX will be listed on mainstream CEX platforms such as Binance, and OKX,and will be integrated into hundreds of ecosystem projects, which will further increase the demand for TOX, pushing its value further up. INTO is launching DAO governance, allowing every user to become an issuer of TOX, which is a groundbreaking move. This means that every user has the right to participate in the project and earn profits, while also taking on certain responsibilities. This decentralized wealth fairness and redistribution model will propel INTO towards its goal of becoming a decentralized social ecosystem platform. When everyone can become an issuer of INTO’s ecosystem token TOX, it means that everyone has a responsibility to drive the project’s development and be accountable for their investments. This will collectively propel INTO into a new stage of development, focusing on global Web3 user traffic and jointly creating a Web3 social big data ecosystem industry. INTO’s rise will bring about many significant changes. The deflation mechanism of TOX and the development of the INTO ecosystem will collectively drive the continuous growth of TOX’s value, redefining the concept of digital assets and empowering users to become the owners of the platform. Through innovative deflation mechanisms and decentralized social ecosystem models, INTO is creating a scarce and valuable social ecosystem, bringing more opportunities and profits to users and investors. This will drive the development of new applications such as decentralized finance (DeFi) and digital identity verification on a global scale, bringing greater innovation and inclusivity. In conclusion, INTO represents a new network paradigm that will bring greater value and opportunities to enterprises and individuals. By building a Web3 based on decentralization, trust, and encryption, INTO and users are stepping into a more open, transparent, and secure digital economic era together. [>>> READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined) About INTOverse INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide. Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram #TOX #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #Web3Social

INTO DAO: Initiating a New Era of Decentralized Financial Governance

Recently, the social protocol INTO made a major announcement, introducing the unprecedented TOX burning mechanism. This initative will reduce the supply of the ecosystem token TOX from 10 billion tokens to 21 million tokens, marking the official launch of INTO DAO governance. As a pioneering force in the blockchain industry, INTO is driving crypto innovation with its steadfast commitments and innovative governance approaches, evolving into a project brimming with hope, boundless potential, and cohesive consensus.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): The Rise of a New Governance Model
Governance is the act of managing collective decision-making and can optimize funds and operations. With the rapid growth of the DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) communities, the question of how to govern decentralized protocols is becoming increasingly important. However, traditional governance models often require significant coordination costs because network participants need to vote on every decision.
In new decentralized networks, these coordination costs can be significantly reduced. Smart contracts enable participants to govern in a collaborative manner. These new networks are known as DAOs, or Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. In DAOs, people come together with aligned incentives and common interests, without leaders or single points of failure, and are almost entirely run by code.
Many new protocols are using DAO structures, with most activities currently based on open financial systems, but there is also a growing number of cultural networks adopting DAO models for purchasing and trading artworks and other collectibles. In DAOs, participants decide on the direction of the protocol and important decisions through voting. These votes can cover various issues, including modifying protocol parameters, adding new features, and allocating funds. The voting weight of each participant can be determined based on their contribution to the protocol, ensuring fairness in power distribution.
Essentially, DAOs can be viewed as a unique blend of investment banks, corporations, and social clubs. They tightly bind participants through cryptographic commitments, fostering mutual growth and shared interests within the community. This structure not only provides individuals with greater participation and control but also offers a more flexible and efficient governance model for the long-term sustainable development of projects.

Overall, DAO as a new governance model is on the rise. It provides participants with greater power and control while promoting collaboration and development within the community. With advancements in technology and continuous improvements to the DAO model, it is poised to become the mainstream governance model of the future, driving the development of more open, transparent, and inclusive financial and cultural networks.
Openness, Transparency, and Consensus: Building the Foundation of INTO DAO Governance
The emergence of Web3 is due to the inability of centralized institutions to ensure security, fairness, and transparency in managing financial and social infrastructure. Web3 is built on a trust-minimized distributed network based on blockchain and oracle technologies, utilizing cryptography, consensus protocols, and mechanism design to manage digital infrastructure. It eliminates the need to trust human third parties and instead relies on technology for security.
The core advantage of blockchain technology lies in its decentralized, trustworthy, and encrypted ledger characteristics. This enables businesses and institutions to seamlessly transition their operations to secure, self-recorded applications. Compared to traditional centralized systems, blockchain provides higher security and transparency, thereby enhancing trust and reliability for enterprises. By adopting smart contracts and distributed applications (DApps), businesses can achieve more efficient workflows and conduct cross-border transactions globally without relying on third parties. In this new network paradigm, every piece of information and byte can represent value and can be confirmed, measured, and traded on the blockchain, enabling asset tracking, control, and transactions.
Unlike in the early days of the internet, Web3 aims to grant true ownership of digital assets, allowing them to be confirmed, quantified, and traded. The next generation of blockchain systems aims to achieve enterprise-level applications that not only handle large-scale transactions but also meet enterprise needs for data privacy and security.
In addition to DeFi and NFTs, the trust-minimized digital infrastructure has also implemented a new type of blockchain social model called DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization. In DAOs, independent entities can collectively govern open-source infrastructure and manage assets democratically. Specifically, this involves writing all processes into smart contract code and executing them on the blockchain. The fundamental purpose of DAOs is to expand the concept of trust minimization and achieve collective decision-making in society.

INTO DAO is a vibrant and innovative DAO aimed at driving the development of the blockchain ecosystem and ushering in a new era of decentralized financial governance. The organization welcomes a diverse range of participants, including community members, independent contributors, ecosystem liquidity providers, DAO partners, and token holders.
Firstly, community members play a crucial role in INTO DAO. They can actively engage through forums and social media, share innovative ideas, and facilitate community development and interaction. This open environment encourages the emergence and sharing of creativity, making the entire ecosystem more vibrant and diverse.
Secondly, independent contributors are the drivers and developers of INTO DAO. They can contribute by pushing for DAO protocol formulation, promoting project development, and collaborating with other projects. This spirit of collaboration will further drive the development of INTO DAO, making it an integral part of the blockchain ecosystem.
Ecosystem liquidity providers are one of the pillars of the INTO DAO ecosystem. By voluntarily providing liquidity, they collectively promote the construction of a more robust ecosystem. This form of participation not only helps ensure the stability and sustainability of the project but also provides a solid foundation for ecosystem development. In addition, DAO partners can explore opportunities for collaboration with INTO DAO protocols, jointly creating greater value. This collaborative model will bring more opportunities and possibilities to different projects, driving the development and growth of the entire ecosystem.
Lastly, token holders have significant rights in the governance of INTO DAO. They can participate in determining the development path of INTO DAO and the allocation of financial assets, ensuring that the organization’s development direction remains in line with the community consensus.
Overall, INTO DAO showcases its leading position and future prospects in the field of decentralized financial governance through its unique background, principles, and vision, as well as its open governance mechanism and ecosystem liquidity commitment mechanism. By attracting various participants, INTO DAO will continue to inject vitality into the development and innovation of the blockchain ecosystem, ushering in a new era.

The Epic Burning of TOX: Building Value in the INTO Ecosystem
TOX is the core token of the INTO social ecosystem platform, and the epic token burning initative will lay a solid foundation for the project’s long-term development. As the INTO ecosystem grows, every new social node user and Star Program user will lead to a certain amount of TOX burning, with a maximum of 100,000 TOX per user. This mechanism will make TOX more scarce, thereby driving its value continuously upward.
The complete burning process of TOX is managed by the INTO team and affiliated institutions. Combined with the reduction of the total supply to 21 million TOX, this demonstrates the INTO team’s strong commitment to a deflationary mechanism and their confidence in the project’s long-term development. This measure will make TOX an even scarcer asset, further driving its value up. By 2024, TOX will be listed on mainstream CEX platforms such as Binance, and OKX,and will be integrated into hundreds of ecosystem projects, which will further increase the demand for TOX, pushing its value further up.
INTO is launching DAO governance, allowing every user to become an issuer of TOX, which is a groundbreaking move. This means that every user has the right to participate in the project and earn profits, while also taking on certain responsibilities. This decentralized wealth fairness and redistribution model will propel INTO towards its goal of becoming a decentralized social ecosystem platform.
When everyone can become an issuer of INTO’s ecosystem token TOX, it means that everyone has a responsibility to drive the project’s development and be accountable for their investments. This will collectively propel INTO into a new stage of development, focusing on global Web3 user traffic and jointly creating a Web3 social big data ecosystem industry.
INTO’s rise will bring about many significant changes. The deflation mechanism of TOX and the development of the INTO ecosystem will collectively drive the continuous growth of TOX’s value, redefining the concept of digital assets and empowering users to become the owners of the platform. Through innovative deflation mechanisms and decentralized social ecosystem models, INTO is creating a scarce and valuable social ecosystem, bringing more opportunities and profits to users and investors. This will drive the development of new applications such as decentralized finance (DeFi) and digital identity verification on a global scale, bringing greater innovation and inclusivity.
In conclusion, INTO represents a new network paradigm that will bring greater value and opportunities to enterprises and individuals. By building a Web3 based on decentralization, trust, and encryption, INTO and users are stepping into a more open, transparent, and secure digital economic era together.

[>>> READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE <<<](undefined)

About INTOverse
INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

#TOX #INTOverse #IntoTheFuture #Web3Social
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