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What Is Fast API and How Does It Work

What Is Fast API and How Does It Work

2022-06-22 10:33
Binance has launched the Fast API function to better serve Link and Trade users. Fast API can help users quickly authorize specific account permissions, create API keys, and automatically connect to third-party API link platforms.

How does Fast API work?

Fast API allows you to log in to your Binance account via the quick connect function on third-party link platforms. It can automatically generate API keys and bind to third-party link platforms, ​​so you can start using their services without manually creating API keys.

How to activate the Fast API function?

To activate Fast API, please email the Binance Link team at Then follow the onboarding process below:
1. Fill out the third-party security audit questionnaire.
2. Follow the Binance OAuth 2.0 instructions to provide a logo image (60*60), your name, a callback URL, and your email address.
3. You will receive an email with your Client ID and Client Secret. Please do not share your Client Secret with anyone.
4. Give a brief explanation about the scope of this Fast API, and we will configure it for you. Scope includes:
a. Account: status
b. Create: API Key
5. You can start using the Fast API.
Please note:
  • If you cannot pass the security audit, you won’t be able to use the Fast API function.
  • Each Binance account can only connect to one link platform via the Fast API.