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Informe técnico sobre economía de tokens y incentivos de IOTA 2.0: Eliminar las tarifas de los titulares de tokens y trabajar para eliminarlosRecientemente se publicó un documento técnico sobre incentivos y economía de tokens de IOTA 2.0. Según el documento técnico, IOTA 2.0 proporciona acceso a la red como recompensa por mantener la red, para crear un ecosistema de criptomonedas inclusivo y accesible y para lograr autonomía digital para una base de usuarios más amplia. El consenso sin líderes de IOTA 2.0 elimina el costo para los poseedores de tokens, quienes pueden destruir el recurso Mana generado por los tokens para producir sus propios bloques. Al recompensar a los usuarios que participan en la red con Mana en lugar de recompensas simbólicas básicas, la economía simbólica de IOTA 2.0 evita la adquisición y explotación de valor por parte de validadores con fines de lucro. El método tiene como objetivo eliminar la inflación, garantizar un suministro fijo de tokens y evitar la centralización de la riqueza. Vincular directamente las recompensas a la utilidad del sistema también fomenta la participación continua y a largo plazo de los primeros usuarios y se adapta a los usuarios que tienen limitaciones para obtener recompensas en criptomonedas.

Informe técnico sobre economía de tokens y incentivos de IOTA 2.0: Eliminar las tarifas de los titulares de tokens y trabajar para eliminarlos

Recientemente se publicó un documento técnico sobre incentivos y economía de tokens de IOTA 2.0. Según el documento técnico, IOTA 2.0 proporciona acceso a la red como recompensa por mantener la red, para crear un ecosistema de criptomonedas inclusivo y accesible y para lograr autonomía digital para una base de usuarios más amplia. El consenso sin líderes de IOTA 2.0 elimina el costo para los poseedores de tokens, quienes pueden destruir el recurso Mana generado por los tokens para producir sus propios bloques. Al recompensar a los usuarios que participan en la red con Mana en lugar de recompensas simbólicas básicas, la economía simbólica de IOTA 2.0 evita la adquisición y explotación de valor por parte de validadores con fines de lucro. El método tiene como objetivo eliminar la inflación, garantizar un suministro fijo de tokens y evitar la centralización de la riqueza. Vincular directamente las recompensas a la utilidad del sistema también fomenta la participación continua y a largo plazo de los primeros usuarios y se adapta a los usuarios que tienen limitaciones para obtener recompensas en criptomonedas.
欧元稳定币发行商STASIS与Stellar进行多链集成金色财经报道,欧元稳定币发行商STASIS宣布与Stellar进行多链集成,该集成为Stellar网络带来了的新数字版本和透明的、基于欧元的稳定币。STASIS EURO是欧洲稳定币的组成者和监管者,也是市场上的主要参与者,EURS-Assets均以1:1的比例与Euro-Guthaben进行清算,并在立陶宛中央银行(Zentralbank Litauens)进行储备。 #pepebrc


金色财经报道,欧元稳定币发行商STASIS宣布与Stellar进行多链集成,该集成为Stellar网络带来了的新数字版本和透明的、基于欧元的稳定币。STASIS EURO是欧洲稳定币的组成者和监管者,也是市场上的主要参与者,EURS-Assets均以1:1的比例与Euro-Guthaben进行清算,并在立陶宛中央银行(Zentralbank Litauens)进行储备。
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#pepebrc pepebrc ¡Esta es Pepe Coin en la cadena de bloques Bitcoin! tiene una capitalización de mercado de 7 millones y 42 millones de monedas, ¡y el precio ahora es de 0,17 centavos! ____________________ El pepe en ethereum tiene una capitalización de mercado de 3,1 mil millones y un suministro de circulación de 420690,0 mil millones. ____________________ cuando pepebrc obtenga solo 200 millones de capitalización de mercado, el 5% de la capitalización de mercado de pepe en etéreo, el precio de pepebrc será de 4,76 usdt. ¡Esto es 30x! ¡Mi precio objetivo en pepebrc es 2,38 usdt!

¡Esta es Pepe Coin en la cadena de bloques Bitcoin! tiene una capitalización de mercado de 7 millones y 42 millones de monedas, ¡y el precio ahora es de 0,17 centavos!
El pepe en ethereum tiene una capitalización de mercado de 3,1 mil millones y un suministro de circulación de 420690,0 mil millones.
cuando pepebrc obtenga solo 200 millones de capitalización de mercado, el 5% de la capitalización de mercado de pepe en etéreo, el precio de pepebrc será de 4,76 usdt.
¡Esto es 30x! ¡Mi precio objetivo en pepebrc es 2,38 usdt!
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El interés abierto del contrato de Bitcoin de Binance aumentó a $4.413 mil millones, superando a CME y volviendo aSegún datos de Coinglass, la posición abierta de contratos de futuros de Bitcoin en Binance ha aumentado a 114.200 BTC (aproximadamente 4.413 millones de dólares), superando la posición abierta de contratos de CME (108.900 BTC, aproximadamente 4.210 millones de dólares) y convirtiéndose una vez más en la plataforma de negociación de futuros de Bitcoin más grande. #pepebrc

El interés abierto del contrato de Bitcoin de Binance aumentó a $4.413 mil millones, superando a CME y volviendo a

Según datos de Coinglass, la posición abierta de contratos de futuros de Bitcoin en Binance ha aumentado a 114.200 BTC (aproximadamente 4.413 millones de dólares), superando la posición abierta de contratos de CME (108.900 BTC, aproximadamente 4.210 millones de dólares) y convirtiéndose una vez más en la plataforma de negociación de futuros de Bitcoin más grande.
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👉PEPE Consejos largos y cortos: posición de entrada y posición de stop loss. En la era de la tecnología inteligente de IA, los algoritmos independientes evitan el sufrimiento de las condiciones volátiles del mercado. No hay que esperar para cada transacción. Los principiantes pueden simplemente ejecutarla, ¡con una tasa de ganancia del 99%! 👉 ¡Conviértete en analista en segundos! #PEPE.智能策略库🥇🥇 #pepe #PEPE🔥🔥 #PEPEUSDT #pepebrc $PEPE

Consejos largos y cortos: posición de entrada y posición de stop loss.

En la era de la tecnología inteligente de IA, los algoritmos independientes evitan el sufrimiento de las condiciones volátiles del mercado. No hay que esperar para cada transacción. Los principiantes pueden simplemente ejecutarla, ¡con una tasa de ganancia del 99%!

👉 ¡Conviértete en analista en segundos!

#PEPE.智能策略库🥇🥇 #pepe #PEPE🔥🔥 #PEPEUSDT #pepebrc $PEPE
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Se publica el primer estándar internacional del mundo para modelos de control de riesgos financieros, liderado por TencentSegún 36Kr, el 30 de noviembre se celebró en Shenzhen la reunión de lanzamiento del estándar de modelo grande de control de riesgos financieros del IEEE. Este estándar fue iniciado por Tencent y es el primer estándar internacional de modelo grande del mundo en el campo del control de riesgos financieros. Su objetivo es proporcionar referencia y orientación para la aplicación de la tecnología de modelos grandes de IA en el proceso de modelado de control de riesgos de las instituciones financieras. Las instituciones financieras pueden predecir, medir y gestionar cada vez más eficientemente los riesgos empresariales en entornos financieros complejos y basados ​​en datos. #pepebrc

Se publica el primer estándar internacional del mundo para modelos de control de riesgos financieros, liderado por Tencent

Según 36Kr, el 30 de noviembre se celebró en Shenzhen la reunión de lanzamiento del estándar de modelo grande de control de riesgos financieros del IEEE. Este estándar fue iniciado por Tencent y es el primer estándar internacional de modelo grande del mundo en el campo del control de riesgos financieros. Su objetivo es proporcionar referencia y orientación para la aplicación de la tecnología de modelos grandes de IA en el proceso de modelado de control de riesgos de las instituciones financieras. Las instituciones financieras pueden predecir, medir y gestionar cada vez más eficientemente los riesgos empresariales en entornos financieros complejos y basados ​​en datos.
余弦:Safe多签钱包需改善交互安全设计,以解决首尾号相同地址钓鱼攻击问题 慢雾创始人余弦在X平台转发Scam Sniffer的推文并表示:“首尾号相同钱包地址钓鱼攻击,Safe多签钱包用户的损失还挺大。这不是Safe多签合约的风险,而是Safe多签钱包UI的问题,用户交互安全设计需要尽快跟上了。” 此前消息,Web3反诈骗平台Scam Sniffer在X平台发文表示,在过去一周里,大约有10个Safe钱包因为“address poisoning(地址投毒)”攻击而损失205万美元。同一攻击者在过去的四个月中已经从大约21名受害者那里窃取500万美元。 #pepebrc


慢雾创始人余弦在X平台转发Scam Sniffer的推文并表示:“首尾号相同钱包地址钓鱼攻击,Safe多签钱包用户的损失还挺大。这不是Safe多签合约的风险,而是Safe多签钱包UI的问题,用户交互安全设计需要尽快跟上了。”
此前消息,Web3反诈骗平台Scam Sniffer在X平台发文表示,在过去一周里,大约有10个Safe钱包因为“address poisoning(地址投毒)”攻击而损失205万美元。同一攻击者在过去的四个月中已经从大约21名受害者那里窃取500万美元。 #pepebrc
How to Safely Purchase Bitcoin and Ether in the United Kingdom: Tips and Risks to ConsiderWhen purchasing Bitcoin in the UK, it is important to prioritize security measures and understand the potential risks. While cryptocurrencies are legal in the UK, they are considered taxable assets and subject to taxation regulations. It is crucial to maintain accurate records in order to comply with these regulations. Investors should secure their holdings with a reliable crypto wallet and choose a reputable cryptocurrency exchange or broker. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) mandates registration for crypto exchanges in the UK, and investors should exercise caution due to the speculative nature of cryptocurrencies. To ensure added security, it is essential to select a crypto exchange in the UK that is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Some examples of FCA-registered exchanges include Gemini, Bitpanda, Kraken, and However, it is still important to exercise caution due to the high volatility and lack of government-backed protection for cryptocurrency investments. Investors can also mitigate risk by diversifying their digital currency holdings across multiple exchanges. When choosing a cryptocurrency broker or exchange, investors should consider factors such as fees, payment options, and the ability to transfer holdings to external wallets for added security. The FCA has prohibited the use of cryptocurrency ATMs and is urging operators to shut down their machines or face enforcement actions due to associated risks. Instead, investors can consider investing in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that provide diversified exposure to multiple holdings, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether. Some UK banking and financial apps, such as PayPal and Revolut, now offer direct purchase options for Bitcoin and Ether on their platforms. Payment processors like BitPay can also be used to buy BTC and ETH, and traders can utilize peer-to-peer (P2P) crypto platforms, although investors should be aware of the risks associated with these assets. #pepebrc

How to Safely Purchase Bitcoin and Ether in the United Kingdom: Tips and Risks to Consider

When purchasing Bitcoin in the UK, it is important to prioritize security measures and understand the potential risks. While cryptocurrencies are legal in the UK, they are considered taxable assets and subject to taxation regulations. It is crucial to maintain accurate records in order to comply with these regulations. Investors should secure their holdings with a reliable crypto wallet and choose a reputable cryptocurrency exchange or broker. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) mandates registration for crypto exchanges in the UK, and investors should exercise caution due to the speculative nature of cryptocurrencies.
To ensure added security, it is essential to select a crypto exchange in the UK that is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Some examples of FCA-registered exchanges include Gemini, Bitpanda, Kraken, and However, it is still important to exercise caution due to the high volatility and lack of government-backed protection for cryptocurrency investments. Investors can also mitigate risk by diversifying their digital currency holdings across multiple exchanges. When choosing a cryptocurrency broker or exchange, investors should consider factors such as fees, payment options, and the ability to transfer holdings to external wallets for added security.
The FCA has prohibited the use of cryptocurrency ATMs and is urging operators to shut down their machines or face enforcement actions due to associated risks. Instead, investors can consider investing in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that provide diversified exposure to multiple holdings, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether. Some UK banking and financial apps, such as PayPal and Revolut, now offer direct purchase options for Bitcoin and Ether on their platforms. Payment processors like BitPay can also be used to buy BTC and ETH, and traders can utilize peer-to-peer (P2P) crypto platforms, although investors should be aware of the risks associated with these assets.
Band Protocol将为XRP Ledger主网及其EVM侧链提供预言机喂价服务12月1日消息,去中心化预言机项目Band Protocol发文称,将与XRP Ledger(XRPL)生态系统进行喂价集成,Band Protocol将成为XRPL主网及其EVM侧链的主要预言机提供商。 #pepebrc

Band Protocol将为XRP Ledger主网及其EVM侧链提供预言机喂价服务

12月1日消息,去中心化预言机项目Band Protocol发文称,将与XRP Ledger(XRPL)生态系统进行喂价集成,Band Protocol将成为XRPL主网及其EVM侧链的主要预言机提供商。
Mt. Gox受托人表示,支付处理将在今年年底前开始,持续到2024年。加密货币交易所Mt.Gox的康复受托人已经发送电子邮件,宣布开始向这个现已关闭的平台的债权人支付款项。根据在社交媒体上分享的电子邮件,小林信明计划在年底之前开始分配支付。“康复受托人计划很快开始向债权人偿还款项。康复受托人正在努力在2023年内以现金形式开始偿还款项。”尽管如此,受托人表示一些债权人可能要等到明年才能收到他们的款项。个人债权人将不会事先收到有关其付款时间表的确切通知,但受托人表示,申请人可以在MTGOX在线康复索赔系统上确认其偿还状态、计划汇款金额和已完成的汇款金额。 #pepebrc

Mt. Gox受托人表示,支付处理将在今年年底前开始,持续到2024年。

Flow Traders从Coinbase托管地址收到4886.61枚ETH 据Scopescan监测,Flow Traders从一个Coinbase托管地址收到4886.61枚ETH(约合1023万美元)。 #pepebrc

Flow Traders从Coinbase托管地址收到4886.61枚ETH

据Scopescan监测,Flow Traders从一个Coinbase托管地址收到4886.61枚ETH(约合1023万美元)。 #pepebrc
Kava 15 mainnet will be launched on December 7, KAVA token inflation rate will be permanently reduceKava Network officially announced that Kava 15 mainnet will be launched on December 7th. It plans to implement a new feature, which permanently reduces the KAVA inflation rate to zero at midnight on December 31st UTC. At that time, the circulating supply of KAVA will be set to the maximum supply limit, and no new KAVA coins can be created. KAVA tokens can only be destroyed. All KAVA inflation mechanisms will be reset or removed from the chain protocol, thereby strengthening Kava's commitment to a stable and predictable ecosystem. After December 31st, Kava's operation will shift to a sustainable mode, driven by transaction fees, emissions from native projects, and temporary allocations from the Kava Foundation. This mode aims to maintain and generate net profits of KAVA through on-chain activities. The Kava community will have the right to decide whether to destroy this profit or reinvest it to promote further adoption, enhance security, and promote decentralization within the network. #pepebrc

Kava 15 mainnet will be launched on December 7, KAVA token inflation rate will be permanently reduce

Kava Network officially announced that Kava 15 mainnet will be launched on December 7th. It plans to implement a new feature, which permanently reduces the KAVA inflation rate to zero at midnight on December 31st UTC. At that time, the circulating supply of KAVA will be set to the maximum supply limit, and no new KAVA coins can be created. KAVA tokens can only be destroyed. All KAVA inflation mechanisms will be reset or removed from the chain protocol, thereby strengthening Kava's commitment to a stable and predictable ecosystem.
After December 31st, Kava's operation will shift to a sustainable mode, driven by transaction fees, emissions from native projects, and temporary allocations from the Kava Foundation. This mode aims to maintain and generate net profits of KAVA through on-chain activities. The Kava community will have the right to decide whether to destroy this profit or reinvest it to promote further adoption, enhance security, and promote decentralization within the network.
"Boring Ape" BYAC transaction total exceeds US$3 billionAccording to the latest data from cryptoslam, the total trading volume of "Bored Ape Yacht Club" (BYAC) has exceeded $3 billion, reaching $3,005,290,244 at the time of writing, with a total of 39,776 transactions, including 18,106 independent buyers and 16,065 independent sellers. In addition, the current trading volume of "Mutant Ape Yacht Club" (MAYC) has also exceeded $2 billion, reaching $2,058,885,969 at the time of writing, with a total of 69,905 transactions, including 42,232 independent buyers and 38,253 independent sellers. #pepebrc

"Boring Ape" BYAC transaction total exceeds US$3 billion

According to the latest data from cryptoslam, the total trading volume of "Bored Ape Yacht Club" (BYAC) has exceeded $3 billion, reaching $3,005,290,244 at the time of writing, with a total of 39,776 transactions, including 18,106 independent buyers and 16,065 independent sellers. In addition, the current trading volume of "Mutant Ape Yacht Club" (MAYC) has also exceeded $2 billion, reaching $2,058,885,969 at the time of writing, with a total of 69,905 transactions, including 42,232 independent buyers and 38,253 independent sellers.
Microstrategy plans to raise $750 million through common stock saleOn November 30th, Microstrategy, Inc. (NASDAQ code: MSTR) announced that, according to a sales agreement signed with Cowen and Company, LLC, Canaccord Genuity LLC, and BTIG, LLC (collectively referred to as "agents") on November 30th, 2023, the company plans to raise up to $750 million by selling Class A common stock. The face value of these Class A common stocks is $0.001 per share and will be traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the trading code "MSTR".As of November 28th, 2023, the last trading price of Microstrategy Class A common stock on the Nasdaq Global Select Market was $505.87 per share. According to the supplemental prospectus, the sale of these common stocks may be conducted at market prices and in any manner permitted by law, and may be deemed a "sale on the market" (as defined in Section 415(a)(4) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended). #pepebrc

Microstrategy plans to raise $750 million through common stock sale

On November 30th, Microstrategy, Inc. (NASDAQ code: MSTR) announced that, according to a sales agreement signed with Cowen and Company, LLC, Canaccord Genuity LLC, and BTIG, LLC (collectively referred to as "agents") on November 30th, 2023, the company plans to raise up to $750 million by selling Class A common stock. The face value of these Class A common stocks is $0.001 per share and will be traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the trading code "MSTR".As of November 28th, 2023, the last trading price of Microstrategy Class A common stock on the Nasdaq Global Select Market was $505.87 per share. According to the supplemental prospectus, the sale of these common stocks may be conducted at market prices and in any manner permitted by law, and may be deemed a "sale on the market" (as defined in Section 415(a)(4) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended).
Arthur Hayes:美元流动性正在增加,BTC亦将上涨BitMEX联合创始人Arthur Hayes在X平台发文表示,有关净RRP和TGA余额变化的图表显示,美元流动性正在增加,BTC也将上涨。 #pepebrc

Arthur Hayes:美元流动性正在增加,BTC亦将上涨

BitMEX联合创始人Arthur Hayes在X平台发文表示,有关净RRP和TGA余额变化的图表显示,美元流动性正在增加,BTC也将上涨。
澳大利亚近61.2万个自管理超级基金共持有9.92亿澳元的加密货币12月1日消息,据澳大利亚税务局(ATO)于11月26日公布的统计数据,截至9月的第三季度末,近61.2万个自管理超级基金(SMSFs)总共持有价值6.586亿美元(约合9.92亿澳元)的加密货币,相比2019年同期(1.315亿美元,约合1.98亿澳元)增长400%。 在澳大利亚,自管理超级基金(也被称为私人养老基金)允许个人控制其退休基金的投资方式。此类退休计划由澳大利亚税务局监管,SMSFs仍需遵守养老金法规。 #pepebrc


余弦:Inferno Drainer再次盗走123万美元资产 慢雾创始人余弦在X平台发文表示,Inferno Drainer又盗走123万美元的资产(603枚aEthWETH)。受害者地址还有770枚aEthWETH在Avalanche链上锁仓,因此其资产没有被全部盗走。 此前消息,诈骗服务提供商Inferno Drainer背后团队于11月26日在Telegram群组中表示将永久关闭。 据悉,Inferno Drainer为用户提供网络钓鱼工具,并从用户窃取的资金中抽取20%的佣金。 根据Web3反诈骗平台Scam Sniffer的分析,自2月以来,Inferno Drainer已窃取近7000万美元资金,受害者超过100,000名。然而,Inferno Drainer团队表示窃取的金额超过8000万美元。 区块链安全公司CertiK表示,Inferno Drainer是对社区最具破坏性的网络钓鱼工具包之一,虽然它已经关闭,但仍然有大量其他服务提供商在活跃,包括竞争对手Pink Drainer和Angel Drainer,后者于11月25日发布更新,以帮助用户在更多链上窃取受害者的钱包资金。 #pepebrc

余弦:Inferno Drainer再次盗走123万美元资产

慢雾创始人余弦在X平台发文表示,Inferno Drainer又盗走123万美元的资产(603枚aEthWETH)。受害者地址还有770枚aEthWETH在Avalanche链上锁仓,因此其资产没有被全部盗走。
此前消息,诈骗服务提供商Inferno Drainer背后团队于11月26日在Telegram群组中表示将永久关闭。
据悉,Inferno Drainer为用户提供网络钓鱼工具,并从用户窃取的资金中抽取20%的佣金。
根据Web3反诈骗平台Scam Sniffer的分析,自2月以来,Inferno Drainer已窃取近7000万美元资金,受害者超过100,000名。然而,Inferno Drainer团队表示窃取的金额超过8000万美元。
区块链安全公司CertiK表示,Inferno Drainer是对社区最具破坏性的网络钓鱼工具包之一,虽然它已经关闭,但仍然有大量其他服务提供商在活跃,包括竞争对手Pink Drainer和Angel Drainer,后者于11月25日发布更新,以帮助用户在更多链上窃取受害者的钱包资金。 #pepebrc
In the past 24 hours, the amount of liquidated positions on the entire network exceeded 110 million According to Coinglass data, the total amount of liquidation in the past 24 hours was $111.43 million, with long positions liquidated at $190 million and short positions liquidated at $41.4836 million. Among them, the liquidation amount of BTC was $64.8249 million and ETH was $26.7664 million. #pepebrc

In the past 24 hours, the amount of liquidated positions on the entire network exceeded 110 million

According to Coinglass data, the total amount of liquidation in the past 24 hours was $111.43 million, with long positions liquidated at $190 million and short positions liquidated at $41.4836 million. Among them, the liquidation amount of BTC was $64.8249 million and ETH was $26.7664 million.
A certain whale sold 4 million RLB again, selling a total of $6.42 million in RLB since November 11According to Scopescan monitoring, one hour ago, the whale address starting with 0x9159 sold another 4 million RLB (about 660,000 US dollars). Since November 11th, this address has sold RLB worth 6.42 million US dollars and exchanged it for USDC to deposit into Kraken account. #pepebrc

A certain whale sold 4 million RLB again, selling a total of $6.42 million in RLB since November 11

According to Scopescan monitoring, one hour ago, the whale address starting with 0x9159 sold another 4 million RLB (about 660,000 US dollars). Since November 11th, this address has sold RLB worth 6.42 million US dollars and exchanged it for USDC to deposit into Kraken account.
Revolut partner BSC-857 protocol platform has completed BSC-Web3 deploymentOn January 21st, it was announced that the BSC-857 protocol platform has connected to the blockchain through a unique consensus mechanism called pro of transfer (POX). Currently, the team has completed the BSC-Web3 deployment and the GDS platform token has been launched on BSC. The platform's application functions include inscription casting and deployment, launchers, transactions (providing low pool liquidity), staking, ecology, chain games, socializing, and more, promoting the further development of the blockchain and its ecosystem, and ultimately achieving a more secure, fair, and open network. The BSC-857 protocol platform has reached cooperation intentions with blockchain service providers such as Revolut. #pepebrc

Revolut partner BSC-857 protocol platform has completed BSC-Web3 deployment

On January 21st, it was announced that the BSC-857 protocol platform has connected to the blockchain through a unique consensus mechanism called pro of transfer (POX). Currently, the team has completed the BSC-Web3 deployment and the GDS platform token has been launched on BSC. The platform's application functions include inscription casting and deployment, launchers, transactions (providing low pool liquidity), staking, ecology, chain games, socializing, and more, promoting the further development of the blockchain and its ecosystem, and ultimately achieving a more secure, fair, and open network. The BSC-857 protocol platform has reached cooperation intentions with blockchain service providers such as Revolut.
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