see the large trades in 15 min if you find big amount of buy than sell in large trades it means the whales 🐋 have arrived to the worthless coin , then hope on the coin then dump i
$USUAL How to know which currency is going to surge when? like now suddenly $DF is on the rise. what exactly is happening behind the scenes?
$USUAL $PHA $VIB all the coins in the photo were once in the top of the gainer list during this week or last week but now they are the top losers what us the reason ??
it is due to the fact that they were manipulated by whales and sometimes dolphins too whales buy huge amount of a weak coin and pump them then they dump them resulting in huge loss to small traders you can also take example from PHAand ATA today , so noob traders or beginner traders who don't have experience even in stocks but coming to crypto be careful of whales you can gain profits by surfing on a wave created by whales but be careful to dump the coin pumped by whales before they dump them Especially future traders must be very careful when future trading on coins manipulated by whales. P.S. long term investors may have different opinion this is only for day traders
true, I have seen these stupid coins as well as whales , it's profitable if you are a day trader and you correctly exit before whales
$ATA еще один мусорный токен ) которые решили маркет мейкеры , биржи и крупные игроки раскачать и спихнуть хомякам … план такой , как и по другим монетам : 2-3 дня будут пампить , на откатах будут немного откупать , чтоб цена не упала сильно … и потом когда все сольют - жадным и неопытным трейдерам, уйдут и обрушат .. так же будут боты-крикуны которые будут говорить, что проект перспективный и надо покупать )))
true we must take advantages of whales investing in stupid coins like these and get out with good profits , I think this increase will continue until tomorrow
$PHA good bye pha thanks for both the profits as well as loss you have given (profit >loss though) I see that your trend due to 🐋 is over , now I am next jumping to $ATA like the 🐋 and rake another round of profit