The Rise of Notcoin Continues! The Great Breakthrough in the TON Network! 🚀🚀

May 16, 2024 was an important date for Notcoin. That day, NOT was released for the first time and was listed on the cryptocurrency exchange Binance. The price moved with a decline in the early days, but then rose for eight consecutive days, giving its investers a gain of up to 7x. Although Notcoin made a correction after the last rally, investors' hopes remain fresh. After all, if there is a price increase, there is also hope. Today, I will write you such an increase.

You know Notcoin, it's a Telegram-based click game. It now has a huge player base of 35 million people. Such developments are reflected positively directly on the Tone network. Despite the success of Notcoin in terms of daily active wallets on the network, the TON network could not beat Ethereum. However, Ethereum was passed at the beginning of June.

Although Notcoin, for example, plays an active role in the success of the TON network, it would be unfair to other projects to say that only its role is in this success. There is another example. He is also Hamster Kombat. The game is famous for bringing together 100 million players.

There are also preparations for issuing tokens once next month. At this stage, those who play the game earn points and there will be an opportunity to convert the earned points into the token to be issued. Now think about it like this. What will be the interaction of the TON network if this token is released? It is likely that TON's number of users and its presence in the cryptocurrency market will increase.

In addition to the Hamster Kombat I mentioned above, other games will be released, of course. For example, other games such as Tapswap and Yescoin are also considering launching tokens on the TON network. Tapswap, which has 50 million players, is a project previously integrated with Solana wallets. Now he is switching to the TON network.

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