Binance Square
Luxury Royal Coin
Binance has listed ORDI (ORDI), which is not affiliated with Ordinals. The token soared by more than 50% The largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance announced the listing of the native token of the Ordinals project (ORDI) Withdrawals will open tomorrow, November 8th Withdrawals to O RDI  (ORDI) will open on Binance tomorrow. Amid erroneous news, the price of the Ordinals project token (ORDI) jumped by 54.6% Update : Ordinals creator Casey Rodarmore has stated that the ORDI token has nothing to do with his project. He asked Binance representatives to remove all information from the asset listing announcement page. The crypto exchange has already relaunched ORDI data and removed all links referring to Ordinals. According to the message, ORDI is the first token created in accordance with the BRC-20 standard on the Bitcoin network . The largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance announced the listing of the ORDI token (ORDI). Users can already fund accounts with coins in preparation for trading. #ordibinance #BTC #BRC20 #BinanceSquareTalks #BullRun $ORDI $BTC $BNB

Binance has listed ORDI (ORDI), which is not affiliated with Ordinals. The token soared by more than 50%

The largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance announced the listing of the native token of the Ordinals project (ORDI)

Withdrawals will open tomorrow, November 8th

Withdrawals to O RDI  (ORDI) will open on Binance tomorrow. Amid erroneous news, the price of the Ordinals project token (ORDI) jumped by 54.6%

Update : Ordinals creator Casey Rodarmore has stated that the ORDI token has nothing to do with his project. He asked Binance representatives to remove all information from the asset listing announcement page.

The crypto exchange has already relaunched ORDI data and removed all links referring to Ordinals. According to the message, ORDI is the first token created in accordance with the BRC-20 standard on the Bitcoin network .

The largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance announced the listing of the ORDI token (ORDI). Users can already fund accounts with coins in preparation for trading.

#ordibinance #BTC #BRC20 #BinanceSquareTalks #BullRun


Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no representa asesoría financiera. Lee los TyC.
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