The key to success is dedication to lifelong learning...

After my first year in 2017, I thought about creating a Telegram channel and a Twitter account to share what I had learned and to help others based on my knowledge. I did so, but over time, I started to feel unqualified and worried that I might cause some people losses. Consequently, I stopped sharing in-depth content and only posted news and their impact on prices.

Over the years, I dedicated myself to relentless hard work, aiming to become as proficient as professional channel owners. For the past eight years, I've engaged in self-learning, spending sleepless nights working day and night to monitor the market, analyze data, and indicators. Simultaneously, I have been expanding my understanding of fundamental analysis and gathering all possible information about past crises and significant economic events. I worked at least 13-15 hours a day using my computer, phone, videos, documentaries, and books.

Now, I've decided to launch a channel on Binance Square to share my knowledge and experiences, helping others to save time, effort, and avoid the losses I endured. By following my channel, beginners can benefit from my years of hard work and extensive experience.

My aim is to create an educational channel above all else, helping followers make informed and timely decisions to achieve the success I reached through my personal efforts. I want to achieve this success again, but this time with my family, "CryptoMirc Family". !



#bitcoin☀️ #EducationalContent #binancelearntoearn #BinanceSquareFamily