According to Odaily, recent data from Tonscan reveals that the TON network has pledged 646.9 million TON, which accounts for 25.8% of the circulating supply, estimated to be around 2.501 billion TON. In addition, the current pledge APY stands at 3.9%. The network reportedly has 386 verification nodes in operation.

The TON network's significant pledge indicates a substantial commitment to the network's stability and future development. The 3.9% APY further incentivizes stakeholders to maintain their pledges, contributing to the overall health and security of the network. The presence of 386 verification nodes also demonstrates the network's robustness and resilience.

This development is a positive sign for the TON network, indicating a strong level of trust and investment from its stakeholders. The high percentage of the circulating supply being pledged shows the confidence of the network's participants in its potential and future growth.