According to Odaily, the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) of Nigeria is contemplating the development of a domestic blockchain plan to bolster national security and safeguard citizen data. Kashifu Abdullahi, the Director of NITDA, stated that the blockchain would be named 'Nigerium' and is intended to strengthen national security and protect citizen data.

A supporter of local blockchain development believes that such a protocol could ensure compliance with Nigerian laws and give the country greater control over its data. The move is seen as a strategic step towards enhancing the country's digital infrastructure and ensuring the security of its citizens' data.

The proposed 'Nigerium' blockchain is expected to provide a secure and transparent platform for data management, thereby reducing the risk of data breaches and enhancing the country's ability to monitor and control its data. This initiative by the NITDA is a clear indication of the growing recognition of blockchain technology's potential in improving national security and data protection.