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Theta Network
In the coming weeks, Theta edge nodes for Windows will be updated to support CUDA, Nvidia’s parallel computing platform and API model. Follow this guide to updating your Nvidia drivers and installing the CUDA software for your Theta edge node:
Mientras los “crypto expertos” te dicen que sigas comprando shitcoins ellos venden y eres su exit liquidity, no te arriesgues si quieres crear riqueza no inviertas en estafas invierte en proyectos con un equipo real y un modelo de negocio, eso claro no aplica a $BTC
Mis picks son
$RUNE $Hai $THETA entre otros, y claro yo también tengo mis posiciones en dichos proyectos pero de que otra forma se los recomendaria si yo no creo en ellos ?
Recuerda el mismo que te educa es el mismo que roba…
#HotTrends #Altseasson #BullRun🐂
Ahí vamos!
Ahí vamos!
The Truth Hunter
📢 Price Prediction For ICP 📢

We all know what was the highest price of ICP back in 2021. It was 700$!

It downs 2.83$ a couple of months ago but now the price is 12$ to 13$.

Still have time to keep some ICP in your wallet.🚀

Thank me later. Take a screenshot of this post! 📱

Follow me for more! Will give Some more coin Analytical predictions soon, which can make you a rich or self dependable person!

#Write2Earn‬ #ICP🚀🚀
Realmente dudo que tengan la capacidad como individuos de pensar a mayor largo plazo que una dinastia china o que un gobierno mundial, pero bitcoin es tan disruptivo que puede hacer una redistribución de la riqueza abismal entre quien se niega a comprarlo y quién decide holdearlo, solo piensen que las instituciones seguirán reglas de mercados tradicionales y cuando se quieran dar cuenta abran comprado sin vender tanto, al hacerlo renuncian al valor que todos estamos dispuestos a legítimar por obtener una recompensa jugosamente cortoplacista, esto que digo no es consejo financiero y hago todos los descargos obvios ya que no soy responsable de ordenar sus dormitorios, pero piensen en los halvings, siendo humildes sumen un cero a su capital inicial promedio y multipliquen por treinta. En mi opinión la curva de adopción tendrá tanto frenesí que habrá superado el alcance de cualquier invento anterior, estamos hablando de dinero, la base de la administración de la casa, piensen que las tasas de criminalidad serán subyugadas al no haber dinero físico, todo será reducido a una ciberdelincuencia de cuarta... Podrán especular con lo técnico y es pura dopamina, pero los fundamentos son más solidos que un inmueble. #Write2Earn #HolisticEconomy
Realmente dudo que tengan la capacidad como individuos de pensar a mayor largo plazo que una dinastia china o que un gobierno mundial, pero bitcoin es tan disruptivo que puede hacer una redistribución de la riqueza abismal entre quien se niega a comprarlo y quién decide holdearlo, solo piensen que las instituciones seguirán reglas de mercados tradicionales y cuando se quieran dar cuenta abran comprado sin vender tanto, al hacerlo renuncian al valor que todos estamos dispuestos a legítimar por obtener una recompensa jugosamente cortoplacista, esto que digo no es consejo financiero y hago todos los descargos obvios ya que no soy responsable de ordenar sus dormitorios, pero piensen en los halvings, siendo humildes sumen un cero a su capital inicial promedio y multipliquen por treinta. En mi opinión la curva de adopción tendrá tanto frenesí que habrá superado el alcance de cualquier invento anterior, estamos hablando de dinero, la base de la administración de la casa, piensen que las tasas de criminalidad serán subyugadas al no haber dinero físico, todo será reducido a una ciberdelincuencia de cuarta... Podrán especular con lo técnico y es pura dopamina, pero los fundamentos son más solidos que un inmueble.
#Write2Earn #HolisticEconomy
Sabes que viene la madre de las crisis financieras cuando el presidente de Disparos Unidos hace tuits como estos habiendo dejado en claro múltiples veces su negativa a este nuevo mundo financiero, prefiere jugar al terror psicólogico antes que ser un democrata o un faro de libertad y ejemplo. El mundo es tan confuso que tenemos al Leviatán de china comprando deuda de EEUU, siendo que sostienen 33 billones de deuda, mientras quiebra su sistema inmobiliario. Comprar dólares (vender bitcoin) es igual a suscribir al papel promesa de político de turno. Somos tan cortoplacistas que preferimos participar de un esquema ponzi "estable" que hace las veces necesarias de arma de dominio, expansión y control demográfico a involucrarnos en un mercado de juventud volátil pero beneficioso, recuerden que el único umbral que hay entre la revolución y el poder es la legítimidad, y está no viene por ETFs ni ballenas ni padrinos mágicos con varitas de roca negra, lo que hace bullish al mercado es volvernos un hongo que en todas sus presencias decide solamente comprar y beneficiar a toda la humanidad avasallada por los gobiernos productos de una estructura antigua. Si quieren ver paz en el mundo entiendan que solo existirá si la moneda no es creada de la nada, ningún patrón de contrapeso es igual a bombardear y subyugar con deuda futura la vida de las generaciones de ambos bandos. #Write2Earn #Write2You
Sabes que viene la madre de las crisis financieras cuando el presidente de Disparos Unidos hace tuits como estos habiendo dejado en claro múltiples veces su negativa a este nuevo mundo financiero, prefiere jugar al terror psicólogico antes que ser un democrata o un faro de libertad y ejemplo.

El mundo es tan confuso que tenemos al Leviatán de china comprando deuda de EEUU, siendo que sostienen 33 billones de deuda, mientras quiebra su sistema inmobiliario.

Comprar dólares (vender bitcoin) es igual a suscribir al papel promesa de político de turno.

Somos tan cortoplacistas que preferimos participar de un esquema ponzi "estable" que hace las veces necesarias de arma de dominio, expansión y control demográfico a involucrarnos en un mercado de juventud volátil pero beneficioso, recuerden que el único umbral que hay entre la revolución y el poder es la legítimidad, y está no viene por ETFs ni ballenas ni padrinos mágicos con varitas de roca negra, lo que hace bullish al mercado es volvernos un hongo que en todas sus presencias decide solamente comprar y beneficiar a toda la humanidad avasallada por los gobiernos productos de una estructura antigua.

Si quieren ver paz en el mundo entiendan que solo existirá si la moneda no es creada de la nada, ningún patrón de contrapeso es igual a bombardear y subyugar con deuda futura la vida de las generaciones de ambos bandos.

#Write2Earn #Write2You
Veanla venir, el que sabe conoce
Veanla venir, el que sabe conoce
ORIONPLAY official
Robert Kiyosaki’s Urgent Call: Embrace Gold, Silver, and Bitcoin in a Shifting Financial Landscape
Robert Kiyosaki, acclaimed author of the financial bestseller “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” recently sent out a thought-provoking tweet that resonated with many amid the ongoing economic uncertainties.In his tweet, Kiyosaki celebrated the news of gold hitting a new high while issuing a stern warning about the financial predicament faced by workers and savers. His words underscore a poignant reality that has persisted for over two decades, emphasizing the long-standing repercussions of remaining within the conventional monetary framework.Kiyosaki’s core message is a clarion call to break free from what he deems a “FAKE money system” and to pivot towards tangible assets such as gold, silver, and Bitcoin as a safeguard against potential impending financial turmoil.For 25 years, Kiyosaki has advocated for a fundamental shift in financial mindset, advocating for an exit from traditional currencies and a move towards alternative assets. His assertion rings an alarm bell for those still reliant on conventional saving mechanisms and salaried incomes.Great News Gold reaches new high. Bad News: Workers and savers are losers. Bad News: been saying the same for 25- years. Don’t be a loser. Get out of FAKE money system. Get into gold, silver, Bitcoin now…. Before it’s too late.— Robert KiyosakiThe euphoria surrounding gold reaching new highs highlights the volatility and fragility of the existing financial infrastructure, a sentiment that has remained constant in Kiyosaki’s teachings over the years.His call to action is a compelling directive to rethink the conventional notions of wealth preservation. Kiyosaki’s advice is grounded in the belief that holding onto conventional forms of currency could potentially lead to losses, especially in times of economic uncertainty and market fluctuations. As he signals the appreciation of gold alongside the urging to embrace assets like silver and Bitcoin, his message reflects a broader trend of individuals seeking refuge in assets deemed less susceptible to the pitfalls of traditional monetary systems.The urgency in Kiyosaki’s message is evident, warning against complacency and advocating for a proactive stance toward financial security. His endorsement of gold, silver, and Bitcoin resonates as a strategic move to safeguard against the uncertainties of the financial landscape. Kiyosaki’s continuous advocacy for asset diversification mirrors a growing sentiment among individuals looking to protect their wealth in the face of global economic shifts.As the world navigates through economic fluctuations and uncertainties, Kiyosaki’s wisdom remains a compelling voice guiding individuals towards a more secure and diversified financial future.#Write2Earn #TradeNTell #TrendingTopic
BigDreams-Tech Feed-Creator-51830025
8 Reasons Why I Will Never Sell My Bitcoin.

1. Bitcoin Will Bring Generational Wealth to Your Family.
There are only 21 million BTC in the entire world and not everyone can enjoy owning 1 whole Bitcoin. Due to Bitcoin’s low supply, I believe it will become the most sought-after asset towards the end of the 21st century.

2. Every Major Retailer Will Accept Bitcoin in Payment in the Future.

The Bitcoin adoption movement is in its early stages and mostly wealthy investors are buying Bitcoin right now. In fact, a study showed just 6% of Americans with at least $10,000 in investments hold Bitcoin.

3. 90% of Bitcoiners who sell BTC regret it in the future.

I’m amazed at how short-sighted humans are when it comes to investing. We often make decisions based on pure emotions instead of rational thinking and logic.

4. Bitcoin Protects your Life Savings against Inflation.
As inflation increases, many hard-working people end up going into debt to cover living expenses and some will never be able to retire with dignity.

Bitcoin fixes this problem by only minting 21 million coins max, unlike government fiat currencies that have an unlimited supply.

Instead of losing purchasing power, Bitcoin increases it and all goods and services become cheaper over time.

5. Bitcoin Will Produce More Millionaires This Decade Than Any Other Asset.
Bitcoin allows you to reach millionaire status with a much smaller investment. I truly believe Bitcoin will exceed $1 million per coin within this decade so you only need a small investment to get there.

7. Bitcoin Takes Away Power from Corrupt Government who Fund Wars.
Buying Bitcoin is a way to take away power from the corrupt world governments who use fiat money to fund wars all over the world.

8. Bitcoin is Freedom.
I sleep much sounder at night because I own Bitcoin. I don’t worry as much about the future because I hold a hard asset that cannot be counterfeited, faked, or devalued into nothing by a central government or organization.

Bitcoin will help us return to righteousness, integrity, honesty, respect, and honor.
Bitcoin Gurukul
Bitcoin & Beyond

There are four types of wealth,

1. Financial Wealth = Money
2. Social Wealth = Status
3. Time Wealth = Freedom
4. Physical Wealth = Health

Be cautious of those that tempt you with financial and social wealth,

Only to drastically drain your time and health.

Bitcoin alters part of this dynamic...

Bitcoin is poised to become a safe-haven asset in the next five to ten years.

Its ascendancy seems inevitable...

Bitcoin poses a challenge to the existing financial framework.

Therefore, I argue that not owning any Bitcoin is riskier than allocating 5%-10% of your net worth to it.

Embracing Bitcoin makes me feel rejuvenated.

In a world growing increasingly peculiar,

I see no better alternative than Bitcoin.

Observing market apprehension while Bitcoin's value exceeds $40k is remarkably bullish.💚
The German Government is now on Arkham.

The German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) seized almost 50,000 BTC ($2.12B) from the operators of, a film piracy website that was active in 2013.

The BKA received the Bitcoin in mid-January after a ‘voluntary transfer’ from the suspects.
keep buying
keep buying
Vitalik Buterin in Binance Office 👀

😍What it means, what going to happening?

$ETH in $BNB office let's see what's going on.
#Write2Earn #TradeNTell

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Esto es lo que ocurrirá con este mundo de esclavitud moderna, el que lo niegue es un borrego
Esto es lo que ocurrirá con este mundo de esclavitud moderna, el que lo niegue es un borrego
BitEagle News
Bitcoin will be $100k minimum in 2025

1. The ETF's were not a flop, the US stock market has $46 trillion dollars and it's liquidity will be sucked dry as people realize they are modern day slaves

2. The bitcoin halving is 80 days away

3. It’s an election year, they will drop interest rates and print money to make the economy look good for votes

4. FASB accounting standards, companies will buy bitcoin to hedge their cash and adopt lightning to cut out credit card transaction fees

5. Hyperinflation is mathematically guaranteed

6. More countries will follow El Salvador’s lead to adopt bitcoin as legal tender and print money to buy bitcoin

Have some conviction for once.

#etf #Write2Earn #BullRun
Binance News
Attackers Use Modified AllaKore RAT to Target Banks and Crypto Services
According to Foresight News, attackers have recently been attempting to exploit the open-source remote access tool (RAT) AllaKore to steal sensitive user information from banks and cryptocurrency trading services. The primary targets of these attackers are large companies with total revenues exceeding $100 million. The AllaKore RAT payload has been heavily modified, allowing the attackers to send stolen banking credentials and unique authentication information back to their command and control (C2) servers for financial fraud purposes.
EEUU da asco y caerá por su propio peso imperial inflacionario
EEUU da asco y caerá por su propio peso imperial inflacionario
Binance Slams SEC’s Hypocritical Stance on Crypto Regulation: Report
During the recent court hearing, the Binance lawyers criticized the SEC’s hypocritical stance on crypto regulations.

The regulators apparently remained silent while the judge asked the SEC to define a security token.

Paul Grewal states that the SEC was silent about Hinman’s test as if the question was never asked.

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s autocratic authority over the crypto space has been in question over the past years. In the recent Binance-SEC court hearing, Binance lawyers criticized the regulators’ hypocritical stance on crypto regulation.

As per reports, Judge Amy Berman Jackson, US District Court for the District of Columbia, ordered the SEC to define a security token, elaborating on the “boundary between a security token and a virtual currency. While the SEC argued that all digital assets come under the category of security, the judge asked, “How are the issuers supposed to know when they cross the line?”.

According to prominent crypto voices, including Paul Grewal and MetaLawman, the SEC deliberately remained silent on the matter. MetaLawMan pointed out that both in Coinbase and Binance hearings, the SEC “omitted” to mention Bill Hinman’s invention of the “sufficiently decentralized” test. Adding to the point, Coinbase’s Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal stated that the SEC acted “as if the question wasn’t in fact asked.”

It's even worse than that. When asked point blank about Mr. Hinman, they acted as if the question wasn't in fact asked.

— paulgrewal.eth (@iampaulgrewal) January 23, 2024

The hearing has been centered on the notion of security tokens, unveiling whether cryptocurrencies are securities and a matter under the scrutiny of the SEC. Arguing on the SEC’s ambiguous stance, Binance lawyers stated,

The SEC to this day has been talking out of both sides of its mouth when it comes to crypto tokens…They’re telling the industry (to) come in and register, while simultaneously with their other hand holding the door closed and preventing any viable path to do that.

The hearing followed Coinbase’s hearing over the SEC’s similar allegations against the exchange’s violation of securities laws. While the SEC alleges multiple firms including Binance and Coinbase, as violating the laws, the hearings are expected to bring a new turn in the space.

The post Binance Slams SEC’s Hypocritical Stance on Crypto Regulation: Report appeared first on Coin Edition.
¡Una ballena parece estar comprando BTC! Durante la reciente caída del mercado, una nueva billetera retiró 700 BTC (equivalentes a 29,36 millones de dólares) de Binance a un precio promedio de 41.948 dólares. Este movimiento podría indicar que los grandes inversores ven oportunidades de compra en la actual corrección del precio de Bitcoin. Estaremos atentos a cómo evoluciona el mercado tras esta importante adquisición.
totally agree
totally agree
Black Rock.
They now have 16,361 BTC worth $707 million on their balance sheet, making them one of the TOP Bitcoin holders.
Explained million times to all clowns and influencers who shill "ahahah blackrock just joined now".
Blackrock own top 5 BTC mining company. ETF its just a smart move, when almost all btc in circulation supply now they can show some part of their BTC holdings publicly.
People now will start count again, oh take a look they spent millions and to late.
Its just what they showed NOW.
This btc they could bought even at 500$ or 2000$ price, we just see amount of btc. Nobody can check when, what price, amount did they buy this BTC.

Next step, BlackRock never play short term. To everyone who one more time screamed about they kill crypto and btc. NO. Blackrock plan everything 5-10 years forward.

You can see only data what they wanna show you. Nobody know how many wallets do they have, they can hold btc on 100 wallets. And control over 51% emission. $BTC #BTC
Apple ha retirado de su App Store en India a importantes plataformas de intercambio de criptomonedas
En un giro sorprendente, Apple ha retirado de su App Store en India a importantes plataformas de intercambio de criptomonedas como Kraken, Binance y Huobi. Esta decisión ha generado controversia, ya que limita el acceso de los usuarios a algunas de las opciones de intercambio más populares.
La medida de Apple destaca la creciente tensión entre las grandes empresas tecnológicas y el mundo de las criptomonedas, donde la descentralización y la autonomía financiera son valores fundamentales.
Los inversores se ven afectados directamente por esta eliminación, ya que la conveniencia de operar desde dispositivos Apple se ve obstaculizada. Este movimiento también plantea preguntas sobre la relación entre la tecnología centralizada y el ecosistema descentralizado de las criptomonedas.
La decisión de Apple resalta la necesidad de una mayor claridad y colaboración entre las empresas de tecnología y las plataformas criptográficas para garantizar un acceso sin problemas a servicios financieros emergentes.
Aunque la decisión de Apple puede considerarse una medida para proteger a los usuarios de posibles riesgos, también refuerza la importancia de la descentralización en el mundo de las criptomonedas.
Plataformas como Kraken, Binance y Huobi han sido líderes en ofrecer opciones de intercambio innovadoras y seguras. Esta eliminación destaca la importancia de fomentar la educación sobre criptomonedas y la seguridad en lugar de restringir el acceso a través de plataformas tecnológicas centralizadas.

Descargo de responsabilidad: La información presentada no constituye asesoramiento financiero, de inversión, comercial u otro tipo y es únicamente la opinión del escritor, Las imágenes son solo con fines ilustrativos y no deben usarse para la toma de decisiones importantes. Al usar este sitio, acepta que no somos responsables de pérdidas, daños o lesiones derivadas del uso o interpretación de la información o imágenes.
🚨🚨🚨🚨Esté es uno de los motivos por lo que me gusta tanto este otro proyecto THETA a diferencia de muchos proyectos que solo tienen un equipo de marketing poderoso, theta realmente tienen activos reales, a trabajado en patentar su tecnología, les comparto las patentes que tienen hasta el momento, celebrando que comienza un 2024 con una nueva patente, aparte de eso y gracias a ese motivo theta cuenta con un equipo y partners de primer nivel. 💸💸💸Quiero saber si este tipo de información les gusta. Comenten.#theta #tfuel #gemacrypto #gema
Coin98 users can now expand their horizons by creating a Linea wallet and accessing Linea through the Coin98 Super Wallet.

$C98 #Coin98 #linea $ETH
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