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Risks and Opportunities of Fair LaunchesFair launches have recently sparked a wave of enthusiasm, from BRC20 to Ferc20, and have gained unanimous praise among retail investors. Today, let's discuss the risks and opportunities associated with fair launches and cold starts. I. The nature of fair launches: Fair launches can be implemented through various methods, such as public token sales, airdrops, and mining. In the case of BRC20, both regular users and project teams need to actively mint tokens without any reservations. This distribution method aims to ensure a fair and transparent token allocation process, avoiding specific individuals gaining undue advantages during the token issuance. II. Risks of fair launches: Low-quality projects: Fair launches do not guarantee the quality and feasibility of the projects themselves. Some projects may exist solely for speculative purposes, lacking genuine technological or commercial applications. Therefore, token investors participating in fair launches need to make their own judgments and assess the potential and value of the projects. Competition and rush by bots: Due to the typically limited supply associated with fair launches, participants may engage in fierce competition and rush to acquire tokens. This may result in an overabundance of automated participants, leading to a one-sided skew in the distribution of project tokens. Liquidity and exchange listings: Fair launch tokens may face issues of insufficient liquidity due to the relatively small number of token holders and the limited trading market. This may result in price fluctuations and market instability after token listing on exchanges, as well as the risk of gas fees being spent without being able to trade. III. Opportunities of fair launches: Equal participation opportunities: Fair launch mechanisms ensure that everyone has equal opportunities to participate in the token issuance process. This allows individuals and small-scale investors to have a chance to acquire tokens during the early stages of a project, not just those with more resources and connections. It provides more opportunities for retail investors, which is something they favor. Value discovery: Fair launch tokens can facilitate the process of value discovery in the market. Since tokens do not have a predetermined price in the initial stages, investors can decide on the token purchase price based on their understanding and evaluation of the project, as well as market demand and supply. Community engagement: Fair launch tokens contribute to building a positive community participation environment. Individuals involved in token issuance become early holders and supporters of the project, providing them with an opportunity to interact with the project team, provide feedback and suggestions, and participate in the project's development and decision-making processes. In summary, on BRC20, trading occurs after minting through placing orders, while on Ferc20, liquidity is added after completion. Thus, Ferc20 resembles more of a community DAO scenario, where liquidity is voluntarily added for project co-building. However, this also carries a risk where, in the absence of strong community consensus, added liquidity may be used as cannon fodder by large token holders. Which scenario do you prefer?

Risks and Opportunities of Fair Launches

Fair launches have recently sparked a wave of enthusiasm, from BRC20 to Ferc20, and have gained unanimous praise among retail investors. Today, let's discuss the risks and opportunities associated with fair launches and cold starts.

I. The nature of fair launches:

Fair launches can be implemented through various methods, such as public token sales, airdrops, and mining. In the case of BRC20, both regular users and project teams need to actively mint tokens without any reservations. This distribution method aims to ensure a fair and transparent token allocation process, avoiding specific individuals gaining undue advantages during the token issuance.

II. Risks of fair launches:

Low-quality projects: Fair launches do not guarantee the quality and feasibility of the projects themselves. Some projects may exist solely for speculative purposes, lacking genuine technological or commercial applications. Therefore, token investors participating in fair launches need to make their own judgments and assess the potential and value of the projects.

Competition and rush by bots: Due to the typically limited supply associated with fair launches, participants may engage in fierce competition and rush to acquire tokens. This may result in an overabundance of automated participants, leading to a one-sided skew in the distribution of project tokens.

Liquidity and exchange listings: Fair launch tokens may face issues of insufficient liquidity due to the relatively small number of token holders and the limited trading market. This may result in price fluctuations and market instability after token listing on exchanges, as well as the risk of gas fees being spent without being able to trade.

III. Opportunities of fair launches:

Equal participation opportunities: Fair launch mechanisms ensure that everyone has equal opportunities to participate in the token issuance process. This allows individuals and small-scale investors to have a chance to acquire tokens during the early stages of a project, not just those with more resources and connections. It provides more opportunities for retail investors, which is something they favor.

Value discovery: Fair launch tokens can facilitate the process of value discovery in the market. Since tokens do not have a predetermined price in the initial stages, investors can decide on the token purchase price based on their understanding and evaluation of the project, as well as market demand and supply.

Community engagement: Fair launch tokens contribute to building a positive community participation environment. Individuals involved in token issuance become early holders and supporters of the project, providing them with an opportunity to interact with the project team, provide feedback and suggestions, and participate in the project's development and decision-making processes.

In summary, on BRC20, trading occurs after minting through placing orders, while on Ferc20, liquidity is added after completion. Thus, Ferc20 resembles more of a community DAO scenario, where liquidity is voluntarily added for project co-building. However, this also carries a risk where, in the absence of strong community consensus, added liquidity may be used as cannon fodder by large token holders. Which scenario do you prefer?
🤝 Solid support for Binance and @cz_binance (CZ) in unity! 💪 As Alpha community, we back Binance and CZ. Leading the industry with exceptional leadership, they courageously protect crypto's interests. Together, we contribute to crypto's growth. #Binance #DAO3 #CZ #Crypto
🤝 Solid support for Binance and @cz_binance (CZ) in unity! 💪

As Alpha community, we back Binance and CZ. Leading the industry with exceptional leadership, they courageously protect crypto's interests.

Together, we contribute to crypto's growth.

#Binance #DAO3 #CZ #Crypto
🔥 DAO3 Alpha News】🔥 1⃣BKEX:因配合警方对涉嫌洗钱的资金进行取证而暂停提币 2⃣永续DEX EDE疑被攻击,损失约 58 万美元 3⃣比特币Ordinals NFT数量超 1000 万枚 4⃣72% 的 ETH 流动性集中在币安、Bitfinex、OKX、Coinbase 和Kraken 5⃣Blur交易总量达 50 亿美元
🔥 DAO3 Alpha News】🔥


2⃣永续DEX EDE疑被攻击,损失约 58 万美元

3⃣比特币Ordinals NFT数量超 1000 万枚

4⃣72% 的 ETH 流动性集中在币安、Bitfinex、OKX、Coinbase 和Kraken

5⃣Blur交易总量达 50 亿美元
《 Binance Labs 第6季MVB加速器计划 》 BinanceLabs 公布了12支优秀团队入选名单🚀 财富密码尽在其中,喜欢请记得点赞收藏哦!Thx😆
《 Binance Labs 第6季MVB加速器计划 》

BinanceLabs 公布了12支优秀团队入选名单🚀

✅Solana生态NFT项目DeGods将于明年Q1桥接至以太坊 🆕Solana生态NFT项目DeGods发推称,将于明年第一季度桥接至以太坊,详细信息将在准备就绪和测试后发布。此外,DeGods将于明年1月公布Season III路线图。
✅Solana生态NFT项目DeGods将于明年Q1桥接至以太坊 🆕Solana生态NFT项目DeGods发推称,将于明年第一季度桥接至以太坊,详细信息将在准备就绪和测试后发布。此外,DeGods将于明年1月公布Season III路线图。
✅Octopus Network核心团队40%的成员将离职,团队代币激励无限期暂停 🆕NEAR生态多链网络Octopus Network创始人Louis Liu发文称,Octopus Network核心团队将启动自愿离职计划来实现重构。到目前为止,大约40%的成员(30人中的12人)将通过该计划离开核心团队。其余团队成员接受降薪20%,团队代币激励无限期暂停。 Louis Liu表示,该计划旨在让Octopus Network度过加密冬天,明年团队将以NEAR和IBC作为重点建设的战略基石。
✅Octopus Network核心团队40%的成员将离职,团队代币激励无限期暂停 🆕NEAR生态多链网络Octopus Network创始人Louis Liu发文称,Octopus Network核心团队将启动自愿离职计划来实现重构。到目前为止,大约40%的成员(30人中的12人)将通过该计划离开核心团队。其余团队成员接受降薪20%,团队代币激励无限期暂停。 Louis Liu表示,该计划旨在让Octopus Network度过加密冬天,明年团队将以NEAR和IBC作为重点建设的战略基石。
✅Web3游戏发行商Fenix Games完成1.5亿美元融资,Phoenix Group等参投 🆕Web3游戏发行商Fenix Games已融资1.5亿美元,投资者包括Phoenix Group和迪拜风险投资机构Cypher Capital。Fenix Games计划收购、投资和发行区块链游戏。 Fenix Games首席执行官兼联合创始人Chris Ko此前是Mythical Games企业发展高级副总裁,曾担任Electronic Arts 和 Kabam总经理、贝莱德投资组合经理和摩根大通股票研究分析师。Fenix Games其他联合创始人包括
✅Web3游戏发行商Fenix Games完成1.5亿美元融资,Phoenix Group等参投 🆕Web3游戏发行商Fenix Games已融资1.5亿美元,投资者包括Phoenix Group和迪拜风险投资机构Cypher Capital。Fenix Games计划收购、投资和发行区块链游戏。 Fenix Games首席执行官兼联合创始人Chris Ko此前是Mythical Games企业发展高级副总裁,曾担任Electronic Arts 和 Kabam总经理、贝莱德投资组合经理和摩根大通股票研究分析师。Fenix Games其他联合创始人包括
✅Solana基金会:截至11月6日在FTX持有约100万美元现金,影响微不足道🆕Solana基金会更新FTX破产事件相关信息,截至11月6日FTX.com停止处理提现时,Solana基金会在FTX上拥有约100万美元的现金或现金等价物,占其现金储备不到1%,因此对Solana基金运营的影响微乎其微。Solana基金会没有在FTX.com上托管SOL。 Solana基金会还澄清,Solana链上USDC和USDT无风险,这两个稳定币分别由Circle和Tether直接发行,目前均是完全锚定状态。
✅Solana基金会:截至11月6日在FTX持有约100万美元现金,影响微不足道🆕Solana基金会更新FTX破产事件相关信息,截至11月6日FTX.com停止处理提现时,Solana基金会在FTX上拥有约100万美元的现金或现金等价物,占其现金储备不到1%,因此对Solana基金运营的影响微乎其微。Solana基金会没有在FTX.com上托管SOL。 Solana基金会还澄清,Solana链上USDC和USDT无风险,这两个稳定币分别由Circle和Tether直接发行,目前均是完全锚定状态。
✅英国警方通过追踪比特币记录破获一起网络诈骗案 🆕最新资讯:伦敦警方发布声明称,已摧毁欺诈网站iSpoof,仅在英国就有20万名潜在受害者使用该网站,超过100人在被伦敦警察局此次“英国有史以来最大的欺诈行动”中被捕。 iSpoof允许骗子冒充巴克莱银行、桑坦德银行、汇丰银行、劳埃德银行、哈利法 克斯银行、First Direct、Natwest、Nationwide和TSB等银行的官员。根据警方报告,犯罪分子使用比特币支付服务费用。伦敦警察厅网络犯罪部门在包括美国和乌克兰当局在内的跨国合作下,于本周关闭该网站。
✅英国警方通过追踪比特币记录破获一起网络诈骗案 🆕最新资讯:伦敦警方发布声明称,已摧毁欺诈网站iSpoof,仅在英国就有20万名潜在受害者使用该网站,超过100人在被伦敦警察局此次“英国有史以来最大的欺诈行动”中被捕。 iSpoof允许骗子冒充巴克莱银行、桑坦德银行、汇丰银行、劳埃德银行、哈利法 克斯银行、First Direct、Natwest、Nationwide和TSB等银行的官员。根据警方报告,犯罪分子使用比特币支付服务费用。伦敦警察厅网络犯罪部门在包括美国和乌克兰当局在内的跨国合作下,于本周关闭该网站。
✅知情人士:Matrixport寻求以15亿美元估值融资1亿美元 🆕加密贷款机构Matrixport计划以15亿美元估值融资1亿美元。知情人士称,该公司已从主要投资者那里获得5000万美元的资金承诺。这笔交易尚未敲定,Matrixport仍在寻求其他投资者支持。 据披露的投资者资料显示,Matrixport表示其每月处理50亿美元的交易,管理和托管的资产规模达数百亿美元,并且拥有近300名员工。
✅知情人士:Matrixport寻求以15亿美元估值融资1亿美元 🆕加密贷款机构Matrixport计划以15亿美元估值融资1亿美元。知情人士称,该公司已从主要投资者那里获得5000万美元的资金承诺。这笔交易尚未敲定,Matrixport仍在寻求其他投资者支持。 据披露的投资者资料显示,Matrixport表示其每月处理50亿美元的交易,管理和托管的资产规模达数百亿美元,并且拥有近300名员工。
✅当前DeFi协议总锁仓量达775.46亿美元 🆕最新消息:Tokenview链上数据显示,当前DeFi项目总锁仓量(TVL)为775.46亿美元。锁仓量资产排名前五(美元): Curve(173.56亿,62.54%); Maker(62.9亿,-0.42%); Uniswap V3(49.87亿,+21.61%); WBTC (37.68亿,+1.06%); Aave (36.7亿, -12.86%)。
✅当前DeFi协议总锁仓量达775.46亿美元 🆕最新消息:Tokenview链上数据显示,当前DeFi项目总锁仓量(TVL)为775.46亿美元。锁仓量资产排名前五(美元): Curve(173.56亿,62.54%); Maker(62.9亿,-0.42%); Uniswap V3(49.87亿,+21.61%); WBTC (37.68亿,+1.06%); Aave (36.7亿, -12.86%)。
✅今日恐慌与贪婪指数为20,恐慌程度与昨日持平 🆕最新资讯,今日恐慌与贪婪指数为20(昨日为20),恐慌程度与昨日持平,等级仍为极度恐慌。 注:恐慌指数阈值为0-100,包含指标:波动性(25%)+市场交易量(25%)+社交媒体热度(15%)+市场调查(15%)+比特币在整个市场中的比例(10%)+谷歌热词分析(10%)。
✅今日恐慌与贪婪指数为20,恐慌程度与昨日持平 🆕最新资讯,今日恐慌与贪婪指数为20(昨日为20),恐慌程度与昨日持平,等级仍为极度恐慌。 注:恐慌指数阈值为0-100,包含指标:波动性(25%)+市场交易量(25%)+社交媒体热度(15%)+市场调查(15%)+比特币在整个市场中的比例(10%)+谷歌热词分析(10%)。
✅前高盛高管Raoul Pal:加密货币市场基本面仍然强劲 🆕最新资讯,前高盛高管、宏观经济专家Raoul Pal称,虽然整个加密货币行业的负面情绪处于历史高位,但其基本面仍然强劲。 此外,Raoul Pal表示,随着机构投资者采用的范围不断扩大,加密货币领域被看好,越来越多大型科技企业涉足加密货币行业。投资者应该采取长期的加密投资方式,在恐慌下跌时期买入,持有自己的资产并坐等未来的收益。(The Daily Hodl)
✅前高盛高管Raoul Pal:加密货币市场基本面仍然强劲 🆕最新资讯,前高盛高管、宏观经济专家Raoul Pal称,虽然整个加密货币行业的负面情绪处于历史高位,但其基本面仍然强劲。 此外,Raoul Pal表示,随着机构投资者采用的范围不断扩大,加密货币领域被看好,越来越多大型科技企业涉足加密货币行业。投资者应该采取长期的加密投资方式,在恐慌下跌时期买入,持有自己的资产并坐等未来的收益。(The Daily Hodl)
✅NFT市场Zora推出NFT工具Zora Drops 🆕NFT市场Zora推出NFT工具Zora Drops,允许创作者一次性生成针对多个图片、音频或视频内容的NFT系列,轻松创建、管理和销售其Drop系列。
✅NFT市场Zora推出NFT工具Zora Drops 🆕NFT市场Zora推出NFT工具Zora Drops,允许创作者一次性生成针对多个图片、音频或视频内容的NFT系列,轻松创建、管理和销售其Drop系列。
2023年 假如你有10W 会怎么分配投资比例?
2023年 假如你有10W 会怎么分配投资比例?
✅基于区块链技术的新加坡证券交易所融资2000万美元 🆕据福布斯报道,总部位于新加坡的ADDX运营的一家基于区块链技术的证券交易所融资2000万美元,韩国最大的金融服务公司 KB Financial Group 之一的经纪部门 KB Securities领投。ADDX 在 5 月获5800 万美元融资,参投者包括新加坡亿万富翁Wee Cho Yaw 的大华银行、美国投资公司 Hamilton Lane、泰国证券交易所和泰国银行的风险投资部门。 ADDX 表示将使用融资来发展机构财富管理平台,还将探讨与 KB Securities 的可能合作,以扩大其在
🆕据福布斯报道,总部位于新加坡的ADDX运营的一家基于区块链技术的证券交易所融资2000万美元,韩国最大的金融服务公司 KB Financial Group 之一的经纪部门 KB Securities领投。ADDX 在 5 月获5800 万美元融资,参投者包括新加坡亿万富翁Wee Cho Yaw 的大华银行、美国投资公司 Hamilton Lane、泰国证券交易所和泰国银行的风险投资部门。
ADDX 表示将使用融资来发展机构财富管理平台,还将探讨与 KB Securities 的可能合作,以扩大其在
✅美众议院小组委员会主席要求 FTX 提供文件以调查破产事件 🆕美国众议院经济和消费者政策小组委员会主席 Raja Krishnamoorthi 周五致信 FTX ,信中表示,“小组正在寻求有关 FTX 面临的重大流动性问题、公司突然宣布破产的决定以及这些行动对使用你们交易所的客户的潜在影响的详细信息, FTX 的客户、前雇员和公众应该得到答案”,提交所需文件信息的截止日期为12月1日。此前报道,众议院金融服务委员会宣布将于下个月举行关于 FTX 倒闭的听证会。
✅美众议院小组委员会主席要求 FTX 提供文件以调查破产事件

🆕美国众议院经济和消费者政策小组委员会主席 Raja Krishnamoorthi 周五致信 FTX ,信中表示,“小组正在寻求有关 FTX 面临的重大流动性问题、公司突然宣布破产的决定以及这些行动对使用你们交易所的客户的潜在影响的详细信息, FTX 的客户、前雇员和公众应该得到答案”,提交所需文件信息的截止日期为12月1日。此前报道,众议院金融服务委员会宣布将于下个月举行关于 FTX 倒闭的听证会。
✅Bitfinex分析师:FTX事件使BTC作为去中心化的数字现金形式的独特前提将变得更加明显 🆕最新消息,针对 FTX 事件导致加密市场下跌, Bitfinex 分析师表示,随着数字代币市场在疯狂的拋售压力中摇摇欲坠,比特币作为一种真正去中心化的数字现金形式的独特前提将变得更加明显。虽然在 FTX 事件之后,将有很多工作要做,但比特币产生的原因一如既往地明确和坚定。
🆕最新消息,针对 FTX 事件导致加密市场下跌, Bitfinex 分析师表示,随着数字代币市场在疯狂的拋售压力中摇摇欲坠,比特币作为一种真正去中心化的数字现金形式的独特前提将变得更加明显。虽然在 FTX 事件之后,将有很多工作要做,但比特币产生的原因一如既往地明确和坚定。
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