Binance square is a disgrace.

Let them ban me I don’t care.

Square is constantly filled with scams and if you have been here longer than a minute you will likely have seen 10 of them today.

Now we are seeing endless spam posts about some shitcoin that made a trader a millionaire overnight and even shows the trade history.

This is 100% misinformation and a scam people, it’s a pump and dump looking to entice new traders to high leverage their lives away thinking they too will be rich.

But that’s not Binance fault is it? Yes it is !

I have reported numerous posts like this in the last days and weeks and Binance has replied that no fault was found, so basically you can spam whatever you want here targeting uninformed traders and it’s ok.

Please people don’t fall for this garbage or think it’s even real, if it did happen it was insider trading and is being spammed now so you can be the exit liquidity for these scammers in the near future.

I used to player poker for a living and there is a saying in poker that applies to trading.

“If you cant spot the fish(bad player,sucker) at the table then you are the fish”

Don’t be the sucker!

I started posting here to try help people but sadly the posts with the most views are the posts offering get rich quick schemes.

Most people who visit square are either new or down a lot of money and so these predatory posts attract them.

There are many genuine people who post on square, but DONT be fooled, the majority are posts trying to take advantage of you.

There are NO valid get rich schemes on square i promise!

Success in Crypto, like anything else, takes work and dedication and what you fill your mind with will ultimately decide your success.

I had a gamblers mentality most of my life, I was my own worst enemy, maybe it’s why I take these scam posts so personally.(I have been a victim of scams)

Setting realistic goals and achieving them consistently will give you the motivation and pride that leads to long term success.

Good luck.


#scamriskwarning #mememcoinseason2024 #Megadrop #altcoins