Binance Square
Update 🏮 : 2 days remaining, Tapswap miners, get ready.📢 Hey guys, are you mining tapswap for a possible airdrop? Well, the good news is that you have just 2 days to mine every possible tapswap share until mining ends. 🚀 What blockchain will the token launch on? • There's no official information regarding the blockchain they will launch on after their announcement of discontinuing Solana blockchain plans. If I am to predict, I will say TON or BSC (Binance Smart Chain). Congratulations to those that joined when I announced this mining here in March, and those that took the information seriously have already mined 30–50 million Tapswap shares.  What do you think about this token? Stay tuned to this channel as we share value and help you make money in the crypto space.  #Ernestacademy #tapswapwithdraw

Update 🏮 : 2 days remaining, Tapswap miners, get ready.📢

Hey guys, are you mining tapswap for a possible airdrop? Well, the good news is that you have just 2 days to mine every possible tapswap share until mining ends.

🚀 What blockchain will the token launch on?

• There's no official information regarding the blockchain they will launch on after their announcement of discontinuing Solana blockchain plans. If I am to predict, I will say TON or BSC (Binance Smart Chain).

Congratulations to those that joined when I announced this mining here in March, and those that took the information seriously have already mined 30–50 million Tapswap shares. 

What do you think about this token?

Stay tuned to this channel as we share value and help you make money in the crypto space.

 #Ernestacademy #tapswapwithdraw

Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no respresenta una asesoría financiera. Puede haber contenido patrocinado. Lee los TyC.
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