Binance Square
Chumba Money
🌟 A $1,000,000 phantom wallet 🎁 This wallet is holding over a $1,000,000 from a journey they started from a 1 SOL challenge they started with trading new coins (memecoins) I think memecoins season is here but you need to learn before entering the coins it's quite risky market at the end of the day. For you to succeed you need to follow rules and learn how the market goes also follow degens in the space too. This is not a financial advice it's only meant for educational purposes and entertainment. The market is risk and you might lose all your capital. #memecoin🚀🚀🚀

🌟 A $1,000,000 phantom wallet 🎁

This wallet is holding over a $1,000,000 from a journey they started from a 1 SOL challenge they started with trading new coins (memecoins)

I think memecoins season is here but you need to learn before entering the coins it's quite risky market at the end of the day.

For you to succeed you need to follow rules and learn how the market goes also follow degens in the space too.

This is not a financial advice it's only meant for educational purposes and entertainment. The market is risk and you might lose all your capital.


Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no respresenta una asesoría financiera. Puede haber contenido patrocinado. Lee los TyC.
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