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Will #Notcoin be listed on Bybit soon? It has been reported online that the exchange has added support for #NOT deposits.

Will #Notcoin be listed on Bybit soon?

It has been reported online that the exchange has added support for #NOT deposits.

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Once upon a time, there was a grandmother named Rosa, who was not your typical grandmother. She was a hacker! Yes, that's right, Grandma Rosa didn't knit socks or bake pies; she sat at her computer, deftly tapping away at the keyboard like some IT genius. She knew all the latest technology trends and was always up-to-date on cryptocurrency. One day in January, Grandma Rosa came up to me with a serious expression on her face and said, "Listen, grandson, press the $NOT button and mine coins. It's the gold of the 21st century!" Of course, I laughed, thinking Grandma had mixed something up or that this was some new kind of joke. Just imagine, a grandma with glasses perched on the tip of her nose, a knitted shawl, and a mouse in her hand, telling me about some crypto coins! I decided not to listen to her and continued playing my games. A few months later, I saw on the news how everyone was talking about a new cryptocurrency that had become incredibly popular and valuable. The news anchor said that those who started pressing the $Not button in January were now rolling in money. I grabbed my head and remembered Grandma Rosa's words. The next day, I went to see Grandma and found her sitting in a rocking chair, all content, adorned with gold chains and jewelry. "Grandma, how did you know?!" I asked her. "Oh, grandson, experience and intuition. And don't forget, I've been on the internet since you were still in diapers!" she smiled. Since then, I always listen to Grandma Rosa. If she tells me to press some button or follow a new trend, I do it without hesitation. Who knows what other treasures she'll reveal to me?

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