Binance Square
Crypto Raven
🚨 Important Announcement 🚨: #EthenaENA ( $ENA ) Labs has announced that the Singularity Roadmap proposal for Frax Finance has been approved, which includes allocating funds up to $250 million to USDeFRAX POL through the Curve AMO. FRAX has begun adding USDe POL, diversifying the sources of yield for FRAX with this liquidity pool.

🚨 Important Announcement 🚨:

#EthenaENA ( $ENA ) Labs has announced that the Singularity Roadmap proposal for Frax Finance has been approved, which includes allocating funds up to $250 million to USDeFRAX POL through the Curve AMO. FRAX has begun adding USDe POL, diversifying the sources of yield for FRAX with this liquidity pool.

Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no representa asesoría financiera. Lee los TyC.
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