According to Odaily, API3 has officially announced that its Oracle Stack is now available on Bitlayer. This development allows developers to access decentralized data sources (dAPI) and the soon-to-be-launched OEV network. The aim is to recapture the protocol MEV generated due to Oracle updates.

The availability of Oracle Stack on Bitlayer is a significant step forward for API3. It provides developers with the necessary tools to access decentralized data sources, also known as dAPI. This development is expected to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of data management and utilization.

In addition to the availability of dAPI, API3 also announced the impending launch of the OEV network. This network is designed to recapture the protocol MEV that is generated due to Oracle updates. The introduction of the OEV network is expected to significantly improve the overall performance and functionality of the Oracle Stack.

This announcement by API3 marks a significant milestone in the development and enhancement of decentralized data sources. It is expected to have a substantial impact on the way developers access and utilize data, thereby improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of data management.