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$BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) BTC距离第一次到达昨晚最大回撤点92000附近过去30天。三十天内从最高位108350回到最低仅仅用了三天时间。这就是牛市回调的恐怖。天哥提前多次提示兄弟们规避风险,并且安排最佳位置进场空单。 天哥从12.16日发文说大饼有108000大幅回撤的空单机会。 12.17日发文说周内BTC大幅回撤就会达到并给出操作策略。 12.18日给出大饼本次牛中回调策略思路。 天哥是全网唯一一个把饭往兄弟们胃里塞的宝藏博主。从趋势分析、观点思路,交易策略、实时追踪一条龙发送。 关注更多交易代码关注VIP社区扣1找到天哥获取。 #现货 #合约




FTM ​​​
Most people who start from scratch are emotionless Many people want to find someone who is motivated and has a positive outlook on life, The reality is that a person who is very motivated and hardworking, after a long period of struggle, his views will definitely be different from ordinary people. If he is completely self-made, then you have to understand that he may have no feelings for you, he only sees interests in his eyes, because the process of climbing up from the bottom is accompanied by countless blood and tears! They are constantly discarding their own illusions, constantly discarding their own useless things, especially the emotional part, slowly climbing up from the bottom, he will face a lot of temptations, a lot of enemies, so in this process, he will gradually become numb. So you will find that people who start from scratch, they can clearly feel that this person is emotionless. And often these phenomena are also quite common. A person's maturity and experience are constantly superimposed. Therefore, while superimposing, he will lose a lot of things, many female friends want to find mature and experienced boys, but you don't understand that mature and experienced boys often have no feelings, to put it bluntly, his feelings have long been worn away in the years of struggle. Of course, these people are not without longing for friendship and love, but they have become extravagant hopes. Often this kind of cold-blooded animal is a common characteristic of many people who start from scratch at the bottom. . . #SEC #solana #现货 #ethereum #bitcoin $BTC $ETH
Most people who start from scratch are emotionless
Many people want to find someone who is motivated and has a positive outlook on life,
The reality is that a person who is very motivated and hardworking, after a long period of struggle, his views will definitely be different from ordinary people.
If he is completely self-made, then you have to understand that he may have no feelings for you, he only sees interests in his eyes, because the process of climbing up from the bottom is accompanied by countless blood and tears!
They are constantly discarding their own illusions, constantly discarding their own useless things, especially the emotional part, slowly climbing up from the bottom, he will face a lot of temptations, a lot of enemies, so in this process, he will gradually become numb.
So you will find that people who start from scratch, they can clearly feel that this person is emotionless. And often these phenomena are also quite common.
A person's maturity and experience are constantly superimposed. Therefore, while superimposing, he will lose a lot of things, many female friends want to find mature and experienced boys, but you don't understand that mature and experienced boys often have no feelings, to put it bluntly, his feelings have long been worn away in the years of struggle.
Of course, these people are not without longing for friendship and love, but they have become extravagant hopes. Often this kind of cold-blooded animal is a common characteristic of many people who start from scratch at the bottom. . .


#pyth #现货 PYTH日线级别放量拉升,走出独立行情,技术形态上首次走出EMA金叉。结合项目方推出的最新质押活动 ,进一步减少市场流动筹码,可能让多头行情继续延续,可以期待一波主升浪 操作上低多为主,重点关注0.38-0.4这个支撑区间,可在这个区间布局现货,或者低倍合约
#pyth #现货 PYTH日线级别放量拉升,走出独立行情,技术形态上首次走出EMA金叉。结合项目方推出的最新质押活动 ,进一步减少市场流动筹码,可能让多头行情继续延续,可以期待一波主升浪

The inner monologue of a retail investor: Ever since we started to speculate in coins, I just found out. A drop of 10% is a fluctuation. A drop of 30% is called adjustment. A drop of 50% is called washing up. At this time, you must hold on firmly! Only a drop of 80% I will cut the meat. Then you know What's the name of a 1% increase? It's called "take off"! Can't wait to sell it. It can't wait a moment. undue delay may bring trouble! #ACE #NFT #SEC #区块链 #现货
The inner monologue of a retail investor:
Ever since we started to speculate in coins,
I just found out.
A drop of 10% is a fluctuation.
A drop of 30% is called adjustment.
A drop of 50% is called washing up.
At this time, you must hold on firmly!
Only a drop of 80%
I will cut the meat.
Then you know
What's the name of a 1% increase?
It's called "take off"!
Can't wait to sell it.
It can't wait a moment.
undue delay may bring trouble!

今天是2024年5月11号 比特币在昨晚的时候,直接往下跌了3,000点,但是虽然比特币这样跌,山寨币们都没有跟啊,因为一直看我的小伙伴,肯定都知道,山寨币们都已经到了关键支撑位,一旦跌破的话,那就会继续盘整很长时间,我之前跟大家说的,比特币下方关键支撑位是6万-61,000,比特币没有破位的话,山寨币肯定不会破位,比特币现在就贴着支撑位再走狗庄,下一步的计划是怎么样的呢,会不会跌破这个关键支撑位,直接去57,00055,000呢,还是会马上直接一根针拉上去,之后继续盘整震荡呢。哪就让我们用比特币OBTI爆仓数据图来分析一下 比特币OBTI一小时的爆仓图,大家可以看到,开空的人比开多人要多,庄家涨到61,300,就把大份开空的人全爆完,空军量能最高是4M,庄家跌回60,500,就把大份开多的人全爆完,多军量能最高是2M。 我们在来看一下比特币的全局爆仓图,在目前价格附近,开多的量能很小,大部分人都在开空,这根空军的爆仓位在61,300附近,量能的话是2.1M,这根空距的爆仓位在63,300附近,量能的话有2.7M 如果你是低倍杠杆或者短线交易者来说,在目前位置抄个底没很大毛病,总之交易是一个概率游戏,一旦出现高概率的机会就要把握住,并且要严格执行交易计划。想要极限接针的小伙伴还可以再等等 #BTC走势分析 #合约爆仓 #btc走勢 #大盘走势 #现货



如果你是低倍杠杆或者短线交易者来说,在目前位置抄个底没很大毛病,总之交易是一个概率游戏,一旦出现高概率的机会就要把握住,并且要严格执行交易计划。想要极限接针的小伙伴还可以再等等 #BTC走势分析 #合约爆仓 #btc走勢 #大盘走势 #现货
兄弟们,手里持有 #现货 ,拉起来之后,又舍不得卖,这个时候就可以考虑开同等仓位的空单,跌下来,#合约 止赢,拉起来 #合约 平掉,出掉#现货 ,这种玩法必须是低倍 #杠杆 ,5倍左右可以承受一定的空间。$BTC $ETH {future}(BTCUSDT) {future}(ETHUSDT)
兄弟们,手里持有 #现货 ,拉起来之后,又舍不得卖,这个时候就可以考虑开同等仓位的空单,跌下来,#合约 止赢,拉起来 #合约 平掉,出掉#现货 ,这种玩法必须是低倍 #杠杆 ,5倍左右可以承受一定的空间。$BTC $ETH
#热门话题 $BTC #现货 《富爸爸穷爸爸》作者罗伯特·清崎发文表示:将在 4 月之前再购买 10 枚比特币。预计到 2024 年 9 月,比特币将达到 10 万美元。 作为举世闻名的投资书作者,他传达给了我们币圈最有价值的一句话:你永远也无法赚到认知以外的钱。 在币圈,一时的运气可能让你小富几天,但这给你带来的感觉是不真实的。 偶然赚到钱之后,你开始大胆投资,感觉自己是天才交易员,然后发现合约赚钱更快,你开始建仓; 建仓后,你又赚到了一笔钱,你开始感叹:原来赚钱真的这么简单!然后你继续加仓,梭哈进场; 最后你爆仓了,但过去运气带来的成功让你觉得,仅仅是这次没控制好,爆仓了而已。你开始投钱,开始借贷,继续加注,最后人财两空。 如果你沉淀下来,认真学习板块,开始关注市场,参加打新,选择潜力币抄底。那就说明,你的认知,已经开始提上议程了。财富自由,正在一步步向你走来。 进入我的主页,限时一对一仓位指导,8年老韭菜手把手教你在币圈披荆斩棘。
#热门话题 $BTC #现货
《富爸爸穷爸爸》作者罗伯特·清崎发文表示:将在 4 月之前再购买 10 枚比特币。预计到 2024 年 9 月,比特币将达到 10 万美元。


开启十年牛市?BTC ETF通过、黄金创新高、第三次世界大战等因素解读 在数字货币市场的光芒之下,BTC ETF通过、黄金创新高、第三次世界大战等一系列因素悄然引发了投资者的热议和思考。这些事件将如何影响数字货币市场?本次牛市是否真的会持续10年?让我们来一探究竟。 首先,BTC ETF通过。比特币ETF的通过被视为是数字货币市场的一个重大里程碑,将吸引更多传统投资者进入数字货币领域。ETF的引入将提高市场的流动性和透明度,为市场注入更多的资金和信心,进一步推动数字货币市场的发展和成熟。 其次,黄金创新高。黄金作为传统的避险资产,在全球经济不确定性加剧的背景下,吸引了大量资金流入。黄金价格的上涨反映了投资者对于全球经济前景的担忧和对通胀风险的应对,也间接地推动了数字货币市场的热度。 再者,第三次世界大战的阴影。虽然第三次世界大战仍然是一个不确定的因素,但国际局势的紧张和地缘政治的不稳定性已经引发了市场的担忧。在这样的背景下,投资者更加倾向于选择去中心化的资产,如比特币等数字货币,作为避险资产来抵御风险。 综上所述,BTC ETF通过、黄金创新高、第三次世界大战等因素无疑将为数字货币市场带来新的机遇和挑战。然而,要想实现本次牛市持续10年的目标,还需面对市场的不确定性和风险,以及全球经济环境的变化和调整。 在数字货币的世界里,牛市的持续与否取决于市场的基本面和投资者的信心。只有保持理性、谨慎行事,不断学习和适应市场的变化,才能在数字货币的长河中乘风破浪,抓住持续10年的牛市机会,实现财富的增长和个人价值的实现。愿我们共同见证、共同努力,开启数字货币市场的新篇章! #币安 #现货 #Web3 #坎昆升级 #sol🔥🔥🔥
开启十年牛市?BTC ETF通过、黄金创新高、第三次世界大战等因素解读

在数字货币市场的光芒之下,BTC ETF通过、黄金创新高、第三次世界大战等一系列因素悄然引发了投资者的热议和思考。这些事件将如何影响数字货币市场?本次牛市是否真的会持续10年?让我们来一探究竟。

首先,BTC ETF通过。比特币ETF的通过被视为是数字货币市场的一个重大里程碑,将吸引更多传统投资者进入数字货币领域。ETF的引入将提高市场的流动性和透明度,为市场注入更多的资金和信心,进一步推动数字货币市场的发展和成熟。



综上所述,BTC ETF通过、黄金创新高、第三次世界大战等因素无疑将为数字货币市场带来新的机遇和挑战。然而,要想实现本次牛市持续10年的目标,还需面对市场的不确定性和风险,以及全球经济环境的变化和调整。


#币安 #现货 #Web3 #坎昆升级 #sol🔥🔥🔥
Who can definitely get rich? Which ones do you match? 1. Those who show off their cars and houses in their circle of friends, don't need to look at their faces, they generally can't achieve great things. People need to learn to hide two things, one is their thoughts, the other is their skills. 2. Those who can achieve great things: don't show off their intelligence, talent, or craftsmanship. As Wang Zhiwen's classic line says: people need to learn to hide two things, one is their thoughts, the other is their skills. Thoughts, should be hidden in their own hearts, once they are spoken out, they become stories in other people's mouths, if they are not guarded, they will be hurt sooner or later. 3. Smart people can make some small money, but only the wise ones can make a fortune quietly. Have you noticed this fact, that powerful people are basically doing big things silently. Suddenly they bought a house, suddenly they became rich, and then shocked everyone! As the saying goes: things are done in secret, words are ruined by leaking. 4. Only streams can make a sound, rivers are silent, and run for thousands of miles. Therefore, smart people know how to be low-key, hide their edge, and do things quietly, so that they can avoid the open and hidden attacks of those villains, and also calm themselves down and do things well. Remember: before ruin, pride comes; before honor, humility comes. #DOGE #铭文 #现货 #公链生态 #ETH
Who can definitely get rich? Which ones do you match?
Those who show off their cars and houses in their circle of friends, don't need to look at their faces, they generally can't achieve great things. People need to learn to hide two things, one is their thoughts, the other is their skills.
Those who can achieve great things: don't show off their intelligence, talent, or craftsmanship. As Wang Zhiwen's classic line says: people need to learn to hide two things, one is their thoughts, the other is their skills. Thoughts, should be hidden in their own hearts, once they are spoken out, they become stories in other people's mouths, if they are not guarded, they will be hurt sooner or later.
Smart people can make some small money, but only the wise ones can make a fortune quietly. Have you noticed this fact, that powerful people are basically doing big things silently. Suddenly they bought a house, suddenly they became rich, and then shocked everyone! As the saying goes: things are done in secret, words are ruined by leaking.
Only streams can make a sound, rivers are silent, and run for thousands of miles. Therefore, smart people know how to be low-key, hide their edge, and do things quietly, so that they can avoid the open and hidden attacks of those villains, and also calm themselves down and do things well.
Remember: before ruin, pride comes; before honor, humility comes.

#DOGE #铭文 #现货 #公链生态 #ETH
Human nature is realistic, making money is the king, don't talk about useless feelings. 1. Don't think that you can't make big money, and look down on small money. Stay at home all day, there will be no pie in the sky, you have no skills, no skills, and still want to make tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands a month, that is dreaming. 2. Stop the behavior of borrowing to repay debts, otherwise your debt will get bigger and bigger. 3. Find a job first, ensure your survival, and study a side business after work at night, work quietly for a month or two, and it will be more attractive than your salary. 4. Cigarettes build bridges, wine paves the way, generous gifts open the back door, relationships take you on the fast track. 5. In this realistic society, only your bank card and cash will not betray you, everything else is nonsense. #DOGE #铭文 #现货 #公链生态 #ETH
Human nature is realistic, making money is the king, don't talk about useless feelings.
Don't think that you can't make big money, and look down on small money. Stay at home all day, there will be no pie in the sky, you have no skills, no skills, and still want to make tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands a month, that is dreaming.
Stop the behavior of borrowing to repay debts, otherwise your debt will get bigger and bigger.
Find a job first, ensure your survival, and study a side business after work at night, work quietly for a month or two, and it will be more attractive than your salary.
Cigarettes build bridges, wine paves the way, generous gifts open the back door, relationships take you on the fast track.
In this realistic society, only your bank card and cash will not betray you, everything else is nonsense.

#DOGE #铭文 #现货 #公链生态 #ETH
A retail investor's inner monologue: Since I started trading coins, I realized a 10% drop is volatility, a 30% drop is a correction, a 50% drop is a market washout. At this time, we must hold steadfastly! Only when it drops by 80% will I cut my losses. But do you know what a 1% increase is called? It's called "taking off"! I can't wait to sell it quickly Not even for a moment. The night is long and dreams are many! #NFP #NFT #web3.0 #BNB🔥 #现货
A retail investor's inner monologue:
Since I started trading coins,
I realized
a 10% drop is volatility,
a 30% drop is a correction,
a 50% drop is a market washout.
At this time, we must hold steadfastly!
Only when it drops by 80%
will I cut my losses.
But do you know
what a 1% increase is called?
It's called "taking off"!
I can't wait to sell it quickly
Not even for a moment.
The night is long and dreams are many!

#热门话题 #现货 $TNSR 十分不建议玩新币,不管是现货还是合约。 在链上一级市场爆火的币,往往上所之后会迎来巨大的抛压。况且前两天热度这么高,okx、币安等一系列大机构纷纷站台,很难不调动起fomo情绪。而且上所之后从高位腰斩也是很正常的,就算玩,也不能当天玩。 这大哥也是绝了,新币接在最高点,山顶资本代言人了。 进入我的主页,跟我一起买底部最有潜力的现货,低风险赚大钱。
#热门话题 #现货 $TNSR
How to make a million with three thousand in the crypto circle? Sun Yuchen came and watched it three times cwl It's okay to have the idea of betting small and winning big, but first you have to remember these points, get rich by altcoins, don't be picky in a bull market, don't have faith in a bear market, don't build positions on the left side, start from the mainstream, switch to altcoins with the trend, don't add positions when rising, don't hold on when falling, don't hesitate to cut your losses, layout less but carefully, don't be greedy, only eat three points full, clear positions and create miracles, make money in three steps, revenge is stable as a dog. 1. In the crypto circle, the same rise and fall, the rise in the bull market does not need value support, only need a reason to rise. 2. Don't talk about faith with altcoins, cut your losses when you should. 3. Time is Bitcoin's friend, and altcoin's enemy. 4. The value foundation of altcoins lies in constant innovation, once innovation stagnates, value will collapse. The value foundation of Bitcoin lies in its immutability, being trapped by Bitcoin, there will be a day to get out, but not necessarily for altcoins. 5. The only suitable for left-side trading are Bitcoin and Ethereum, the biggest risk of altcoins is zeroing, which is also the beginning of the bull market, only big cake and Ethereum are healthy. 6. First build positions, big cake, Ethereum are not afraid of empty when rising, not afraid of being trapped when falling. 7. Altcoins have no defensive ability. 8. Don't add positions when rising, position management is very important, clear positions to test the increase and then add positions significantly, it's hard to not lose money by playing like this. Big cake, Ethereum positions can not be less than half. 9. Play altcoins to actively step on the air, actively sell high. 10. Fall in one place, climb in another, lose money here, earn it back somewhere else. #DOGE #铭文 #现货 #公链生态 #ETH $DOGE $ETH
How to make a million with three thousand in the crypto circle? Sun Yuchen came and watched it three times cwl
It's okay to have the idea of betting small and winning big, but first you have to remember these points, get rich by altcoins, don't be picky in a bull market, don't have faith in a bear market, don't build positions on the left side, start from the mainstream, switch to altcoins with the trend, don't add positions when rising, don't hold on when falling, don't hesitate to cut your losses, layout less but carefully, don't be greedy, only eat three points full, clear positions and create miracles, make money in three steps, revenge is stable as a dog.
In the crypto circle, the same rise and fall, the rise in the bull market does not need value support, only need a reason to rise.
Don't talk about faith with altcoins, cut your losses when you should.
Time is Bitcoin's friend, and altcoin's enemy.
The value foundation of altcoins lies in constant innovation, once innovation stagnates, value will collapse. The value foundation of Bitcoin lies in its immutability, being trapped by Bitcoin, there will be a day to get out, but not necessarily for altcoins.
The only suitable for left-side trading are Bitcoin and Ethereum, the biggest risk of altcoins is zeroing, which is also the beginning of the bull market, only big cake and Ethereum are healthy.
First build positions, big cake, Ethereum are not afraid of empty when rising, not afraid of being trapped when falling.
Altcoins have no defensive ability.
Don't add positions when rising, position management is very important, clear positions to test the increase and then add positions significantly, it's hard to not lose money by playing like this. Big cake, Ethereum positions can not be less than half.
Play altcoins to actively step on the air, actively sell high.
Fall in one place, climb in another, lose money here, earn it back somewhere else.
#DOGE #铭文 #现货 #公链生态 #ETH