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Star/Planet/Number: BNB234555🚀🚀🚀
Star/Planet/Number: BNB234555🚀🚀🚀
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There are thousands of different ways to trade in cryptocurrencies. Everyone has different perceptions of the cryptocurrency world and different psychological tolerances. These two points lead to one thing, that is, it is absolutely impossible to apply other people's trading models to yourself. This is like a top student has his own way of learning. Even if you tell this method to a poor student, they will not be able to learn it or understand it! You must have your own method for trading cryptocurrencies. Your method is based on your understanding and cognition of the cryptocurrency world and your own trading habits. Just thinking about learning from others' methods and applying those rigid technical indicators is actually the same. It's not nice to say, but it's very real. There is no such thing as getting something for nothing in this world, especially in the cryptocurrency world. If you want to create your own trading model, you must continue to learn, reflect and summarize. But the cryptocurrency world is not a place where you get more for more work. You have to find a frequency that suits you, and don't trade for the sake of trading! #美国6月CPI大幅降温
There are thousands of different ways to trade in cryptocurrencies. Everyone has different perceptions of the cryptocurrency world and different psychological tolerances. These two points lead to one thing, that is, it is absolutely impossible to apply other people's trading models to yourself.

This is like a top student has his own way of learning. Even if you tell this method to a poor student, they will not be able to learn it or understand it!

You must have your own method for trading cryptocurrencies. Your method is based on your understanding and cognition of the cryptocurrency world and your own trading habits. Just thinking about learning from others' methods and applying those rigid technical indicators is actually the same.

It's not nice to say, but it's very real. There is no such thing as getting something for nothing in this world, especially in the cryptocurrency world. If you want to create your own trading model, you must continue to learn, reflect and summarize. But the cryptocurrency world is not a place where you get more for more work. You have to find a frequency that suits you, and don't trade for the sake of trading!

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What is the controllable range?What is the controllable range: Here we need to mention that the key point to be discussed in the bottom analysis is: the best entry point. The "best entry point" is actually a region. When is the best entry point? It is hard to say whether the price will rise after buying, but it will not fall much. Even if it falls, the price is within the controllable range. It corresponds to the "cryptocurrency sentiment theory", which is the "dead silence" stage. At this stage, it cannot be said to be completely dead, but it has reached my judgment range. What is the relative bottom: For example, when the trading enthusiasm of the entire market drops to the freezing point, the price fluctuation of stable assets will not be too large. For several months or even more than a year, the profit and loss data on the account will not change much every day. My understanding is that as the garbage time gets longer, it will slowly reach the relative bottom. The darkness before dawn is the most difficult to endure and is the nightmare of professional traders because it is difficult to make a profit. So I use "dead silence" to define the market at this stage. "Dead silence" = "relative bottom", but there is no doubt that "dead silence" is the best time to enter the market, and it will also give us enough time to increase our positions to a suitable and ideal state.

What is the controllable range?

What is the controllable range: Here we need to mention that the key point to be discussed in the bottom analysis is: the best entry point. The "best entry point" is actually a region. When is the best entry point? It is hard to say whether the price will rise after buying, but it will not fall much. Even if it falls, the price is within the controllable range. It corresponds to the "cryptocurrency sentiment theory", which is the "dead silence" stage. At this stage, it cannot be said to be completely dead, but it has reached my judgment range.

What is the relative bottom: For example, when the trading enthusiasm of the entire market drops to the freezing point, the price fluctuation of stable assets will not be too large. For several months or even more than a year, the profit and loss data on the account will not change much every day. My understanding is that as the garbage time gets longer, it will slowly reach the relative bottom. The darkness before dawn is the most difficult to endure and is the nightmare of professional traders because it is difficult to make a profit. So I use "dead silence" to define the market at this stage. "Dead silence" = "relative bottom", but there is no doubt that "dead silence" is the best time to enter the market, and it will also give us enough time to increase our positions to a suitable and ideal state.
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Every time the market goes up or down, there are always people who are busy using the current ups and downs to verify whether their views are correct. In fact, whether it goes up or down, there is a 50% probability. However, every obvious breakthrough rise or fall is often driven by "events or emotions". I hope that after verifying your own views, you will not be blindly confident. #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
Every time the market goes up or down, there are always people who are busy using the current ups and downs to verify whether their views are correct.

In fact, whether it goes up or down, there is a 50% probability.

However, every obvious breakthrough rise or fall is often driven by "events or emotions".

I hope that after verifying your own views, you will not be blindly confident.

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In one day, the situation suddenly reversed, and Trump's personal role accelerated the recovery of the bull market, and the market once again became the main force of the bulls. The following are the key events that are about to happen: 1. At 00:30 on July 16, Mr. Powell of the United States will give a speech. 2. On July 17, the United States will release retail sales data, which will have an important impact on the market's expectations of interest rate cuts. 3. On July 18, the European Central Bank will announce its interest rate decision. 4. From July 25 to 27, Trump will speak at the Bitcoin Conference. These events will further affect the market trend, and investors should pay close attention and prepare response strategies. $BTC #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国6月CPI大幅降温
In one day, the situation suddenly reversed, and Trump's personal role accelerated the recovery of the bull market, and the market once again became the main force of the bulls. The following are the key events that are about to happen:

1. At 00:30 on July 16, Mr. Powell of the United States will give a speech.

2. On July 17, the United States will release retail sales data, which will have an important impact on the market's expectations of interest rate cuts.

3. On July 18, the European Central Bank will announce its interest rate decision.

4. From July 25 to 27, Trump will speak at the Bitcoin Conference.

These events will further affect the market trend, and investors should pay close attention and prepare response strategies.

$BTC #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国6月CPI大幅降温
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The market during this period is like the weather in the south. July is already summer, but there are floods and heavy rains everywhere in the south. It has been raining for almost a month here. However, does the rain and floods during this period mean that summer is over? Not really. It is precisely when the rain stops and the floods recede during this period that the real hot summer will come, and the whole country will usher in high temperature weather. The market in the currency circle is actually the same as the season we are in now. #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
The market during this period is like the weather in the south. July is already summer, but there are floods and heavy rains everywhere in the south. It has been raining for almost a month here.
However, does the rain and floods during this period mean that summer is over?

Not really. It is precisely when the rain stops and the floods recede during this period that the real hot summer will come, and the whole country will usher in high temperature weather.
The market in the currency circle is actually the same as the season we are in now.

#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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Pepe is going to eliminate a zero! This is the second test of the 0.01 mark. I think the chance is great and it is expected to eliminate another zero! It is expected to reach 0.025 in the next few months, which means it is 3 times away from our bottom-fishing. It is not easy. We shout Pepe every issue. Now we finally wait for his second outbreak, and the cumulative increase in 2 days is 20%! However, 0.01 is indeed a resistance. For high-multiple contracts, you can consider taking half of the profit and then take it after a callback of about 5%. If it is a long-term spot, there is no risk of liquidation, and you can always get our target price of 0.025 this year #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国6月CPI大幅降温
Pepe is going to eliminate a zero! This is the second test of the 0.01 mark. I think the chance is great and it is expected to eliminate another zero! It is expected to reach 0.025 in the next few months, which means it is 3 times away from our bottom-fishing.

It is not easy. We shout Pepe every issue. Now we finally wait for his second outbreak, and the cumulative increase in 2 days is 20%!
However, 0.01 is indeed a resistance. For high-multiple contracts, you can consider taking half of the profit and then take it after a callback of about 5%.
If it is a long-term spot, there is no risk of liquidation, and you can always get our target price of 0.025 this year

#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国6月CPI大幅降温
在我做VC看项目的时候,有个简单的标准:如果创始人说他要做XXX行业的阿里巴巴,那这项目大概率不适合创业。为什么呢?因为这通常意味着创始人大概率不清楚不了解自己的赛道和商业模式... 同样的道理,如果网上和人聊投资,对方开始举例巴菲特balabala,多说一句都是废话,因为他只知道巴菲特...微笑 #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? #BTC下跌分析


#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? #BTC下跌分析
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Market stage analysis In different market cycles, the performance of price fluctuations and market sentiment will be different. The following are typical characteristics of each stage: 1. Early stage of bull market: - Characteristics: Slow pull-up, most people can't feel it, the market fluctuates upward. - Current market performance: BTC prices have risen slowly recently, the band operation space is large, and the market is gradually warming up. 2. Early stage of bear market: - Characteristics: Slow decline, most people feel that there are new highs, but in fact, chips are being distributed. - Current market performance: If you observe that prices are gradually falling and market sentiment is still optimistic, you need to be alert to the possible early stage of bear market. 3. Bottom stage: - Characteristics: Continuously create panic, prices hit lower, and the market is extremely pessimistic. - Current market performance: There has been no obvious panic and continuous sharp drop recently, and the characteristics of the bottom stage rarely appear. Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--599695450 4. Top stage: - Characteristics: Continuously create positive news, prices hit higher, and the market is extremely optimistic. - Current market performance: If major positive news appears frequently and prices hit new highs, be wary of the top stage. #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? #BTC下跌分析
Market stage analysis
In different market cycles, the performance of price fluctuations and market sentiment will be different. The following are typical characteristics of each stage:
1. Early stage of bull market:
- Characteristics: Slow pull-up, most people can't feel it, the market fluctuates upward.
- Current market performance: BTC prices have risen slowly recently, the band operation space is large, and the market is gradually warming up.
2. Early stage of bear market:
- Characteristics: Slow decline, most people feel that there are new highs, but in fact, chips are being distributed.
- Current market performance: If you observe that prices are gradually falling and market sentiment is still optimistic, you need to be alert to the possible early stage of bear market.
3. Bottom stage:
- Characteristics: Continuously create panic, prices hit lower, and the market is extremely pessimistic.
- Current market performance: There has been no obvious panic and continuous sharp drop recently, and the characteristics of the bottom stage rarely appear.
Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--599695450
4. Top stage:
- Characteristics: Continuously create positive news, prices hit higher, and the market is extremely optimistic.
- Current market performance: If major positive news appears frequently and prices hit new highs, be wary of the top stage.

#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? #BTC下跌分析
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Breaking News: 🔔 Sun Yuchen holds 700,000 ETH 🔔 The total market value of cryptocurrencies has increased by 34.9 billion US dollars in the past 24 hours, BTC has increased by 1.74%, the amplitude is 3.58%, and the market sentiment is neutral 🔔 News review: 1. Sun Yuchen holds 700,000 ETH; 2. Linea mainnet has bridged and transferred more than 704,000 ETH; 3. It is unimaginable to have a president who supports Bitcoin! ​​​ #币安7周年 #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息?
Breaking News:
🔔 Sun Yuchen holds 700,000 ETH

🔔 The total market value of cryptocurrencies has increased by 34.9 billion US dollars in the past 24 hours, BTC has increased by 1.74%, the amplitude is 3.58%, and the market sentiment is neutral

🔔 News review:
1. Sun Yuchen holds 700,000 ETH;

2. Linea mainnet has bridged and transferred more than 704,000 ETH;

3. It is unimaginable to have a president who supports Bitcoin! ​​​

#币安7周年 #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息?
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Spain wins the European Cup🏆: Fan Tokens fall across the board Spain defeated England 2-1, reaching the top of Europe and winning the fourth European Cup in team history. However, after the tournament, the fan token market fell across the board, especially ARG tokens, which fell by 20%. It turns out that hyping fan tokens should not wait until the tournament is over. Game review - First half: The game between the two sides was stalemate, with Spain and England attacking and defending each other. Olmo's long shot was cleared and Morata missed a single-handed opportunity. At the end of the first half, the two sides entered the locker room with a score of 0-0. - Second half: - One minute into the game: Nico Williams received a pass from Yamal and broke the deadlock, with Spain leading 1-0. - 73rd minute: Palmer, who came on as a substitute, scored a long shot and tied the score to 1-1. - At the end of the game: Oyarzabal came on as a substitute and scored the winning goal. Spain finally defeated England 2-1. Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--599695450 The Spanish team won the game with their outstanding performance. #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
Spain wins the European Cup🏆: Fan Tokens fall across the board

Spain defeated England 2-1, reaching the top of Europe and winning the fourth European Cup in team history. However, after the tournament, the fan token market fell across the board, especially ARG tokens, which fell by 20%. It turns out that hyping fan tokens should not wait until the tournament is over.
Game review
- First half:
The game between the two sides was stalemate, with Spain and England attacking and defending each other. Olmo's long shot was cleared and Morata missed a single-handed opportunity. At the end of the first half, the two sides entered the locker room with a score of 0-0.
- Second half:
- One minute into the game: Nico Williams received a pass from Yamal and broke the deadlock, with Spain leading 1-0.
- 73rd minute: Palmer, who came on as a substitute, scored a long shot and tied the score to 1-1.
- At the end of the game: Oyarzabal came on as a substitute and scored the winning goal. Spain finally defeated England 2-1. Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--599695450
The Spanish team won the game with their outstanding performance.

#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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The capital market has shown abnormal characteristics in the past two years. In the U.S. stock market, technology stocks have skyrocketed, while other stocks have not seen the same increase, and some have even fallen. If investors choose the "Big 7", the returns may be considerable; but if they invest in other stocks, they may face the risk of losses. The same is true for the cryptocurrency market. If investors buy Bitcoin, they may enjoy the good returns brought by the bull market and feel the prosperity of the market. However, if they choose altcoins, they may suffer losses. This phenomenon is not like a normal bull market, but more like a bubble bull market driven by institutions collectively. In the U.S. stock market, artificial intelligence drives the rise in stock prices; in the cryptocurrency market, ETFs are also playing an important role. Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--599695450 These factors work together to lead to obvious differentiation and volatility in the market. #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币
The capital market has shown abnormal characteristics in the past two years.

In the U.S. stock market, technology stocks have skyrocketed, while other stocks have not seen the same increase, and some have even fallen. If investors choose the "Big 7", the returns may be considerable; but if they invest in other stocks, they may face the risk of losses.

The same is true for the cryptocurrency market. If investors buy Bitcoin, they may enjoy the good returns brought by the bull market and feel the prosperity of the market. However, if they choose altcoins, they may suffer losses.

This phenomenon is not like a normal bull market, but more like a bubble bull market driven by institutions collectively.

In the U.S. stock market, artificial intelligence drives the rise in stock prices; in the cryptocurrency market, ETFs are also playing an important role. Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--599695450 These factors work together to lead to obvious differentiation and volatility in the market.
#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币
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Success is often achieved in adversity, and failure begins with complacency. After a period of smooth sailing, I have recently fallen into the habit of games and relaxation. I find that whenever I encounter adversity, I have a particularly strong ability to rebound. Maybe it is because the pressure forces me to focus more, because I have no choice but to strive to move forward. But once the pressure is gone, I feel a bit like lying flat. In the past, this pressure may come from the urgent need to survive; later, it may come from the pursuit of self-satisfaction. It is indeed tempting to enjoy a moment of comfort first, but I know many successful people who are still working hard to push themselves forward every day despite being very good and achieving. Recently, Ma Ge gave me some advice and I accepted it. It’s time to refocus and not give yourself too many reasons and excuses to indulge. In this world, successful people are like clouds, and you should never be satisfied. Life is like sailing against the current. If you don’t move forward, you will retreat. In the trading market, all failures come from your lack of greed. I feel very lucky. Whenever my state starts to get out of balance, there are always so many excellent role models and good brothers around me to remind me. #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #币安7周年 #BTC下跌分析
Success is often achieved in adversity, and failure begins with complacency.

After a period of smooth sailing, I have recently fallen into the habit of games and relaxation. I find that whenever I encounter adversity, I have a particularly strong ability to rebound. Maybe it is because the pressure forces me to focus more, because I have no choice but to strive to move forward. But once the pressure is gone, I feel a bit like lying flat.

In the past, this pressure may come from the urgent need to survive; later, it may come from the pursuit of self-satisfaction.

It is indeed tempting to enjoy a moment of comfort first, but I know many successful people who are still working hard to push themselves forward every day despite being very good and achieving.

Recently, Ma Ge gave me some advice and I accepted it. It’s time to refocus and not give yourself too many reasons and excuses to indulge.

In this world, successful people are like clouds, and you should never be satisfied. Life is like sailing against the current. If you don’t move forward, you will retreat.

In the trading market, all failures come from your lack of greed. I feel very lucky. Whenever my state starts to get out of balance, there are always so many excellent role models and good brothers around me to remind me.

#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #币安7周年 #BTC下跌分析
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I keep an eye on the BTC held by Germany every day, fearing that he will suddenly dump the market. Today, I finally sold all of them. The next hype may only be Mentougou But Mentougou’s holdings are too large, with a total of more than 100,000 coins Once the market appears, it can be directly announced that this round of bull market is over #德国政府转移比特币
I keep an eye on the BTC held by Germany every day, fearing that he will suddenly dump the market.

Today, I finally sold all of them. The next hype may only be Mentougou

But Mentougou’s holdings are too large, with a total of more than 100,000 coins

Once the market appears, it can be directly announced that this round of bull market is over

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5 rules for trading in the cryptocurrency circle: 1. The speed of the rise is the accumulation of chips: If the currency value rises quickly but then rises slowly, it indicates that the dealer is accumulating chips and is ready to push the price up further. 2. The speed of the rise is the delivery: If the currency value rises quickly but then rises slowly, it indicates that the dealer is gradually selling, and the market may be about to enter a downward cycle. 3. Don't buy at the top: When the currency value increases at the top, don't rush to buy. Although the top volume may indicate continued rise, if the volume shrinks after the increase, it means that the upward momentum is insufficient and you should leave the market as soon as possible. 4. Don't buy at the bottom: When the currency value increases at the bottom, don't rush to buy. But if the bottom continues to increase, it means that funds are constantly entering, and you can consider buying. 5. Trading in cryptocurrencies is trading in crypto sentiment: The fluctuation of the currency price reflects the market consensus and investor sentiment. Trading in cryptocurrencies is trading in market sentiment. Strategy understanding--Research Institute--599695450 Understanding and grasping market sentiment is the key. #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #德国政府转移比特币
5 rules for trading in the cryptocurrency circle:

1. The speed of the rise is the accumulation of chips: If the currency value rises quickly but then rises slowly, it indicates that the dealer is accumulating chips and is ready to push the price up further.

2. The speed of the rise is the delivery: If the currency value rises quickly but then rises slowly, it indicates that the dealer is gradually selling, and the market may be about to enter a downward cycle.

3. Don't buy at the top: When the currency value increases at the top, don't rush to buy. Although the top volume may indicate continued rise, if the volume shrinks after the increase, it means that the upward momentum is insufficient and you should leave the market as soon as possible.

4. Don't buy at the bottom: When the currency value increases at the bottom, don't rush to buy. But if the bottom continues to increase, it means that funds are constantly entering, and you can consider buying.

5. Trading in cryptocurrencies is trading in crypto sentiment: The fluctuation of the currency price reflects the market consensus and investor sentiment. Trading in cryptocurrencies is trading in market sentiment. Strategy understanding--Research Institute--599695450 Understanding and grasping market sentiment is the key.

#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #德国政府转移比特币
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Market sentiment towards ONDO has been relatively negative, with the number of daily active addresses declining significantly since July 5, reflecting reduced transaction volume and user engagement. However, Bitcoin’s bullish trend may offset this negative sentiment, giving ONDO a more optimistic outlook. Currently, both the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the Chaikin Fund Flow (CMF) indicator are in neutral territory, indicating improving buying pressure and capital inflows, but not enough to drive significant upward momentum. 12-hour Strategy Understanding - Research Institute - The 599695450 chart shows that ONDO has not yet broken through $1, which implies that the market structure has not yet turned bullish. If ONDO fails to break above $1, it may fall back to the $0.9 demand area, especially if Bitcoin struggles to climb back to $60,000 in the short term. Conversely, a breakout above $1 would provide ONDO bulls with momentum for a 10% gain, targeting the range high of the descending triangle pattern. #币安7周年 #美国6月CPI大幅降温
Market sentiment towards ONDO has been relatively negative, with the number of daily active addresses declining significantly since July 5, reflecting reduced transaction volume and user engagement.

However, Bitcoin’s bullish trend may offset this negative sentiment, giving ONDO a more optimistic outlook.

Currently, both the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the Chaikin Fund Flow (CMF) indicator are in neutral territory, indicating improving buying pressure and capital inflows, but not enough to drive significant upward momentum. 12-hour Strategy Understanding - Research Institute - The 599695450 chart shows that ONDO has not yet broken through $1, which implies that the market structure has not yet turned bullish.

If ONDO fails to break above $1, it may fall back to the $0.9 demand area, especially if Bitcoin struggles to climb back to $60,000 in the short term.

Conversely, a breakout above $1 would provide ONDO bulls with momentum for a 10% gain, targeting the range high of the descending triangle pattern.

#币安7周年 #美国6月CPI大幅降温
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Yesterday, many friends may be worried that the positive news of CPI will cause the US stock market to fall, but in fact there is no need to worry too much. The Russell 2000 index rose sharply yesterday, indicating that investors have begun to expect interest rate cuts to come. In the past, technology stocks have been favored for their defensive asset characteristics, but now investors believe that the Federal Reserve is about to adopt a defensive interest rate cut policy, which is a good thing for the market. Therefore, investors have begun to buy a large number of small-cap stocks. In other words, when the economy is bad, everyone is more inclined to buy Bitcoin and Ethereum to avoid the risk of falling altcoins due to insufficient liquidity. But when economic expectations improve, fewer people will invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum, and more people will turn to speculating in altcoins. In short, Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--599695450 This is the current market dynamics. It should be noted that there may be some delay in the transmission of this trend to the currency circle. I hope this information can help everyone's investment decision. #美联储何时降息? #美国6月CPI大幅降温
Yesterday, many friends may be worried that the positive news of CPI will cause the US stock market to fall, but in fact there is no need to worry too much. The Russell 2000 index rose sharply yesterday, indicating that investors have begun to expect interest rate cuts to come.

In the past, technology stocks have been favored for their defensive asset characteristics, but now investors believe that the Federal Reserve is about to adopt a defensive interest rate cut policy, which is a good thing for the market. Therefore, investors have begun to buy a large number of small-cap stocks.

In other words, when the economy is bad, everyone is more inclined to buy Bitcoin and Ethereum to avoid the risk of falling altcoins due to insufficient liquidity. But when economic expectations improve, fewer people will invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum, and more people will turn to speculating in altcoins.

In short, Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--599695450 This is the current market dynamics. It should be noted that there may be some delay in the transmission of this trend to the currency circle. I hope this information can help everyone's investment decision.

#美联储何时降息? #美国6月CPI大幅降温
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Don't envy those who get rich in a month. They may show off to you how many times they earn in a month, but you have to understand that even if you can get 10 times the profit in a year, some people still feel it is not enough and expect 10 times in a month. Imagine that if you can get 10 times in a year, your 10,000 can become 10 million in three years. However, how many people have you seen who really make 10 million in reality? High-risk speculation often fails, making money is only temporary, and the final result may be a warehouse explosion. Therefore, don't envy these people and focus on doing your best. I know that many people have lost a lot of money in this circle, but from today on, forget the past and start again. If you have 100,000, Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--599695450 now only has 10,000, don't always think about how to make a comeback, this mentality will only make you more anxious. Treat yourself as if you only have 10,000 funds and start from scratch. Focus on doing your best, this is the most important thing. #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #德国政府转移比特币
Don't envy those who get rich in a month.

They may show off to you how many times they earn in a month, but you have to understand that even if you can get 10 times the profit in a year, some people still feel it is not enough and expect 10 times in a month.

Imagine that if you can get 10 times in a year, your 10,000 can become 10 million in three years. However, how many people have you seen who really make 10 million in reality?

High-risk speculation often fails, making money is only temporary, and the final result may be a warehouse explosion. Therefore, don't envy these people and focus on doing your best.

I know that many people have lost a lot of money in this circle, but from today on, forget the past and start again. If you have 100,000, Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--599695450 now only has 10,000, don't always think about how to make a comeback, this mentality will only make you more anxious.

Treat yourself as if you only have 10,000 funds and start from scratch. Focus on doing your best, this is the most important thing.
#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #德国政府转移比特币
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