📢Odaily Planet Daily Hot News: Ethereum ETF issuance applicants are eagerly awaiting the approval of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)! 💼According to internal sources, the SEC may contact issuers "at any time" to inform them of the fund issuance date. 🕐

Although the last round of S-1 amendments was very "slight", issuers do not have high expectations. 😔Because now everything depends on the SEC, they can speed up or slow down the approval process at will. 😰

Another source said that although the issuer has not received more comments from the SEC after the latest S-1 adjustment, there may be at least another round of comments. 📝Although the timeline for the launch is unclear, it is reasonable to expect that it will be launched in the next two to three weeks. 🗓

The source did not want to be named because it involves discussions with the SEC. 🕵️‍♂️Let us look forward to the latest developments of the Ethereum ETF together! 🚀 (blockworks)