The roadmap for IoTeX in 2024 includes several significant milestones aimed at enhancing its infrastructure and ecosystem:

1. **Mainnet Flourish (Q2 2024)**: This phase will enable community onboarding and privacy enhancement. Community members can become node operators, and mining rewards will be distributed.

2. **W3bstream Development**: W3bstream is a decentralized infrastructure connecting smart devices to smart contracts. It aims to revolutionize how data from smart devices is used, creating opportunities for users to earn rewards by sharing data. It includes stages like Devnet Seed, Mainnet Sprout, and Mainnet Blossom, with full decentralization expected by Q4 2023 and optimizations continuing into 2024【20†source】【21†source】.

3. **Focus on DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks)**: IoTeX plans to drive the growth of the DePIN category, anticipating significant market expansion by integrating AI and real-world assets (RWA). This includes strategic collaborations and enhancing the tokenomics to attract more participants【22†source】.

4. **Community Events and Partnerships**: IoTeX will expand its R3al World events globally to foster community connections and insights. The platform will continue to collaborate with major industry players like Samsung and ARM to drive innovation and adoption【20†source】【21†source】.

These initiatives aim to position IoTeX as a leader in the machine economy and Web3 space by leveraging decentralized data and smart device integration. For more detailed information, you can visit their official [roadmap page](