$blast is the second syphilis $merl

The originator of the integral pua, the final ending is the biggest clown of farce behaviorism🤡

The project is really "good" at writing this kind of shitty official language, and never tires of it.

The woven grand narrative has room for imagination, we all know it's big, very big

The hair is really watching a video, and you need gas to receive it, it's better to pick up bottle caps on the roadside, electronic beggars

For the recent anti-VC or airdrop situation, the transition of something too big at the beginning overdraws expectations, and the first step to achieve it is the peak, and then the situation becomes more and more dwon

There are no guns or cannons, and the leeks make them for us

The food of the leeks is your food

The guns of the leeks are your guns

The cannons of the leeks are your cannons

I greet you first, Tieshun

#Meme板块普涨 #美国PCE数据将公布 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划