Will BTC fall below the 60,000 mark and probe the key support level of 52,000‼ ️This time, BTC may not be able to hold 60,000‼ ️

The short position has reached the first stop-profit position🤑

Stop half of the profit first, friends

In the previous article, I have told you that once Bitcoin falls below the 65,200 position, it will definitely not be able to hold the 60,000 mark. So after falling below 65,200, our short positions have been looking for opportunities to re-enter the market. After this wave of rebound, a very good short position entry position was given above 3,400 of a house. At that time, the article sent to everyone was 3410~3470, so the position we gave everyone in the community was 3422 short positions. The highest pin came to 3428 short positions successfully entered the market, so there is currently 80 points of floating clouds, which is not bad, and it has won about 21,000, but this is not the final purple profit target, because we hope that this short position can be held for a long time. So first only use half of the remaining long-term holding💰
