It's possible in mythology, but not in reality.

Theoretically, when the market is soaring or plummeting, as long as you make the right move, you can open a 100x contract and go all in with your 100,000 yuan capital. As long as it multiplies several times, you will become rich.

But in reality, ordinary people simply can’t do it, not everyone is a desperado like Liang Xi.

If you have billions of assets, it is normal to make tens of millions overnight in the cryptocurrency circle, but for ordinary people, tens of thousands of yuan is their entire assets, so the possibility of you getting rich quickly is very small.

But the cryptocurrency world does carry the dreams of many people to get rich quickly.

If ordinary people want to achieve class leap, cryptocurrency trading is the closest place to their dreams, as long as you master the right method.

Many people say that the cryptocurrency circle is a scam and that you will be ripped off once you enter it, but you can ask those who have lost money in the cryptocurrency circle, how did they lose money?

That's because they are too greedy and want to get rich overnight.

This world is fair. Since you have chosen an investment method that allows you to get rich overnight, you must bear the risks behind getting rich overnight a thousand times more.

This ratio is usually not 1:1, the risk is thousands of times greater than the return.

There are very few people who really take the time to invest in valuable coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and UNI. Can't these coins help you turn your life around?

In 2013, the A-share market was at 3,000 points. In 2023, the A-share market was still at 3,000 points. A war to defend the A-share market was even launched. Why didn’t the stock market rise in the decade of rapid economic development in China? Because the genes of the A-share market are to provide blood transfusions for state-owned enterprises. Although many reforms have been carried out now, the genes have been deeply rooted and cannot be changed.

Therefore, A shares will not rise with the development of the economy. I think this is a clear way of making money. If you want to make a comeback through stocks, it is almost a pipe dream.

Let’s take a look at Bitcoin:

In 2013, the price of Bitcoin was 800 yuan, and in 2023, the price of Bitcoin was 250,000 yuan.

If you started buying Bitcoin in 2013 and sell it now, have you made a comeback? Of course you have.

There is another wave of people in the cryptocurrency circle. They always buy Bitcoin in a bear market and sell Bitcoin in a bull market. They have long achieved class leap.

If someone says that the cryptocurrency world is a scam and is designed to make you lose money, please criticize him. In fact, the stock market is the one that really makes you lose money.

Why do you lose money when investing in cryptocurrency?

Because you are too greedy. The cryptocurrency market is a highly volatile market, and many people enter this market with a gambling mentality.

If you buy a coin and it doesn't go up or down for several months, it would be more painful than killing yourself. You will definitely find ways to mess with it and end up losing all your capital.

Usually they will choose crazy short-term trading, investing in local dogs, levels, contracts, Pixiu, etc. These are all high-risk investment tools. Except for contracts, almost all of them are set up by others and waiting for you to get in.

Indeed, we hear every day that someone has made tens of millions by investing in local dogs, Pixiu, and other first-level products. These are actually just myths made up by the dealers, whose purpose is to make you continue to contribute your hard-earned money.

Contracts are usually relatively fair. Although there are dealers behind the scenes who use the chips in their hands to manipulate the market, as long as you can follow the dealer's rhythm, you can get rich quickly. It just requires you to be extremely lucky.

However, Lao Zhong recommends that those friends who like to play with contracts should just try it out with a small amount of money to test the waters and have fun.

The key positions should still be allocated in spot.

Because contract investment has nothing to do with value, but is related to short-term ups and downs. Even if you judge the direction correctly, you may still be liquidated.


This is the real reason why many ordinary people lose money in the cryptocurrency world.

Many people understand these principles, but can they change these bad habits after reading Lao Zhong's articles? Obviously not.

Investing is a magical thing. Sometimes you need to use real money to buy experience. Talking about it on paper is not enough. You have to practice it yourself to understand it.

You won’t feel the pain unless you’re heartbroken or even at the lowest point in your life. Only by experiencing pain can you truly grow.

Of course, most people who have suffered have given up, and not many have really stood up. Fortunately, Lao Zhong is one of those who stood up. He is lucky. At that time, everyone around him was cutting leeks, and he almost fought his way out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

It’s great to be alive, and a turnaround is just around the corner.

Come on, B-circle people! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #币安合约锦标赛