BTC tries to hit the 62,000 mark again‼ ️Can the bull market turn around⁉️There are still 20 billion short orders that have not been liquidated. Will the dog dealer continue to fall below 50,000‼ ️

In fact, in the previous article, I have been repeating a point with everyone, that is, don’t look at the liquidation map. The liquidation map has no reference basis, because the liquidation map comes from a statistical website, and the statistical method of this website is not comprehensive. For example, shorting based on currency or shorting with leverage after staking BTC, these factors are not taken into account in the liquidation map, so many retail investors were misled by the liquidation map some time ago, because according to the liquidation map, Bitcoin should have a rebound when it reaches around 64,000, but it did not. We told everyone at the time that Bitcoin would fall below 60,000 and start at 50,000. 📉

So basically there is no difference with our prediction now, because the lowest has risen to around 58,000, so our prediction is accurate, more accurate than this liquidation map.

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划