Old Wine Trading Diary: Daily Interpretation 6.26

① Intraday ultra-short-term pressure: 61700

Whether 61700 can stand firm means whether the market can rush to 62500 again. If it cannot break through and stand firm, it will naturally turn downward and execute hourly level, or even 4-6 hours of retracement.

② Intraday ultra-short-term support: 60400-60700

If ① cannot be achieved, the market will turn downward and explore 60400-60700 to find support. Whether it can rise again depends on whether 60400-60700 is supported or effectively broken.

Summary: The rebound will not end so quickly. This process is nothing more than a problem of the depth of the wash. Is it a deeper wash or a shallower wash? Regarding the cottage, it is time to enter, and there is a chance to hug! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息?