According to Odaily, Solana's second layer network, Sonic, has seen significant growth since the launch of its testnet incentive program on June 19. In just one week, the number of participating user wallets has exceeded 100,000, with a cumulative on-chain transaction volume reaching 17 million.

It has been reported that several well-known EVM games will be deployed to Sonic in the near future. This move is expected to further integrate and expand Solana's native gaming ecosystem. The rapid growth of Sonic's user base and transaction volume indicates a strong interest and active participation in the platform.

The deployment of popular EVM games to Sonic is a strategic move by Solana to strengthen its position in the gaming ecosystem. This not only provides more options for gamers but also contributes to the overall growth and development of the Solana network. The integration and expansion of Solana's native gaming ecosystem will likely attract more users and developers, further driving the growth of Sonic and Solana as a whole.