Author: ArweaveB

Translation: Lufei Qin

Reviewer: Kyle

Source: Content Guild - Translation

With the announcement of Operation Liquidity, the Arweave ecosystem is set to usher in a new decentralized finance (DeFi) use case in the lending space.

Lorimer Jenkins and Marton Lederer, two well-known developers in the Arweave ecosystem, said they are working together to build a decentralized lending protocol based on Arweave and AO. They said the overall framework of the project was developed in three weeks.

The two said that the project will provide liquidity for new AO ecosystem users and protocols, and provide new DEFI use cases for the current Arweave ecosystem. They also hope to achieve token staking based on Arweave and AO, and create lending between Arweave and AO.

“Our vision is to enable Arweave users to earn interest on their assets and use this liquidity to power AO’s new DeFi ecosystem,” they said, calling on interested parties to join the waitlist.

Lederer, who has worked on several Arweave ecosystem projects, said that this new project provides more opportunities to learn. He further stated that he started this project with Jenkins to invent new solutions and services for the DeFi world.

“Operation Liquidity will bring much-needed liquidity while providing the opportunity to earn passive income by holding Arweave native tokens and AO tokens. I see this as a major milestone for the entire ecosystem as we see advanced DeFi coming here,” said Lederer.

The project comes as Arweave seeks to explore DeFi use cases. Autonomous Finance is building AgentFi, a project that uses technologies such as AO, Arweave, and AI to execute trades based on set parameters.

Meanwhile, the idea of ​​a lending protocol seems to be gaining traction in the ecosystem, with the waitlist growing to 415 sign-ups in two days and total assets held by users reaching $7.5 million. To many, these numbers suggest that Operation Liquidity could be a success when it fully launches.

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