#MyFirstFeedPost [Yu Ge's Daily Market Analysis]

Two Trend Predictions for BTC Daily Level 1. The current daily level rising trend is theoretically not over. Now it forms a central oscillation range, which just falls on the lower edge. If it is analyzed by the rising momentum, after the oscillation, it will pull up the oscillation center again. The power kinetic energy is insufficient, which means that this rising trend is over. The end of this rising trend will at least have one upward pull, and the time window is about 3-5 days. 2. Directly turn to the form of falling. The current decline is at the lower edge of the oscillation center (bottom red line). When it falls below the lower edge in the next few days and no longer returns to the center when it pulls back, it will form a three-sell at the daily level. The red circle position on the chart will no longer pull back to the center after falling through, which means that the daily level will enter a downward trend from an upward trend.

The time window for the two predictions of BTC should be about 3-5 days to give the result of the change. The graph shows a slight downward deviation, but my personal opinion is more inclined to the first conclusion. In terms of operation, you can try to go long at a large level, with the stop loss near the lower edge, or try to find a three-sell stop loss at a small level, so that even if the stop loss is not too large.

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