Introducing the AI Token Deployer

The AI Token Deployer on allows users to design and deploy tokens in minutes. Whether you're creating a meme coin, a fan token, or integrating a token into a game economy, this platform eliminates the need for hiring developers. Users can focus on the token’s application and distribution instead.

Versatile AI Models

Users can toggle between different language models (LLMs) like GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and Bittensor. Once a model is selected, you input the desired token characteristics, and the AI assists with naming, ticker symbol, and supply decisions. One notable feature is the ability to set randomness, making your token name unique and unexpected.

Understanding Randomness

Randomness in LLMs affects the likelihood of selecting the most probable word. Higher randomness can result in more creative and less predictable outcomes. This feature ensures your token stands out, rather than conforming to the most common results.

Comprehensive Deployment Options also integrates text-to-image models, enabling the creation of visuals for your token based on prompts. Tokens can be launched on multiple blockchains including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Optimism, Polygon, Base, BSC, Sepolia, and Solana. The process is straightforward: connect a wallet, enter prompts, and deploy.

Future Enhancements

Upcoming features include support for Google Gemini and GrokAI, the ability to bring your own model, Uniswap V3 deployments, Coinbase smart wallet support, and more.

We are excited to announce our partnership with Aerodrome on the Base network! veAERO lockers who vote for the APX-WETH pool will share weekly revenue and trading fees from the Aerodrome pair. Additionally, we will begin providing voting incentives for the APX-WETH liquidity pool on AerodromeFi. This means APX-WETH liquidity providers on the Base network can earn $AERO rewards by staking LP tokens on AerodromeFi. It's an excellent opportunity to maximize your returns: vote, farm, lock, and vote again to grow $APX, the first AI-deployed token. Join us in this innovative venture and let's grow together!

Join the AI-Driven Revolution offers a unique opportunity to create tokens without the risks associated with human developers. Standardized, transparent, and customizable contracts ensure security and innovation. Dive into, explore its features, and take a pioneering step in the world of AI-driven crypto development.

For more details and to join the $APX community, visit