Google has added the Gemini AI model to the sidebar of Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drive for paying users.

In Gmail, the neural network will help you compose an email, get answers to questions, and find specific information from incoming letters or Google Drive files.

To make it easier to get started with AI, Gemini will provide hints. The new functionality is also available in the email client application on Android and iOS.

Examples of using Gemini in other Google services:

- in Docs, the neural network will help you write and refine content, summarize information, and conduct brainstorming;

- in Slides using Gemini you can create new slides and images, summarize presentations;

- in Sheets - organize and track data, create tables, generate formulas;

- in Drive, the AI ​​panel allows you to summarize information and get brief information about the project.

In May, Google adapted the Gemini AI model for integration into its search system.

Previously, the corporation introduced new features based on artificial intelligence to speed up content creation on YouTube.

Let's remember that in April Meta added the Meta AI AI assistant to WhatsAp, Instagram, Facebook and Messenger.

In June, Apple announced the addition of ChatGPT to Siri and other services on iOS, iPadOS and macOS, as well as a major Apple Intelligence initiative.#ЛюбимыйТокен