What is Telegram’s free airdrop game “Catizen”?

Following the success of the airdrop of Telegram’s free game “Notcoin”, there are more and more games in the TON ecosystem. The gameplay of this type of game is quite simple. Most of them can earn in-game tokens by tapping the mobile phone screen with your fingers. The official will allocate airdrops based on the number of tokens.

A recent free cat petting game "Catiaen" has a similar formula. It can also be played for free on Telegram. The core gameplay is also Tap to Earn, but the details are different.

The game concept of "Catiaen" is for players to run a cat cafe. When customers go to the store to pet their cats, players can earn game tokens. There are three types of tokens provided in this game: vKitty, FishCoins and $xZEN.

When will the "Catizen" game be airdropped?

The "Catiaen" game currently has more than 22 million players, and has promised to airdrop 42% of the supply of tokens when it is launched. However, the specific airdrop time is to be determined, and the token economics have not yet been made public, which means players cannot yet know the total supply of tokens. and specific allocation methods.

It should be noted that the official airdrop rules of “Catiaen” have not yet been disclosed. Foreign media in the currency circle "Decrypt" speculated that the airdrop conditions may be related to the cat coins and cat levels held by players. To be on the safe side, you can also find ways to get more fish coins or purple cat coins while playing for free.

How to play the game "Catizen"?

The "Catiaen" game currently supports two blockchains: TON and Mantle. The following uses the TON version as an example to briefly introduce the gameplay teaching of "Catiaen".

1. Enter the game through Telegram

You can open the Telegram bot of "Catizen" through the game link (click me), and click the "Play" button below to enter the game.

一張含有 文字, 螢幕擷取畫面, 多媒體, 軟體 的圖片

自動產生的描述Source: Telegram
"Catizen" free cat petting game tutorial

2. Click 12 times continuously to place the cat

Next, you can continuously click the button below to place cats. Each time you place a cat, you need to spend some cat coins (vKITTY). After the placement is completed, customers will walk into the store one after another and automatically pet the cat, allowing players to earn more tokens.

一張含有 文字, 螢幕擷取畫面, 卡通 的圖片

自動產生的描述Source: Telegram
"Catizen" free cat petting game tutorial

3. Combine cats to upgrade

If you want to earn more tokens, players need to upgrade their cats. The upgrade method is very simple: just move the cats in the 12 grids so that the cats of the same level can be combined.

一張含有 螢幕擷取畫面, 卡通, 動畫 的圖片

自動產生的描述Source: Telegram
"Catizen" free cat petting game tutorial

4. Earn tokens even when offline

Catizen will automatically earn tokens even if players take a break from work to do other things. There is also a more lazy method of using the "Auto" function in the lower right corner to operate automatically throughout the entire process, but this requires spending another game token "FishCoins", which is very scarce in the early stages of the game.

一張含有 文字, 螢幕擷取畫面, 軟體, 多媒體軟體 的圖片

自動產生的描述Source: Telegram
"Catizen" free cat petting game tutorial

"Catizen" game simple guide

How to earn vKitty in "Catizen"

  1. Try to continuously upgrade the cats on the field to increase the number of cat coins you can earn per second.

  2. If necessary, you can click "Feed" to buy a cat that meets your needs. The Feed will also appear regularly and you can get cats for free.

  3. It is best not to leave a level 1 cat alone on the field, otherwise it will easily occupy the vacancy due to being unable to be combined at the end of the game, and you will have to go to the feed to purchase an additional level 1 cat to combine.

  4. Click the rocket button to find the free accelerator, which doubles the efficiency of earning coins and can be used for free every once in a while.

Source: Telegram
"Catizen" free cat airdrop game simple guide

How to earn FishCoins in "Catizen"

  1. Earn fish coins by completing community tasks and inviting friends to play.

  2. Purchase through the in-game store (real money required, not recommended)

  3. Fish coins can be used to play the fishing mini-game (Fishing), and each entry requires 84 fish coins.

Source: Telegram
"Catizen" free cat airdrop game simple guide

"Catizen" How to Earn Purple Cat Coins ($xZEN)

This is a special in-game token that can currently only be obtained by inviting friends and raising the friend's invitation level (Fren Level Up).

Source: Telegram
"Catizen" free cat airdrop game simple guide

"Catizen" promises: donate 1% of income to stray cat charity organizations

It is worth mentioning that "Catizen" recently announced the launch of the "CatizenVibe: Heal the World" project, pledging to donate 1% of its income to charities dedicated to saving stray cats around the world. Let online cat petting also contribute to the real cat world.

If the rewards from the "Catizen" airdrop are not satisfactory, then you can think on the bright side: every time I play this game, a stray cat in the world may be helped.

[Disclaimer] There are risks in the market, so investment needs to be cautious. This article does not constitute investment advice, and users should consider whether any opinions, views or conclusions contained in this article are appropriate for their particular circumstances. Invest accordingly and do so at your own risk.