
TRB today's market analysis is as follows:

1 hour level: It shows a callback market, that is, the current price has a downward adjustment trend.

2/4 hour level: Both show that the bulls have the upper hand, that is, the price may rise.

4 hour level bull-bear watershed: located near the position of 101.188. This price is an important reference point for judging the strength of the bulls and bears.

If the price can stand firm at the price of 101.188, the bulls will continue to push the price up.

The upward target pressure level is expected to be near the three positions of 103.770, 105.138 and 106.353.

If the price cannot stand firm at the price of 101.188, the bears may dominate, causing the price to fall.

The downward target support level is expected to be near the three positions of 99.441, 98.150 and 96.858.

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