Regarding the recent Bitcoin pullback, it is the American miners who are hitting the market again. Because Bitcoin fell below $60,000, miners started to lose money, so they had to sell Bitcoin to maintain a balance of income and expenditure. More importantly, all ETF buyers are now at a loss. So the best time to enter the market is when miners start panic selling, and we have to enter the market.

Whether in the cryptocurrency circle or the financial market, as long as you think and act faster than others, you can make money. This is a well-known truth in the financial market. However, thinking and action are two different things. Many people are only willing to think, but for various reasons they are too lazy to act, and eventually miss a great opportunity.

We should dare to try new things, because opportunities are often born in new things. DeFi in the 20s, GameFi and Metaverse in 2021, Inscription in 2023, and this year's AI and MEME sectors are all huge business opportunities. Some people seize the opportunity and realize a surge in wealth, while others fail to seize the opportunity and can only watch. The market always follows a rule: those who come first get the meat, and those who come later get the money for free. It's just that the size of the opportunity will lead to different times and amplitudes. We should be more bloodbathed, and learn to recognize whether there are pitfalls in every new thing, and don't follow the crowd.

Take this year's AI and MEME sectors as an example. There must be opportunities at the beginning. As long as you react quickly enough, you can make money before others.

Market analysis:


The market is in line with the expectation of a pullback to 645. Today, we will continue to look for an upward breakthrough. If it reaches 645, we can take profit and observe the volume of long positions. The recent contract and option delivery fluctuations will not be too large.


The market is in line with expectations, and we will continue to see a rebound to 3550 today;


The MEME sector rebounded yesterday, and PEPE started to move upward again, but as mentioned before, if altcoins fall too much, they will rebound. Don’t chase highs and wait patiently.

We can observe the BTC/ETH indicator. Since March, the Ethereum indicator has been weakening until it fell below 0.05 and the altcoin began to accelerate its decline. However, after the bottom was formed at 0.044 on May 16, the altcoin began to strengthen and no longer followed Bitcoin. Therefore, the strength and weakness of the altcoin should refer to the exchange rate more in the future.

The reason why Mr. Dan can lead a community of tens of thousands of people is that in addition to his solid technical skills, he is also constantly learning.

As long as we believe that we can make money in this field, we can surpass more than 90% of people! It was so in the past, it is so now, and it will be even more so in the future!

Mainly focus on spot TD631313