#TAO $TAO Market Interpretation:

Short vs. Long, who will have the last laugh?

From the chart, TAO's 1/2 hour level is indeed under the control of the short side, but interestingly, the 4-hour level is clearly on the side of the long side. This situation of long and short interweaving reminds people of the old saying: "Investment is like a battlefield, and every step requires caution."

In such a battlefield, it is particularly worth paying attention to the position of the 4-hour long-short watershed-281.83. This position is like a high ground on the battlefield. Which side can defend or conquer this high ground may have a significant impact on the subsequent battle.

For the short side, the pressure level is near the three prices of 272.57, 265.54 and 258.82. Once the price falls below these positions, the short side may take advantage of the opportunity to pursue and further expand the results.

For the bulls, the support levels are located near the three prices of 294.31, 302.63 and 306.78. If the bulls can successfully hold these positions and successfully counterattack, the price of TAO may return to the upward track.

Investors need to be vigilant at all times, carefully judge market trends, and formulate reasonable investment strategies!

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