#BB $BB BB long orders to eat meat, yesterday's intraday short-term prompt to go long, asking everyone to focus on the long-short watershed near 0.3747,

The market broke the 4-hour long-short price and went long all the way to reach the upper target.

BB market overview, the opportunity to make money is right in front of you!

The current BB trend, the 1/4 hour level is dominated by the short side, but the 2-hour level yellow signal point suggests a rebound opportunity!

Focus on the 4-hour level long-short price of 0.4071, which is the key point of the market turning point!

Upward breakthrough, target price 0.4441, 0.4596, 0.4706, rich profits are waiting for you!

Downward bottoming, pay attention to the support level 0.3666, 0.3511, 0.3356, short-term operations also have surprises!

Investment is risky, enter the market with caution. But opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, come and join us, and seize the opportunity to make money in BB!

If you need to pay attention to the signal points below, please pay attention. Live broadcast with real orders every day, pay attention to the changes in signal points in real time, even novices can master the code of wealth. If you need to analyze the search for the copycat points, please click cfst115#bb空军集合地 #BB趋势 #BB交易 #BB币