PCE will be released tomorrow night, let's talk about the impact on the market

The release of the US core PCE price index for the first quarter at 20:30 tomorrow night has the following potential impacts on the cryptocurrency market:

1. Inflation expectations: If the PCE index shows rising inflation, it may increase expectations of the Fed's interest rate hikes, thereby affecting the cryptocurrency market, because interest rate hikes usually lead to funds flowing to safer assets such as bonds and reduce demand for risky assets such as cryptocurrencies.

2. Monetary policy: The core PCE index is one of the key indicators for the Fed to formulate monetary policy. If the data shows inflationary pressure, the Fed may adopt a tighter policy, which may put pressure on the cryptocurrency market.

3. Market sentiment: Investors' concerns about inflation will affect their views on cryptocurrencies. If the market expects inflation to lead to an economic slowdown or policy tightening, this may reduce investment in cryptocurrencies.

4. Liquidity: Inflation data will affect market liquidity. If inflation is high, it may lead to liquidity tightening, which will have a negative impact on liquidity-sensitive assets such as cryptocurrencies.

In short, the core PCE price index is an important factor affecting the Fed's policies and market sentiment, which in turn indirectly affects the cryptocurrency market.

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