I don't recommend financial novices who have no common sense to come to the cryptocurrency circle. If you don't even understand the A-share market and some basic financial knowledge, and you come here with the idea of ​​crossing classes, I will tell you that the tuition is very expensive, so expensive that you will never be able to turn over in your life. How many people, because of the so-called dream of crossing classes, finally led to real class crossing, from the middle class to being heavily in debt, and indeed crossed in the opposite direction. Moreover, don't worry about whether it is a bull market or a bear market now. In fact, the adjustments during this round of bull market can be called a bear market. From March to June now, it is indeed a bear market. In fact, this bull market can be called a cross-bull and bear market. Since last year, the market has no longer followed the rules of the historical bull market, which has caused those players who tried to replicate the past bull market to make mistakes again and again. #BTC

#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布 #新币挖矿