Now that the loss is so great, even online ride-hailing cars can no longer be operated.

The performance of “Carrot Run” in Wuhan is amazing!

On May 15, 1,000 cars were invested, with an average of 20 orders per car per day, and 600,000 orders were completed in one month. It only costs about 7 yuan to run 10 kilometers. The main feature is cheap, and it is actually profitable! The cost of running an online ride-hailing car by tram is 20 cents per kilometer. Add insurance maintenance and personnel costs, and passengers will get 20 yuan for a 10-kilometer taxi ride at the cheapest price. In the past month, “Carrot Run” has directly confused online ride-hailing and taxi drivers.

…Last time, cars replaced horse-drawn carriages, and the coachmen lost their jobs. What should we do this time?

AI era.