BounceBit (BB): An innovative pioneer in Bitcoin re-staking

Since the beginning of 2024, restaking has become a hot topic in the cryptocurrency space, and BounceBit (BB) is a rising star in this field. BounceBit is a restaking chain designed specifically for Bitcoin, through which users can restake Bitcoin (BTC) or its liquid staking tokens (such as StBBTC) and earn profits.

What is BounceBit (BB)?

BounceBit (BB) is a revolutionary cryptocurrency that aims to provide Bitcoin holders with more profit opportunities. The platform utilizes a re-staking mechanism that enables users to earn additional returns by staking their Bitcoin or liquid staking tokens. This innovative re-staking solution not only improves the liquidity of Bitcoin assets, but also provides investors with new ways to earn returns.

Advantages of re-staking

Re-staking is the process of re-staking already pledged assets to earn more returns. BounceBit enables users to maximize the earning potential of their Bitcoin assets through this mechanism. Here are some of the main advantages of re-staking:

  1. Increase income: By re-staking, users can get more returns based on the original income.

  2. Improve liquidity: Re-collateralized tokens (such as StBBTC) can be freely traded in the market, improving the liquidity of assets.

  3. Reduce risk: Diversifying investments across different staking platforms can effectively reduce the risk of a single platform.

Binance Support

On April 18, Binance, the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange, announced that BounceBit (BB) would be the first project on its new token issuance platform Meqadrop. This news quickly attracted the attention of investors and brought more market recognition and support to BounceBit.

BounceBit's Investment Potential

Is BounceBit worth investing in? Here are some factors worth considering:

  1. Innovative technology: BounceBit provides Bitcoin holders with a new income channel through the re-staking mechanism. This innovative technology has broad development prospects.

  2. Strong platform support: As the first project of Binance Meqadrop, BounceBit has been endorsed and supported by the world's leading crypto exchange.

  3. Market demand:With the continuous development of the crypto market, re-staking, as a new form of investment, is gradually being accepted and recognized by more investors.

BounceBit: Bitcoin re-staking and EVM-compatible Layer1 network

BounceBit is a Layer 1 network focused on Bitcoin re-staking, compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and supervised by Mainnet Digital and Ceffu. The project not only plans to expand to multiple assets such as USDT and DAI, but also provides a revolutionary infrastructure that can manage the flow of Bitcoin assets in a hybrid system of centralized finance (CeFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi).

Key Features and Benefits

Multi-asset support and EVM compatibility: BounceBit is committed to supporting multiple assets, including mainstream digital assets other than Bitcoin, and expands its application scenarios through compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

CeFi + DeFi Integration: Through the CeFi and DeFi framework, BounceBit allows Bitcoin holders to earn yields from multiple channels, combining original centralized financial returns and on-chain decentralized financial rewards.

Income opportunities: Users can earn income by staking BTC and mining on the BounceBit chain, while participating in on-chain applications and Bounce Launchpad projects to open up more income opportunities.

Ecosystem benefits

BounceBit offers three types of income opportunities for Bitcoin holders:

Original CeFi income: Obtain stable income through staking and investment on centralized financial platforms.

Node operation rewards: Participate in operating a BTC staking node on the BounceBit chain and enjoy the node operation reward mechanism.

On-chain Applications and Launchpad Opportunities: Participate in BounceBit’s on-chain application and project launchpads and earn revenue from the success and growth of your projects.

Development and planning

So far, BounceBit has successfully deployed a test network and plans to launch the main network in April. Despite its short establishment time, its test network deployment has attracted more than $545 million in total locked value (TVL), showing strong market acceptance and ecological development potential.

BounceBit Development Team and Investors

Development Team and Founders

BounceBit was created by an anonymous development team, but its founder is named JackL. JackL has been a co-founder of Bounce since 2020 and founded BounceBit in 2024. Although the development team is anonymous, the background and experience of the founders inject deep industry insights and leadership into the project.

Seed round financing

BounceBit has successfully raised $6 million in seed round financing, led by Breyer Capital, Blockchain Capital, dao5, CMS, BanklessVentures and other well-known funds. In addition, angel investors also actively participated. Although the specific investment amount has not been disclosed, their support provides strong financial support for the initial development of the project.

Cooperation and support with Binance

Binance Labs’ recent investment in BounceBit has attracted a lot of attention. Although the specific investment amount has not been disclosed, Binance Labs has indicated that they will support BounceBit in expanding the functionality of Bitcoin and promoting its development as a traditional value storage tool.

In addition, BounceBit, as the first project of Megadrop, Binance's newly launched token issuance platform, has further enhanced its popularity and recognition in the blockchain community. Users can participate in BNB lock-up products or complete specific tasks through the Binance Web3 wallet to obtain BounceBit's airdrop rewards and contribute to the growth and development of the project.

These factors together position BounceBit as a leader in Bitcoin re-staking and DeFi integration, bringing innovation and long-term value to the blockchain ecosystem.
How BounceBit works

BounceBit Protocol Overview

BounceBit Protocol: An innovative platform integrating BTC and DeFi

BounceBit Protocol is an innovative blockchain bridge designed to help users convert mainstream tokens such as BTC, BTCB, USDT into wrappable tokens. These wrapped tokens can be used for staking to become node validators and thus participate in the protocol's ecosystem.

Core functions and advantages

Token packaging and staking: Users can use BounceBit to convert assets such as BTC, BTCB, USDT, etc. into wrapped tokens required for staking, such as BUSDT, BETH, etc. These tokens can not only be used for node verification, but also participate in a variety of dApps on BounceClub, and earn lucrative profits through participation.

Multiple sources of income opportunities: In addition to staking node verification, the BounceBit protocol also supports users to increase income in two other ways:

  • CEX exchange funding rate arbitrage: Utilize the differences in funding rates of centralized exchanges to conduct arbitrage operations and achieve stable returns.

  • Fixed income products: Investment products that provide fixed income, providing users with a stable and predictable source of income.

Ecosystem and development prospects

The BounceBit protocol is designed to integrate traditional centralized finance (CEFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi), providing Bitcoin holders with diversified income opportunities and flexible asset utilization methods. Through its innovative wrapped tokens and diversified income paths, BounceBit has demonstrated strong market competitiveness and long-term development potential in the DeFi field.

These features make BounceBit an indispensable part of the blockchain ecosystem, providing users with safe and efficient staking and investment opportunities, helping them achieve financial appreciation and asset growth in the cryptocurrency market.

BounceClub: Redefining blockchain application development

BounceClub: An innovative dApp development platform

Inspired by Apple's business model, BounceBit launched the concepts of BounceClub and BounceBit App Store, aiming to completely subvert the traditional way of blockchain application development.

Core Concept and Function

Programming Toolkit: BounceClub provides projects and developers with a powerful programming toolkit for quickly building and deploying dApps on blockchain networks. Similar to downloading apps from the App Store on an iPhone, BounceClub owners can easily choose protocols listed on the BounceBit App Store (Web3 plugin library) to customize their BounceClub without writing code.

User-friendly customization: BounceClub users, whether developers or individuals, can easily customize. Even people without coding skills can create and manage their own BounceClub through simple interface operations. This development method without writing code greatly reduces the threshold for participation, allowing more people to participate in the innovation and development of blockchain applications.

BounceBit PoS Chain: An Innovative Network with Enhanced Security and Participation

BounceBit PoS Chain: An Innovative Dual-Token Layer 1 Network

BounceBit PoS chain is a dual-token Layer 1 network designed to improve network security and participant participation. The network structure contains 50 validators, divided into two parts: one for participants who stake BTC and the other for participants who stake BB tokens. This dual-token system not only expands the stakeholder base, but also adds additional flexibility and security to the network's consensus mechanism.

Core architecture and features

Dual Token System: BounceBit's PoS architecture uses a dual token system, allowing participants to choose to stake their BB or BTC to actively participate in validating transactions and obtain transaction fee rewards. Staking BBTC or BB tokens can obtain liquid staking tokens (such as stBBTC or stBB), which not only increases participants' profit opportunities, but also improves the overall security of the network.

Node operation and consensus: Users can entrust their BB and BTC to node operators to participate in the network's consensus process. This approach not only encourages wider community participation, but also ensures the stability and reliability of network operations.

No minimum coin holding requirement: BounceBit PoS chain allows any user holding BB or BTC to participate, without any minimum coin holding requirement, thus lowering the participation threshold and enabling more users to enjoy the opportunity to participate in the blockchain network.

Shared Security Client (SSC): Driving the Security and Potential of the Restaking Ecosystem

Shared Security Client (SSC): A key component of the restaking ecosystem

The Shared Security Client (SSC) is a key application in the Restake ecosystem, designed to maximize the potential of the ecosystem and improve the security of services. SSC is able to play various sidechain roles, including fast finality layer, data availability layer, virtual machine, guardian network, oracle network, bridge, etc.

Core functions and application scenarios

Multifunctional sidechain support: SSC supports multiple sidechains, which play a key role in the entire ecosystem, providing fast finality confirmation, efficient data availability, a secure virtual machine operating environment, and bridging the interconnection between different blockchains.

Security Enhancement: By accepting staked tokens such as stBBTC or stBB, SSC improves the security of the service. Users can re-stake LST (liquid staked tokens) on SSC and receive corresponding rewards from it. This mechanism not only increases the overall security of the network, but also provides additional economic incentives for users.

Ecosystem Optimization: The introduction of SSC has promoted the optimization and development of the re-staking ecosystem. By providing diversified functions and security guarantees, it attracts more users and developers to participate in the ecosystem and promotes its continued growth and innovation.

BB Coin: The core asset of the BounceBit platform

BB Coin is the native cryptocurrency of the BounceBit platform. It has multiple uses and a wide range of application scenarios, making it an indispensable part of the ecosystem:

1. Participate in the PoS dual-currency staking mechanism: BB coins allow users to actively participate in BounceBit's PoS dual-currency staking mechanism. By staking BB coins, users can become network security validators and obtain corresponding staking rewards.

2. Pay Gas Fees: When conducting transactions and executing smart contracts on the BounceBit platform, you need to use BB coins to pay Gas fees, which ensures the efficiency and sustainability of the platform operation.

3. Liquidity and universal currency: BB coin, as a liquid and universal currency on the platform, can be used in various applications and infrastructures. It is not only a medium of exchange, but also a value storage tool with composability, interoperability and cross-chain compatibility.

4. Participate in on-chain governance: Holders can use BB coins to participate in the on-chain governance of the BounceBit platform, such as voting protocol upgrades or other important decisions, thereby directly influencing the future development direction of the platform.

5. Pillar of the Ecosystem: As the pillar asset of the BounceBit ecosystem, BB coin not only plays an important role in security and economic incentives, but also promotes the healthy growth of the ecosystem and the improvement of user engagement.

The versatility and wide applicability of BB Coin have made it the focus of investors and users, and also laid a solid foundation for the long-term development of the BounceBit platform.
BB Token Economics Overview

The economic design of the BB token is intended to ensure its long-term sustainability and community engagement. The following is important economic information about the BB token:

Total Supply and Distribution: The total supply of BB tokens is capped at 2,100,000,000, a symbolic reference to the total supply of Bitcoin (21 million). In the initial phase, part of the BB token supply will be used for liquidity, and the remaining tokens will be distributed as future equity rewards.

Initial Token Distribution:

  • Binance Megadrop: 8% (168 million), unlocked at TGE (Token Generation Event).

  • Liquidity providers: 3%, unlocked on TGE.

  • Testnet incentives: 4%, unlocked on TGE.

  • Advisors: 5%, locked for 12 months, then unlocked 2.5% per month

  • Team: 10%, locked for 12 months, then unlocked 2.5% per month

  • BounceClub and ecological reserves: 14%, 4.5% unlocked by TGE, then locked for 12 months, and then 5% unlocked every month.

  • Investors: 21%, locked for 12 months, then unlocked 5% per month.

  • Staking rewards: 35%, unlocked over 10 years.

These distribution strategies are designed to ensure that the initial distribution of BB tokens is fair and orderly, while providing stable economic support for future community building and ecosystem development.

Purpose of BB Tokens:

  • Staking and Rewards: Users can stake BB tokens to participate in BounceBit's PoS mechanism and obtain corresponding rewards.

  • Transactions and Gas Fees: BB tokens are used on the BounceBit platform to pay for gas fees required for transactions and execution of smart contracts.

  • Ecosystem participation and governanceBB tokens: Holders can use BB tokens to participate in the governance of the ecosystem, such as voting for protocol upgrades and important decisions.

As more and more users join the network, the number of BounceBit tokens will adjust based on all crypto-economic activities on the platform. In addition, BB is complementary to Bitcoin and is deeply integrated into the Bitcoin ecosystem.
The following is the BB coin token issuance schedule:

BBTC coin introduction

BBTC is a token on the BounceBit platform. Its main function is to introduce Bitcoin (BTC) into the BounceBit ecosystem and give it enhanced functions and diversified uses. The following is a detailed introduction to BBTC:

Function and use: BBTC can be regarded as a wrapped version of Bitcoin, and its purpose is to enhance the use of BTC in the BounceBit ecosystem, beyond the traditional use of value storage. BBTC is bridged to the BounceBit platform through BTC Bridge technology. Once transferred to the platform, these tokens will be uniformly mapped and represented as BBTC, ensuring consistency within the platform and convenience of operation.

Cross-chain transfer and bridging: BTC Bridge is responsible for handling cross-chain transfers of BBTC, which is achieved through the BTC re-staking verification infrastructure. The introduction of BBTC enables BTC tokens on the native Bitcoin chain and various Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible chains to be seamlessly connected to the BounceBit ecosystem. This bridging technology not only expands the scope of BBTC's application, but also increases the overall functionality of the platform.

Liquidity Staking and Yield Opportunities: On the BounceBit platform, BBTC holders can stake their funds to node operators and receive Liquidity Staking Products (LSD) in return for their staking. These LSD can be re-injected into infrastructure such as BTC Bridge, Oracles, and Data Availability Layers to further enhance the security and functionality of the platform.
Advantages of BounceBit (BB)

As a staking protocol focused on the Bitcoin network, BounceBit is significantly different from many staking protocols in the Ethereum ecosystem and has the following significant advantages:

Combination of CeFi and DeFi: BounceBit integrates centralized finance (CeFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi), and this feature runs through the entire platform system. Users can participate in DeFi applications such as mining and lending by staking BBTC or BB on the platform, and can benefit from the funding rate profits of centralized exchanges. This combination improves the efficiency of capital utilization, allowing users to participate in a wider range of financial activities while maintaining asset security.

Dual Token Model: The BounceBit network adopts the PoS (Proof of Stake) mechanism, in which 50 validators are divided into two groups according to the dual token model: BBTC and BB. This design not only expands the participant base of the BounceBit network, but also enhances the security and decentralization of the entire platform. Through the dual token model, users can choose to stake BBTC or BB to participate in verification and transactions, thereby jointly maintaining network security and obtaining corresponding rewards.

High liquidity and interoperability: Since BounceBit is designed to enable BBTC to bridge to assets on Bitcoin and other EVM-compatible chains, this enhances the platform's liquidity and cross-chain interoperability. Users can easily transfer and manage assets between different blockchains without worrying about complex technical details, while enjoying a wider range of financial services.

Innovative ecosystem support: BounceBit not only provides basic functions of staking and mining, but also supports developers and project builders to quickly deploy and customize dApps through the ecosystem of BounceClub and BounceBit App Store. This support promotes the emergence of more innovations and provides users and developers with rich and diverse application scenarios and business opportunities.

BounceBit Future Outlook and Price Prediction

BounceBit's token economics combines traditional financial concepts with cutting-edge blockchain technology, marking a major advancement in the financial sector. By introducing Bitcoin to its PoS network and providing innovative staking solutions, BounceBit not only enhances the utility of BTC, but also sets a new standard for token economics. As the platform continues to develop, it is expected to become the core of the next generation of blockchain infrastructure, providing users, holders and validators with a stable, secure and scalable environment to help them develop digital assets.

Regarding price predictions, it is expected that the price of BB coin may rise by the end of the year. Some market observers pointed out that BB coin may reach a level of about $0.9335. Meanwhile, some investment research institutions such as Walletinvestor are more optimistic and predict that BB coin may rise to about $3.487.

However, it should be noted that the future value of BounceBit (BB) is uncertain and speculative. Factors such as project updates, blockchain technology advancements, and the overall state of the market will affect its potential growth. Therefore, as an investor, before making any investment decision, it is important to conduct sufficient research and due diligence to better understand and evaluate BounceBit's performance and potential in the market.
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