
In-depth analysis of BOME's market today

In today's BOME market, the market trend showed a clear advantage for the bulls. Especially in the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour time frames, the bulls showed strong momentum. Among them, we need to pay special attention to the market changes at the 4-hour level.

First, let's focus on the 4-hour level of the bull-bear watershed. This position is near 0.009011, which is a key decision point. If BOME can successfully stand at this price, the bulls will be expected to be further consolidated and expanded.

Once the price of 0.009011 is established, the bulls' upward target will point to a higher price area. Specifically, we will focus on three key upward pressure levels: 0.009184, 0.009315 and 0.009456.

However, the market is always full of uncertainty. If BOME cannot stand at the price of 0.009011, the bears will have the opportunity to intervene in the market. In this case, we need to pay attention to three key downward support levels: 0.008879, 0.008744 and 0.008618.

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