Investment opportunities are here!

In the current daily rebound, the yellow dot long buy signal has lit up, indicating a good time for the market to rise!

Keep an eye on the 4-hour level long and short price of 0.014545. As long as this position is maintained,

Once the yellow dot appears again and closes, it is a great opportunity for us to get on the long order! #NOT币有前景吗 #NOT🔥🔥🔥

The pressure levels are around 0.015023, 0.015713 and 0.016308 respectively.

If the 4-hour long and short prices are broken, we can switch to the 1-hour level to find the short buy signal of the purple dot.

The support level below is around 0.013826, 0.013246 and 0.012645. #NOT盤整噴發 #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC $ETH $NOT