6.26 Morning Analysis

On the daily chart, the long-lost positive line finally appeared. Although it was a small rise, it marked a positive sign of actual buying by the duotou in the past week.

Combined with the K-line trend, we can see the market's firm attitude towards stopping the iteration in the long-term trend, indicating that the downward trend at the daily level may usher in a correction trend. As for whether it can build a weekly M top and continue to fall, the kongtou still needs to go through a series of tests.

In the medium-term market structure, the price successfully reached 61,800 and broke through successfully. However, since it failed to bottom out for the second time yesterday, whether the market will test the bottom in the future remains to be seen. However, given the breakthrough of 61,800, regardless of whether there is another bottoming action, the probability of the market going up to around 65,000 in the future has been greatly boosted.

In the short term, since the V-reverse market started, the price has quickly climbed to 61,800. Although the duokong and kong sides fought fiercely after reaching this price, the upward trend is still stable. Next, we will wait and see, wait for the market to form a stable shock structure, and seize the opportunity to do doubles, which will be a more stable strategy for short-term trading.

Big Pie: Double around 61500, looking at 62800

Second Pie: Double around 3380, looking at 3450