🚨🏛️ Hack #BTCTurk : #Binance comes to the rescue and saves 5 million $

💎 On Saturday June 22, the BTCTurk exchange platform alerted its users that a hack was in progress. According to the first announcement published on the official website of the exchange, it seems that around ten hot wallets have been impacted. Thus, the hacker made numerous unauthorized withdrawals. The platform's cold wallets would not have been impacted.

💎 In its announcement, the exchange attempts to reassure users by announcing that its financial capacity is “much greater” than the amounts stolen during the attack.

💎 However, the platform has been paused while an internal investigation can be carried out and to verify that the flaw has been corrected.

🟢 Finally, the markets gradually reopened between Sunday June 23 and Monday June 24.

🟢 Unfortunately, the total amount of the damage has not yet been communicated by BTCTurk. However, it could amount to several tens of millions of dollars.

🚨🏛️ Impact of the attack and rescue of Binance.

🔶 A few hours after the attack, the price of the token #AVAX of the Avalanche blockchain recorded a fall of 10% and Richard Teng, the current #CEO of Binance revealed that he had managed to get his hands on part of the funds.

🔶 Thus, the Binance teams would have managed to seize $5.3 million from the attack. The funds had passed through the exchange and Binance was able to freeze them.

🎯 However, this is only a tiny part of the total amount stolen from BTCTurk. Indeed, AVAX assets alone represent $54 million. Thus, it is very likely that other millions of losses have been recorded on other chains.