If you make a lot of money in the cryptocurrency circle, such as 100 million, and then withdraw it to the bank, will the source of funds be checked? ? ?

If you sell a large amount of digital currency every day and the funds reach more than 5 million, the bank may contact you and ask you to buy financial products, etc., or your account may be frozen for half a year due to frequent large-scale transactions.

If it involves illegal funds, the bank will have more severe measures, which may freeze the account for 6 months or even confiscate the funds. A small amount of illegal funds will be fined, and a large amount of illegal funds will be sentenced and may not be able to use the bank card for the next five years.

Don't be greedy or sell at a high price when trading, otherwise it may be illegal, and receiving illegal funds will be involved in a crime. Don't trade on digital currency trading platforms, find unfamiliar dealers or offline cash transactions, which are risky. If you want to withdraw cash, find an acquaintance to trade to ensure legality.

Don't keep the bank card for too long after the transaction or make frequent large transactions. You can withdraw cash in batches through Alipay. Large transactions are best handled at the counter.

In short, if the background is clean and the transaction is legal, the bank generally won't ask too many questions. If there is a bad record, the bank will review it in detail.

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