What is Copy Trading Strategy?


Copy trading is a form of investment strategy that allows individuals to automatically copy the trades and investment strategies of experienced and successful traders. It enables novice or less experienced investors to benefit from the expertise of seasoned traders without having to make their own trading decisions.

Key Features of Copy Trading

1) Automatic Replication

Description: Trades made by the selected experienced trader are automatically copied in the follower's account in real-time.

Benefit: Ensures that the follower benefits from the expert's decisions without manual intervention.

2) Proportional Investment

Description: The amount invested in each trade is proportional to the follower's investment size compared to the copied trader's investment.

Benefit: Aligns the follower's risk and reward with the copied trader's performance.

3) Transparency

Description: Followers can view the trading history, performance metrics, and risk levels of potential traders to copy.

Benefit: Provides detailed information to help followers make informed decisions on which traders to follow.

4) Control

Description: Followers can stop copying trades at any time, close individual trades, or adjust the amount allocated to copy trading.

Benefit: Provides flexibility and control over the investment process.


Copy trading offers a convenient way for novice and busy investors to participate in the markets by replicating the trades of experienced professionals. It provides access to expert knowledge, saves time, and can be a valuable learning tool. However, it also carries risks such as market fluctuations, dependency on the copied trader's performance, and potential fees.

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